Author Topic: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr  (Read 27343 times)

Offline Mwanabiashara

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2014, 06:14:51 PM »
Kimani wa Sideways; I heard it; i didn't claim to know for sure; So you either skip this thread and wait for one backed with a link or like Mansfield defend lazyness as "working smart".

If indeed Uhuru wakes up 10pm and became no 3....he should aim to become no coping Ruto's well known work ethics.

You heard that in Mavoko town or Litein, i also heard Ruto fwacks Kosgei {THE MUSICIAN} and he actually cried when he was married to Oga. Do you want to lecture me on 'what you heard' Or on waking up early, Look here Idiot, i dont have time to discuss Mushene with you, if you come here with a link then atleast we can discuss it, but been creative with idiocy like your xxx maneno is stooping too low. Uhuru is still ranked the  3rd most hard working president in Africa  and for that i have a link. Go discuss Mushene in bar as you sip chang'aa AND ENGAGE IN WISHFUL THINKING.

There you go again, obfuscating and mentioning names fwaaah. When did Ruto became the benchmark of  waking early,If Ruto is the Benchmark what about my House girl who wakes up at 4 am to study, The productivity and waking up early are too distinct they are not even related, we have people who wake up early because they want to run away from  their wives, others wake up early because of the insomnia they suffer worrying about their future carer, so until you come here also and show as how productivity and  been in office early relate shut your changaa smelling mouth, you old fool.

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest''

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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2014, 06:18:13 PM »
Simply not enough. Kenya remain one of world poorest countries. In all indices i have seen kenya averages normally on 130-150 out of 180 ranked countries. Kenya is only better compared to Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda and such wretched countries of the world.

I want Uhuru to show commitment and seriousness by understanding this is an historical chance to really transform the country.

Ruto seem seized of this historical opportunity. Uhuru need to understand by working extra hard and put in extra work he will be showing an example.

Uhuru head a gov whose productivity is well known to be very low...compared to private sector..and one of the reason...most civil servants including Uhuru or my local teachers in kapsenger primary report late and drunk...and leave early around lunch hr for their business. It a technical appearance at job. You cannot accomplish anything...however uber organized and smartly working you try.

Uhuru right now is doing biometrics...i suggest he goes further and employ the biometric check in and check out of civil servants...

And in the future...we may have to adopt the US's wage people are paid for hours they really clocked.

Uhuru has hired almost 20,000 police now,more police vehicle and other things,its kimaiyo job to take care of kenyans,if unable parliament sends him home,infact moi underinvested in security,he is the source of current security lapses,

Eurobond has been launched to lower cost of borrowing,from there is rotich and banks work moving forward not uhuru to see rates come down and grow economy,

energy projects from coal,geothermal and natural gas are being started to lower cost of energy and increase more power capacity from 1500-5000Mw by 2017,uhuru has played his part the rest of work is for engineers and their technicians to act on deadlines,

uhuru has started the SGR to lower cost of transport while upgrading port to increase efficiency and automating the custom system

the same uhuru is building 10,000Km of tarmac by 2016,while kibaki and kenyatta built just 14,000 in 50years,

Uhuru has devolved 32% above the constitutional threshold of 15%,while under moi regime nothing was devolved with massive corruption goin on in gov,

Uhuru is doing everything right,its upon people tasked with those jobs to finish them,with proper structures and systems everything is working,your and omollo is usesless propaganda based on your tribal political allegiances,idiots,

Without Prejudice.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2014, 06:20:32 PM »
I know for sure Ruto wakes up early...because when he was in min of agri...he used to do exactly that. These are famous people..we know what Uhuru is and what he isn't.  I am just suprised that while Ruto seem to have redoubled his effort and goes to job at dawn before sunrise...Uhuru arrives just for statehouse lunch...and then quickly leaves for his pent house hapo bishop hse valley arcade....where he entertains wakina sonko and other lowlifes...on jokes.
There you go again, obfuscating and mentioning names fwaaah. When did Ruto became the benchmark of  waking early,If Ruto is the Benchmark what about my House girl who wakes up at 4 am to study, The productivity and waking up early are too distinct they are not even related, we have people who wake up early because they want to run away from  their wives, others wake up early because of the insomnia they suffer worrying about their future carer, so until you come here also and show as how productivity and  been in office early relate shut your changaa smelling mouth, you old fool.

Offline Omollo

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2014, 06:27:29 PM »
Kimani would be the first to fire an employee who arrived at 10-ish to work and left after lunch.Its called a work ethic. If the top has none, those at the bottom keep theirs at home.

