The problem is that Ruto still hasn't understood he is dealing with very educated people.JKIA annual trade and tourist based income is worth billions,The moment these youths blockade JKIA,alot of pressure will be on him to resign.I was very worried when i saw some posting on twitter that they will hide in JKIa fuel terminals.Young people are just insane.some of the protestors are even pilots and may commandeer planes,some even suggested demonstrating in the runway.
Secondly,The moment i saw the Kikuyu pastor telling gachagua in a dandora church that they dont want ruto CS nominees and Raila abandoning Ruto coalition deal,I just knew Ruto is indeed in trouble because you will have Kikuyu in Dandora/mathare/kariobangi slums (block outering),Luo & luhya from langata through southern bypass (block mombasa road and uhuru highway) and kamba from pipeline and mlolongo joining the movement (block athi river).Then you have kikuyu and luhya in kawangware across waiyakai way.
No business,no taxes and public debt that has to be paid while at the same time delegitimizing the goverment.The purpose of protests is to provoke the government to react and Ruto is falling into that trap because police are using excessive force.
Soon you will have these GEnz protest outside embassies.
Ruto/Gachagua are in trouble and they better find ways of cooling public anger.Anarchy,violence and mayhem is and will never be a solution in a democratic state.
If we destroy our country through corruption ad violence,Where do we go?