Author Topic: The "Kalenjin" take over  (Read 3089 times)

Offline sema

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The "Kalenjin" take over
« on: June 03, 2023, 11:35:59 PM »
?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 3, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2023, 11:54:27 PM »
Weka list yote.Dont cherrypick.Turkana nanok is deputy head of civil services.

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2023, 04:26:49 AM »
He should have listed Kikuyus that dominate this Givernment than Kibaki/Uhuru era. You put people that support the agenda, not folks who will sabbotage it!
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2023, 07:35:54 AM »
Generally people let Kikuyus off as they quantify them with their large population, but for Kalenjin this is glaring and sending wrong message making Rutos relecttion in 27 a uphill task ata very early age, Generally the people offended are the minorities in Kenya those are what Ruto should have courted for smooth sailing but someone must be misleading him big time because to be honest if mt.kenya was just to fail him even slightly then it would be bad
Ruto needs diversify government,coasterians,Kisiis,tesos,kambas,luos,,luhyas all need those positions.
Ruto doesn't seem to know whats happening.this is 21st century with media and all any moves are magnified.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2023, 10:30:55 AM »
Generally people let Kikuyus off as they quantify them with their large population, but for Kalenjin this is glaring and sending wrong message making Rutos relecttion in 27 a uphill task ata very early age, Generally the people offended are the minorities in Kenya those are what Ruto should have courted for smooth sailing but someone must be misleading him big time because to be honest if mt.kenya was just to fail him even slightly then it would be bad
Ruto needs diversify government,coasterians,Kisiis,tesos,kambas,luos,,luhyas all need those positions.
Ruto doesn't seem to know whats happening.this is 21st century with media and all any moves are magnified.
propaganda..Ruto has made very balanced appointments...kalenjin are in 11 counties...kalenjin are not small tribe

Offline sema

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2023, 11:40:15 PM »

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2023, 01:01:06 AM »
Indeed agreed. Its Moi 2.0
I couldnt have a problem if most of these were qualified individuals. Moi used to do the same.
Where's Cherserem for Central Bank or something on finance.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2023, 06:34:02 AM »
if that list is true I fear for Ruto, Ruto seems to think mlima and Kalenjin will turn up for him again in 27 but only kalenjin is guaranteed not so for mlima.
Other Kenyans will crush us, Kalenjins should prepare for a very bumby ride ahead.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2023, 07:36:21 AM »
if that list is true I fear for Ruto, Ruto seems to think mlima and Kalenjin will turn up for him again in 27 but only kalenjin is guaranteed not so for mlima.
Other Kenyans will crush us, Kalenjins should prepare for a very bumby ride ahead.
This lame propaganda was used by Azimio in 2022 and failed.Ruto has phd in propaganda. Right now focus is to develop the country. Kalonzo n Raila are nothing. Gema will stick to Ruto because it the only way for 2032 return to power.Ruto should continue to run the gov without any equivocation.

Offline kneegrow04

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2023, 09:26:16 AM »
Ruto's stolen victory was razor thin. Azimio just needs to stick together (Raila, Uhuru, Kalonzo, Joho, Oparanya, Eugene, Matiangi, Arati etc) and seal the IEBC LOOPHOLES. and to remain relevant until 2027 by putting the Kalenjin Kwanza government on the ropes.
Its a glaring fact that Ruto and Kenyans are alive to that fact. The fact that Kalenjins are in every county is not reason enough to offer them every plum position in the government. What is their population viz-a-viz that of the entire country? Are they the only qualified Kenyans?.

Coupled with the high cost of living, exorbitant tax regime and joblessness, I am seeing Ruto going down in history as a one term president.

if that list is true I fear for Ruto, Ruto seems to think mlima and Kalenjin will turn up for him again in 27 but only kalenjin is guaranteed not so for mlima.
Other Kenyans will crush us, Kalenjins should prepare for a very bumby ride ahead.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2023, 09:36:20 AM »
Jinga sana. Jaluo for first time is CDF of KDF. Jaluos is for the second time a powerful PS of Interior.Ruto has appointed Awalo and many Luos. This despite giving zero votes. Under AZIMIO - you fools were only appointed to  Chairman of film and volleyball affairs.