Uhuru wants to be CEO. You don't get that by being known to be lazy.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Mwanabiashara

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2014, 06:27:55 PM »
I know for sure Ruto wakes up early...because when he was in min of agri...he used to do exactly that. These are famous people..we know what Uhuru is and what he isn't.  I am just suprised that while Ruto seem to have redoubled his effort and goes to job at dawn before sunrise...Uhuru arrives just for statehouse lunch.
There you go again, obfuscating and mentioning names fwaaah. When did Ruto became the benchmark of  waking early,If Ruto is the Benchmark what about my House girl who wakes up at 4 am to study, The productivity and waking up early are too distinct they are not even related, we have people who wake up early because they want to run away from  their wives, others wake up early because of the insomnia they suffer worrying about their future carer, so until you come here also and show as how productivity and  been in office early relate shut your changaa smelling mouth, you old fool.

Nonsense, am not discussing with you about Ruto, Ruto also do many things that PORK dont do like (1.) He dont drink,. so if i wanted to discuss Ruto vs. Uhuru i would have waited for such a thread to be started, your small brains are showing again, If Ruto wakes up soo early, what has he done as DP that we should all look up to and say ' Bill the Early bird have done  these and these'.
Idiot, Am just telling to show me how been in office early and working hard are related, and from your blubbering above am yet to see it.

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest''

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Offline Georgesoros

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2014, 06:29:22 PM »
during the last years of Kifaki, things were getting done. Whatever that was in the works is what is being implemented.
I see little progress to accomodate the 5% pop growth, so the increase in crime.

Offline Mwanabiashara

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2014, 06:31:53 PM »
Kimani would be the first to fire an employee who arrived at 10-ish to work and left after lunch.Its called a work ethic. If the top has none, those at the bottom keep theirs at home.

Uhuru wants to be CEO. You don't get that by being known to be lazy.

The mad bitch, are you also part of the team that works like beast of burdens with zero productivity. From what your brother-in-blubbering has indicated above. WE CAN CONCLUDE THAT.

Ruto who wakes up very early has nothing to show for it, Uhuru who wakes at 10 was ranked the best Kenyan civil servants juzi and also the 3rd most hardworking president in Africa.

Facts are bitches. get going.

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest''

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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2014, 06:35:11 PM »
Let try to have a civil discourse. I am quite good in department of matusi.

You're asking for the impossible. Ruto is Uhuru deputy. Everything he does is by default credited to Uhuru. It could all good work we attributed to Uhuru are thanks to Ruto donkeys hours working from 5 (i like i heard). 

What we can easily establish is whether Uhuru report to work late and leave early or not. He himself admit to arriving 10ish if we go by Omollo.

If you think arriving late and possibly leaving early doesn't affect productivity; then i don't know what you last signature meant..we work while you sleep..and you tirade on luopeans.

Uhuru is a civil servant..not a muthamaki..he need to realize that.

Nonsense, am not discussing with you about Ruto, Ruto also do many things that PORK dont do like (1.) He dont drink,. so if i wanted to discuss Ruto vs. Uhuru i would have waited for such a thread to be started, your small brains are showing again, If Ruto wakes up soo early, what has he done as DP that we should all look up to and say ' Bill the Early bird have done  these and these'.
Idiot, Am just telling to show me how been in office early and working hard are related, and from your blubbering above am yet to see it.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2014, 06:40:06 PM »
When Ruto last had a min of agri and later high education..his productivity was well known. He was voted the best minister and deservedly so...despite raila making life impossible for him.

As we speak in short period  3 months..when Ruto was min of higher education (demotion) before being fired...Ruto reduced the waiting time for student joining public demanding university do double intake.

Long time problem from 1982 coup was solved...unlike some of us who spent 2hrs waiting for waiting period is max 10 months...min 2 months from KCSE release.

 Right now i suspect he is engine behind Jubilee..otherwise Uhuru has left the auto-pilot on.

Ruto who wakes up very early has nothing to show for it, Uhuru who wakes at 10 was ranked the best Kenyan civil servants juzi and also the 3rd most hardworking president in Africa.

Facts are bitches. get going.

Offline Mwanabiashara

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2014, 06:43:20 PM »
Let try to have a civil discourse. I am quite good in department of matusi.

You're asking for the impossible. Ruto is Uhuru deputy. Everything he does is by default credited to Uhuru. It could all good work we attributed to Uhuru are thanks to Ruto donkeys hours working from 5 (i like i heard). 

What we can easily establish is whether Uhuru report to work late and leave early or not. He himself admit to arriving 10ish if we go by Omollo.

If you think arriving late and possibly leaving early doesn't affect productivity; then i don't know what you last signature meant..we work while you sleep..and you tirade on luopeans.

Uhuru is a civil servant..not a muthamaki..he need to realize that.

Nonsense, am not discussing with you about Ruto, Ruto also do many things that PORK dont do like (1.) He dont drink,. so if i wanted to discuss Ruto vs. Uhuru i would have waited for such a thread to be started, your small brains are showing again, If Ruto wakes up soo early, what has he done as DP that we should all look up to and say ' Bill the Early bird have done  these and these'.
Idiot, Am just telling to show me how been in office early and working hard are related, and from your blubbering above am yet to see it.

Like i have told you , you are an old fool, am not Kimani ,am in Nairobi proper like right now, i hope that has sunk although i dont care, (2)Waking up early doers not automatically translate to working hard unless you have two issues 1) you are a bad manager 2) you dont trust your workforce.  I don't want to discus what you heard because i don't have time, but i just want your cornered head to realize that waking up early is not equal to be productive.

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest''

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #30 on: September 08, 2014, 06:50:13 PM »
Which one of you is the guest printing this thread? :o

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #31 on: September 08, 2014, 06:51:39 PM »
Concentrated nonsense from a moron.

Like i have told you , you are an old fool, am not Kimani ,am in Nairobi proper like right now, i hope that has sunk although i dont care, (2)Waking up early doers not automatically translate to working hard unless you have two issues 1) you are a bad manager 2) you dont trust your workforce.  I don't want to discus what you heard because i don't have time, but i just want your cornered head to realize that waking up early is not equal to be productive.

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2014, 06:56:36 PM »
The only thing the guy knows is matusi. He lacks the necessary skills to put up an argument and the factual facts that go with it.

Offline Mwanabiashara

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2014, 07:02:00 PM »
Concentrated nonsense from a moron.

Like i have told you , you are an old fool, am not Kimani ,am in Nairobi proper like right now, i hope that has sunk although i dont care, (2)Waking up early doers not automatically translate to working hard unless you have two issues 1) you are a bad manager 2) you dont trust your workforce.  I don't want to discus what you heard because i don't have time, but i just want your cornered head to realize that waking up early is not equal to be productive.

You are an idiot trying to bring your mushene and your wishful thinkig here like you did in .com, where you would wake up and Kimetrica hit your head and you would come to brag about it. Now after your lies were flashed out like a squirrel in a hole you want to engage us in what you heard. At what time was your boss in UN useed to report to work and when would he leave.

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest''

Adam Smith

Offline Mwanabiashara

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #34 on: September 08, 2014, 07:03:54 PM »
The only thing the guy knows is matusi. He lacks the necessary skills to put up an argument and the factual facts that go with it.

There is nothing to Hog here Mr. Pig. is that the longest sentence you can construct.

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest''

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #35 on: September 08, 2014, 07:08:46 PM »
Hehehe. I see you with Njamlik are not yet done with Kiwaru. Eti lied. When and where.
You are an idiot trying to bring your mushene and your wishful thinkig here like you did in .com, where you would wake up and Kimetrica hit your head and you would come to brag about it. Now after your lies were flashed out like a squirrel in a hole you want to engage us in what you heard. At what time was your boss in UN useed to report to work and when would he leave.

Offline vooke

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #36 on: September 08, 2014, 07:16:29 PM »
Am told Ouru is an early riser, hits the office by 7 unless he has meetings or flight. leaves well past 1900H and  sometimes dons his ties until 11 just in case.
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #37 on: September 08, 2014, 07:21:31 PM »
That is reassuring. I was shocked when i heard he arrives late.
Am told Ouru is an early riser, hits the office by 7 unless he has meetings or flight. leaves well past 1900H and  sometimes dons his ties until 11 just in case.

Offline Omollo

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #38 on: September 08, 2014, 07:23:45 PM »
Am told Ouru is an early riser, hits the office by 7 unless he has meetings or flight. leaves well past 1900H and  sometimes dons his ties until 11 just in case.

vooke is LYING. Uhuru said something different. Move to 1:49 and here it for yourself. He should be in his office not lie that he works from home.

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Mwanabiashara

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Re: I am told Ruto report to work 6 sometimes 5 while PORK shows up at lunch hr
« Reply #39 on: September 08, 2014, 07:25:13 PM »
Am told Ouru is an early riser, hits the office by 7 unless he has meetings or flight. leaves well past 1900H and  sometimes dons his ties until 11 just in case.

There you go, It all depends where you hang. kevoo hangs in church in Githurai 45, Punda hangs in Bar in Mavoko. Anybody else who hear anything else where he pass his free time.

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest''

Adam Smith