Author Topic: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi  (Read 2112 times)

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« on: July 11, 2024, 03:57:16 PM »
Hoping Okiya, Ekuru Aokot and such folks chosen
Interesting times ahead!
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Offline lelewela

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2024, 04:34:51 PM »
Ruto has opened a Pandora boxs, you can't satisfy the crowd.

We heading Kibaki style when he did a cabinet change mid  of hia first time, it is all Dejavu. Mungu saidia Kenya, he must strenghthen the security sector now with pastorolists for him to survive in 2027, Kenya if broken thia time cannot be repaired. The prezo is naked!

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2024, 04:49:28 PM »
It’s an okay move but we have to start seeing people behind bars, starting all the way from county governments who are the worst. He needs to start with Nairobi, if he can fix Nairobi, all the other counties will fall in line.

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2024, 05:47:24 PM »
Ruto has opened a Pandora boxs, you can't satisfy the crowd.

We heading Kibaki style when he did a cabinet change mid  of hia first time, it is all Dejavu. Mungu saidia Kenya, he must strenghthen the security sector now with pastorolists for him to survive in 2027, Kenya if broken thia time cannot be repaired. The prezo is naked!
Yes, but it had to be done. Very hard to Governm when you have business people doing business with their portfolio. Kina Murungaru, Michukis, and the rest were doing business as well that is why Kibaki did what he did. Ruto will likely bring people like Okiya, Boniface Mwangi, Ekuru Aukot and folks of same calibre to positions. The problem is people when given opportunity they start scheeming right away, how to defraud Government using their little power. Kenyans are overwellmingly corrupt. The next thing he needs to do, is free up money by stoping payments of the fake debt going to build Northland City and business of Bankers in Kenya!
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline lelewela

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2024, 06:08:55 PM »
I understand him, the media is fighting him max. and Northland fake debt is funding the editors to set the talking points.

He should have crashed Uhuru from day one! Anyway, now he is going the right direction. Let him bring onboard mama Ida Odinga, you need goons to counter counter Kikuyu goons in Nairobi, that is why Raila is effective in that.

Ruto has opened a Pandora boxs, you can't satisfy the crowd.

We heading Kibaki style when he did a cabinet change mid  of hia first time, it is all Dejavu. Mungu saidia Kenya, he must strenghthen the security sector now with pastorolists for him to survive in 2027, Kenya if broken thia time cannot be repaired. The prezo is naked!
Yes, but it had to be done. Very hard to Governm when you have business people doing business with their portfolio. Kina Murungaru, Michukis, and the rest were doing business as well that is why Kibaki did what he did. Ruto will likely bring people like Okiya, Boniface Mwangi, Ekuru Aukot and folks of same calibre to positions. The problem is people when given opportunity they start scheeming right away, how to defraud Government using their little power. Kenyans are overwellmingly corrupt. The next thing he needs to do, is free up money by stoping payments of the fake debt going to build Northland City and business of Bankers in Kenya!

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2024, 06:49:44 PM »
Mudavadi has to go before any conversation, his office is unconstitutional.

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2024, 06:53:21 PM »
There are no goons in Nairobi, just kids asking for leadership and governance. It’s a tribe less movement. They do not even look at who is in power and have pride for it, that’s just idioti.

Offline sema

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2024, 04:41:05 AM »
What does mudavadi bring to the table?!?

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2024, 07:37:10 AM »
What does mudavadi bring to the table?!?
My informed opinion is that Mdvd was retained because of the Foreign Affairs docket. Since Luto owes his Presidency to foreign interference, and how for two years he has tried to banish the ghosts of ICC by forcing himself on the world stage as head of state, Luto knows how important it us to have an open link to explain to the world what us going on in Kenya.

You @sema don't be a Watermelon, let those of us who have always been in the trenches and on the right side of history give preview here of a fair and just society whose future is at upon us and how Luto & makina Pundit will soon be gone, silenced and banished from spewing garbage on these prime land blogs they have desecrated for so long. Hiyo tu for now.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2024, 07:38:54 AM »
Why do you want to banish people who disagree with you kumbe kumbe? You hate divergent opinion. My own bro has been supporting ODM and Raila.

