Over 50 percent of Black men are single, childless and in the middle class. Digest that stat for a minute.
That you - a very intelligent black woman - has bought into the pop culture propaganda that majority of black men are jobless Tyrone jailbird baby-daddies and there's a dearth of hardworking, eligible black men is scary. Shaniqua on the street with her GED can be excused for not knowing but the sad thing is most educated black women believe the same things she does about black men.
Also, 80 percent of black babies are produced by 20% of black men. Clearly from the stats about middle class childless black men, this tells you that intelligent black women (the most enrolled of any race, white included, in higher education) go for those thuggish baby daddy types who bang them on their way to jail and leave them, then turn around and claim "there are no good black men around!" Not true oo!
What's true is that empowered, multiple-degree having, feminist black women simply cannot submit to, cooperate with or talk softly to middle class black men in a way that can make a relationship leading to marriage feasible. They can't kapsa kapsaaaaaaa! Nope!!
They only know how to talk crazy to them because they've been taught - by the media and their man-hating single mamas that a black man ain't sh^^. In other words, they've been taught to be more masculine than men. Look at shows like the View and Oprah. Testosterone galore. Would you describe any of those ladies as being feminine and submissive? Oprah herself is as butch as it gets. With a fake simp 'husband" for public show yet everyone knows she's as gay as it gets, munching her bedmate Gayle's carpet behind the scenes.. Isapite!
Bottom line the black family is soooo soooo doomed, my sister. Suuuperdoomed!
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