Author Topic: Dreamt about a frog last night  (Read 6755 times)

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Dreamt about a frog last night
« on: April 29, 2015, 08:12:32 AM »
In every dream at a different setting I was taking care of this frog. It began as a tiny frog and grew as I had more dreams. Towards the morning the frog was as big as a toad, actually bigger than a toad and I had to grasp it with my arms as it kept slipping and trying to hop away into dangerous places. People wanted to cut and eat my frog. So I ran after it and firmly clutched onto it, shielding it with my body as the mob drew closer. Then I woke up.

Weird. I think it may've been because I was viewing Keroppi stickers 12 hours before like Vooke suggested before. But this frog was slimy and real.