HUDUMA NAMBA or NIMIS is already an AADHAAR (lookalike). No need whatsoever to waste any money to do what we have already done. Just complete the registration of Kenyans who had not been captured. Next is to add on the citizen services and information as the use expands i.e./e.g. Digital ID, Driving License, Social Security, National Medical Insurance etc....
And before you go into too much responding wide off the mark in yarning this and mostly about what you don't know, I know this because I have been too deeply involved here since way back over 15-20yrs now.
We already benchmarked AADHAAR in Udah Pradesh (which is where it was first deployed) and visited the center of excellence way back more than 14years ago. The problem has been vested interests... each succeeding government has wanted to own or deploy this because of the huge tender size and more now mainly because of the control of the data repository.
The idea also is that we already have this information captured; the biometric info of every citizen who has an ID is already captured at NRB... no need to SILO this info. Do an MDM with single identification of every citizen (and foreign); from cradle to grave.