Be democratic. Hii mambo doesnt like hasira even if youve been supporting raila and losing like my own bro.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2024, 07:55:34 AM »
Why do you want to banish people who disagree with you kumbe kumbe? You hate divergent opinion. My own bro has been supporting ODM and Raila.

Be democratic. Hii mambo doesnt like hasira even if youve been supporting raila and losing like my own bro.
You are the one who needs to take a chill pill. Were you being "democratic" when you were abusing your privileges as moderator on this forum, deleting my posts? You have lived here 24/7 like your life depends on it. Deciding which posts members get to read and which ones they don't. Never in the history of this Nation, has parliament been sacked the way it was on June 25th. Nations that go that far are in Revolution mode. It means the state has failed and must be cleansed. Yesterday is just a beginning, change will spare none of your types. They will all be swept away. Gorbachev in USSR tried to manage change but found himself too, swept away. This is not just about me, you or your bro or your god. It is about a people rising up to claim their rightful place in a just society, a new thinking. It has no place for the arrogance that you for so long run this place with. Kimewaramba!

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2024, 08:11:42 AM »
Silly accusation. I have never deleted or ban anybody here moron. Next election is 2027. You can ransack parliament but MPS will remain
Why do you want to banish people who disagree with you kumbe kumbe? You hate divergent opinion. My own bro has been supporting ODM and Raila.

Be democratic. Hii mambo doesnt like hasira even if youve been supporting raila and losing like my own bro.
You are the one who needs to take a chill pill. Were you being "democratic" when you were abusing your privileges as moderator on this forum, deleting my posts? You have lived here 24/7 like your life depends on it. Deciding which posts members get to read and which ones they don't. Never in the history of this Nation, has parliament been sacked the way it was on June 25th. Nations that go that far are in Revolution mode. It means the state has failed and must be cleansed. Yesterday is just a beginning, change will spare none of your types. They will all be swept away. Gorbachev in USSR tried to manage change but found himself too, swept away. This is not just about me, you or your bro or your god. It is about a people rising up to claim their rightful place in a just society, a new thinking. It has no place for the arrogance that you for so long run this place with. Kimewaramba!

Offline Kadudu

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2024, 09:43:46 AM »
To counter Gachagua, Ruto needs Mudavadi. At least that is what Ruto thinks. He has to find another pillar in case his Mt Kenya base falls apart.

What does mudavadi bring to the table?!?

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2024, 06:56:59 PM »
OMG! Eti you have never deleted ?!? You have admitted so many times USING YOUR OWN WORDS! Not just me, let others come forward. For me I will just remind you of this one of many instances! And I even put it in a THREAD!

Who has deleted a thread I posted on this wall less than 12hrs ago?

You and your tin god, you just.lie. You must have a common ancestor. Surely you just lie to 54 million Kenyans and you expect they will forever believe. Honestly you are so so so shameless!

Silly accusation. I have never deleted or ban anybody here moron. Next election is 2027. You can ransack parliament but MPS will remain
Why do you want to banish people who disagree with you kumbe kumbe? You hate divergent opinion. My own bro has been supporting ODM and Raila.

Be democratic. Hii mambo doesnt like hasira even if youve been supporting raila and losing like my own bro.
You are the one who needs to take a chill pill. Were you being "democratic" when you were abusing your privileges as moderator on this forum, deleting my posts? You have lived here 24/7 like your life depends on it. Deciding which posts members get to read and which ones they don't. Never in the history of this Nation, has parliament been sacked the way it was on June 25th. Nations that go that far are in Revolution mode. It means the state has failed and must be cleansed. Yesterday is just a beginning, change will spare none of your types. They will all be swept away. Gorbachev in USSR tried to manage change but found himself too, swept away. This is not just about me, you or your bro or your god. It is about a people rising up to claim their rightful place in a just society, a new thinking. It has no place for the arrogance that you for so long run this place with. Kimewaramba!

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: ALL Ruto's cabinet fired except Mudavadi
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2024, 06:41:16 PM »