Black women are intentionally being enabled by white supremacy in order to breed low IQ future generation of blacks. This is actually spreading and Kenya and SA are Africa ground zero.
Meanwhile white, Chinese, Indian upper class keep producing superhuman IQ.
I gave Nefertiti the stats below on why the black family in Hamillikwa is super doomed but she disagreed with me
51percent of black males are SINGLE and CHILDLESS
About 20 percent of black males are married.
Only 1 in 4 black women will ever marry in their lifetime
Over 60% of black males are in the MIDDLE CLASS.
Source: blackdemographics dot com and many more
Isitoshe, black women are the HIGHEST ENROLLED group in University of ALL RACES.
What does all this mean?
1. 20 percent of black males are producing the overwhelming majority of babies by the black baby mamas (educated ones inclusive) yet will almost certainly never marry them.
2. The middle class black male is now increasingly REFUSING to deal with the black "strong, independent woman" on any level outside of situational sex whether educated or not. Nope! A woman who cannot be submissive, is masculine in traits, is not cooperative and cannot give a man peace in his house is not only unmarriageable but also avoided at all cost relationshipwise by the middle class unmarried black male. It's in black and white right there in the stats.
3. As a result of the black middle class male avoiding dealing with black women, 80 percent of black children will grow up in a single mama house. Those kids are doomed from birth. A huge chunk of them are prison bound as a result of not having a two parent home. Lack of a male figure in the house has been shown to cause a legion of developmental, psychosocial and behavioral problems for these unfortunate kids, regardless of whether they grow up in poverty or luxury.
4. Despite the "strong independent woman" with high university enrollment tag, the average black woman makes less than 35k per year. Black males have a higher average earning rate! Isitoshe, high enrollment means hefty student loans which means crazy amounts of debt. They are also overwhelmingly enrolled in humanities rather than STEM fields. Most would rather do social work than engineering for example because the majority of them avoid math, physics and chem! So the myth of the strong successful black woman doing well financially is just that - a myth.
Yes you are right about white supremacy playing a part. The welfare system and black women empowerment was actually DESIGNED to destroy the black family. So was gangsta rap, gay culture and feminizing of black male role models in Hellywierd who are now wearing dresses and perms (like Young Joc and Katt Williams) and nose rings like Tupac did.
My advice to single, unmarried Kwinyans in USGay? Come home upate bibi hapa. They are becoming rare as hen's teeth now that local girls are now adopting akataa culture complete with long fingernails loud mouths, harlotry and coloured weaves, but there's still about 20 percent intelligent yet submissive and cooperative females left here. These are being snapped up like hot cakes so you better hurry or suffer!
Otherwise just deal with those strong independent masculine trait having women who you and I know you will never marry. Those are gone cases who will all almost certainly die alone.
The funny thing is most of them are super delusional, telling themselves and each other that there is a man out there who won't be "intimidated by her success" and will "love her for who she is."
Look at the Vivica Foxes and Lisa Rayes and other "role models" of the strong black woman. Past 50 yet still hoping!
In fact after age 40 just forget about ever getting married to a middle class black man. The white folks too don't want them. The stats also show that marriages are very race loyal from middle class level and up.
Bottom line, until black women tone down the masculinity and become feminine, until they submit to their men, until they cooperate and give them peace, nobody will ever deal nor marry them.
Isasad thing but itiswhatitis
Among my Kwiinyan buddies aged 45 and above still living in USGay. 90 percent are unmarried or divorced after marriages of convenience ya makaratasi. Among the ladies, almost all of them are single or divorced baby mamas
If you have found and gotten married to a good cooperative black woman, rejoice! Otherwise gnash teeth bitterly for life!!
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