Author Topic: Ruto - Form the damn commission of inquiry now to investigate handshake regime  (Read 8633 times)

Offline hk

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State is captured by people close or within the government. KK if they were serious about state capture, they'd have dismantled tools of state capture i.e regulatory and policy formulation. Instead everything is intact so that its captured by the new elites, case in point is KNTC.
KK regime had a golden opportunity to cut spending to stabilize macros, the spending cuts would have been painful especially to tenderprenurs and other leeches. But within 6 months capital would have started flowing to the private sector spurring economic growth. Now 6 months down the road government is borrowing at 12% short term and 16% long term and rising. Populist initiatives like hustler funds are hemorrhaging money with little benefit to overall economy.
In a nutshell kk regime problem isn't opposition, its the economy.
Predictably the fiscal strain is only getting worse. Populist demand economic interventions don't spur economic growth case in point hustler fund. Govt is borrowing at 16% but its suppose to lend at 8% to hustlers, this clearly isnt sustainable .
Its either we cut our budget(reduce spending) or the markets are going to force us to. Default loading.

Offline gout

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Without dynasties blood on the streets it has to be hasoras blood. They are saying they don't want destabilization. How was it hard to get Hustler Fund as fuliza riding on Mpesa?

The CBC is already having a crazy effect on the budget and it yet actualize fully.

Unga still at past 150 mark.
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution

Offline sema

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Default loading.

What is your opinion on what Ndii is doing?

Offline RV Kirgit

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I think Ndii is a Marxist actually working to forment a revolution. His ties with evil society must be deep, including Soros, et. al.

Ruto gov lent itself as a host to work from within on a strategic plan to take Kenya to communism republic.

Offline hk

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Default loading.

What is your opinion on what Ndii is doing?
What's more important and crucial is market reaction. Government isnt able to borrow longterm and  even shortterm now its at 15% plus interest rate. As it is now government wont be able to rollover eurobond. Its increasingly likely that kenya will default,

Offline patel

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What should we expect if kenya default?
Big chunk of debt is domestic owned, will this take banks down?
Default loading.

What is your opinion on what Ndii is doing?
What's more important and crucial is market reaction. Government isnt able to borrow longterm and  even shortterm now its at 15% plus interest rate. As it is now government wont be able to rollover eurobond. Its increasingly likely that kenya will default,

Online Nowayhaha

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The money in banks will be frozen and Govt will use it to offset debt and run the public sector.
You will have a limit of how much one can withdraw daily, weekly and monthly .
When money is out circulation the economy will depreciate .
Investors will also get hold of the news before and there will be capital flight . Then Kenya will go to a recession , possibilty of even a Government shutdown .

What should we expect if kenya default?
Big chunk of debt is domestic owned, will this take banks down?
Default loading.

What is your opinion on what Ndii is doing?
What's more important and crucial is market reaction. Government isnt able to borrow longterm and  even shortterm now its at 15% plus interest rate. As it is now government wont be able to rollover eurobond. Its increasingly likely that kenya will default,

Offline Kadudu

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I do not get it why David Ndii keeps on blaming the past regime, of which his current boss also played a major role. The current regime cannot keep on blaming the past regime. It has shown no signs of taking any austerity measures on its part. In fact the government has become larger under Ruto. Government expenditure has exploded under Ruto. How will these guys sell austerity to Kenyans when they practice the exact opposite?

Offline hk

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The money in banks will be frozen and Govt will use it to offset debt and run the public sector.
You will have a limit of how much one can withdraw daily, weekly and monthly .
When money is out circulation the economy will depreciate .
Investors will also get hold of the news before and there will be capital flight . Then Kenya will go to a recession , possibilty of even a Government shutdown .

What should we expect if kenya default?
Big chunk of debt is domestic owned, will this take banks down?
Default loading.

What is your opinion on what Ndii is doing?
What's more important and crucial is market reaction. Government isnt able to borrow longterm and  even shortterm now its at 15% plus interest rate. As it is now government wont be able to rollover eurobond. Its increasingly likely that kenya will default,
Incase of default (local debt) the treasury bills would be restructured and new ones would be issued. Deposit wouldn't be confiscated unless the restructuring resulted in banks rans e.g chase bank.

Online Nowayhaha

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HK Im telling you what will hapoen within the next 1-2 years.

The money in banks will be frozen and Govt will use it to offset debt and run the public sector.
You will have a limit of how much one can withdraw daily, weekly and monthly .
When money is out circulation the economy will depreciate .
Investors will also get hold of the news before and there will be capital flight . Then Kenya will go to a recession , possibilty of even a Government shutdown .

What should we expect if kenya default?
Big chunk of debt is domestic owned, will this take banks down?
Default loading.

What is your opinion on what Ndii is doing?
What's more important and crucial is market reaction. Government isnt able to borrow longterm and  even shortterm now its at 15% plus interest rate. As it is now government wont be able to rollover eurobond. Its increasingly likely that kenya will default,
Incase of default (local debt) the treasury bills would be restructured and new ones would be issued. Deposit wouldn't be confiscated unless the restructuring resulted in banks rans e.g chase bank.

Offline RV Kirgit

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Precisely. Ruto has to open war front against owners of capital. Call them and let them know its not going to be business as usual comply or ship out. No need for Ndii to keep digging out theory after theory. This is plain sabotage by Uhuru and his friends. Play rough or get crushed.
It is clear the owners have ganged up against Ruto, they went mute after he won and were shitting on their pants, but they realized he is toothless lion.
Ruto should not be comfortable with the current happenings, either fight back  or have a deap with owners of capital.
Stop all the foreign trips

It will only get worst..state capture, industry capture (remember the steel story)..seems like the owner of capital have ganged up against Ruto. Ndii magic has failed to gain traction and how I want this guy to succeed! Theory and practical 2 different animals.

Oil deal money due in September prepare for another dollar crunch..

Ndii theory only work in vacuum.

Ruto should have gone hard on thieving and recurring expenditures

Offline gout

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Hasora bloods on the streets and on taxes table - Check
Ndinasties thriving- check
CBC JSS teachers hiring blah de bleh - check
Unga below 150 - check
Without dynasties blood on the streets it has to be hasoras blood. They are saying they don't want destabilization. How was it hard to get Hustler Fund as fuliza riding on Mpesa?

The CBC is already having a crazy effect on the budget and it yet actualize fully.

Unga still at past 150 mark.
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution