I think the lesson they can learn from Zim is to do early like Kenya did it. Kenya successfully kicked out about the same number of white farmers in about 1M Hectares of land btw 1960-1970s.
Zim didn't want to do it that way and left white farmers long while Mugabe-Brits kept postponing what flew in the face of anyone as being an evil anomaly..2% (or about 5,000) white farmers owning about 90% of all arable land in an African country? while the poor black without as much as anything to fallback is employed as farm help or cleaner or factory worker in small towns.
In RSA..it seem 40,000 whites own 80% of the land !!!!! That is unacceptable.
When a black south african loses his job as cleaner or factory worker..where does he fallback into? Where is his ushago? To fallback and restart life.
RSA have spent 20yrs now..since independence...and have managed to only transfer 9% of the land....soon enough a Malema will come to power and shit will it the fan.
Boers should transition into industries...while gov should give poorest of south africans free land...or land on loan.
The signs are already out there...violent crime and xenophobia...while growth has grounded to halt....they need to do something like radically divided the land for poor africans without option. A boer can get into a plane and get citizenship in any country in the world..and get really cheap land in America, Europe and Oceania..Canada is empty...what options does a black african has.
If you need to see RSA...you just need to visit kericho tea estates....the same mess...blacks living in small rooms without any progression education wise...living at mercy of one dude who owns 20,000 acres of land. I had rather any rural part of kenya than that. Yes there is running water,electricity, roads, and order (24-7)..but whose land, whose roads, whose law and order..the white farmer. If anything happen like low tea prices or bad weather..they are dispensable.
It's not genes at all. Just history. I just feel Zimbabwe is a lesson right next door. The only difference being that the South African is more urbanized therefore less equipped to farm and will have nowhere to run when shit hits the fan.
I believe they don't have new industries because the ANC have failed to market themselves to foreign investors instead focusing on unsustainable social programs. That's my gut feeling.
Focusing on the Boer is the usual blame-the-other habit that has them in the current situation to begin with. I agree apartheid messed them up pretty good. The ideal situation would be to compensate them.
But in some situations, the only way is to move forward. For the sake of posterity. There have been worse crimes in history.