A poorly conceived idea, a populist policy, was bound to fail from get go.
How about channelling the money to already registered, structured and regulated saccos at the village level to disburse the money to existing members, crowd-in new members and charge a small interest on the loan AFTER one has become a full member, for say, three months? Kisii county has done well in this regard. Getting nearly 400m in under seven months through her registered saccos.
Alternatively use the money to cushion the middle class to prevent them from slipping into the "
begging bracket'. As things stand, the kenyan middle-class is a hopeless lot staring at poverty approaching from the horizon.
Heck, if KK has no tangible plan, how about just donating the money to the ageing population for free? Raise the stipend from the current 2k to 4 k instead of giving the money to Babu Owino to buy condoms