There is a choice: Win the referendum and lose the election or forgo the referendum and win the elections.
I take it that the referendum is
OKOA Kenya. I have asked quite a few CORD supporters this question: What exactly is this referendum about? What are the key questions that people would be "voting" on? I have yet to get a clear answer. Or any kind of reasonable answer.
All of which leads to another question: how can so much hang on something that hardly anybody knows anything about?
If CORD manages to mobilize international resources it can force Jubilee to spend some of its enormous war chest on OKOA so that there is less for the elections in 2017.
Those with the "international resources" will, I imagine, first ask what OKOA is about before they pull out the cheque book. For its part, I don't see Jubilee (if sensible people are in charge) wasting money on countering an OKOA that is going nowhere.
There is a thread on which
Pundit summed it up quite well: Raila to forget the OKOAring and instead focus on what wins elections, i.e. (a) getting voters to register and (b) getting registered voters to turn out to vote. For whatever reason, those who lead CORD or advise the CORD leadership are unable or unwilling to focus on those.
The Uhuruto government is busy dishing out goodies---e.g. cheap electricity vs. okoa something---so Raila and CORD are already 10 metres behind the starting line. So why they are unable to focus on what needs to be done is a mystery.
Anyways ... back to the subject at hand: Boycotting would be a waste of time etc., as Omollo succinctly explains. But perhaps they should "sit out" this one, because they---to put it quite simply---don't seem hungry enough for a victory. There is no need for Jubilee/JAP to spend money or effort countering OKOA. Nor is there any need to rig anything. CORD right now simply doesn't have it. What's more, there is not the slightest inclination towards change. A pity. A real pity.