Turkana complaining - we have Nanok as first turkana deputy head of civil service. Maasai is State house comptroller.

Security sector yote - there is no single kalenjin. In entire security councl - only Ruto sit there.

In Finance yote - apart from Chris Kiptoo as PS of finance - rest hakuna kalenjin.

This has been the most fair gov - and when facts will be laid down - you'll have nowhere to run.

Azimio destroyed the economy and Ruto will recover - and will deliver - and win by a landslide.

Ruto is not losing 2027 - hiyo nayo ni ndoto ya mchana - 2032 ndio kuna chance. Depend on how hard RUto has to win 2027 - 2032 - he might decide to go for 3rd term. Kwani iko nini. We remove that term limit.

Kwanza Ruto will soon appoint all the 7 IEBC commissioners - hizo demo zenu has pretty much run the course.  Halafu deep state and system yote ni yake.Ruto only narrow won because Azimio rigged and had unfair advantage. 2027 ndio uzito.

Kalenjin should aim to rule this kenya for 50yrs. IKO NA UJINGA MINGI SANA. Ruto should just remove that term limit - and we go on and on - and on.

Ruto's stolen victory was razor thin. Azimio just needs to stick together (Raila, Uhuru, Kalonzo, Joho, Oparanya, Eugene, Matiangi, Arati etc) and seal the IEBC LOOPHOLES. and to remain relevant until 2027 by putting the Kalenjin Kwanza government on the ropes.
Its a glaring fact that Ruto and Kenyans are alive to that fact. The fact that Kalenjins are in every county is not reason enough to offer them every plum position in the government. What is their population viz-a-viz that of the entire country? Are they the only qualified Kenyans?.

Coupled with the high cost of living, exorbitant tax regime and joblessness, I am seeing Ruto going down in history as one term president.

if that list is true I fear for Ruto, Ruto seems to think mlima and Kalenjin will turn up for him again in 27 but only kalenjin is guaranteed not so for mlima.
Other Kenyans will crush us, Kalenjins should prepare for a very bumby ride ahead.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2023, 09:37:50 AM »
40 percent of GEMA didnt even turn up to voting . This will decrease in 2027 with such tribal policies and unpopular tax regime .
RVPundit dont you realise majority of KK supporters here just like When handshake happened are questioning Ruto strategy ?

if that list is true I fear for Ruto, Ruto seems to think mlima and Kalenjin will turn up for him again in 27 but only kalenjin is guaranteed not so for mlima.
Other Kenyans will crush us, Kalenjins should prepare for a very bumby ride ahead.
This lame propaganda was used by Azimio in 2022 and failed.Ruto has phd in propaganda. Right now focus is to develop the country. Kalonzo n Raila are nothing. Gema will stick to Ruto because it the only way for 2032 return to power.Ruto should continue to run the gov without any equivocation.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2023, 09:42:23 AM »
Jaribu 40 percent ndio uone -  Ruto will still win - and secondly 2032 we have no deal - we put Sakaja or Ruto continues. It in your best interest to turn 90 percent and vote 90 percent for Ruto. Hamna option ingine. Unless you want to go to political wilderness.

Ruto is not you average politician - he is brilliant - and will win no matter what.

Ask Uhuru and Raila what they saw. Propaganda hiyo ni yake. One arrow of propaganda and Ruto finish the game.

40 percent of GEMA didnt even turn up to voting . This will decrease in 2027 with such tribal policies and unpopular tax regime .
RVPundit dont you realise majority of KK supporters here just like When handshake happened are questioning Ruto strategy ?

if that list is true I fear for Ruto, Ruto seems to think mlima and Kalenjin will turn up for him again in 27 but only kalenjin is guaranteed not so for mlima.
Other Kenyans will crush us, Kalenjins should prepare for a very bumby ride ahead.
This lame propaganda was used by Azimio in 2022 and failed.Ruto has phd in propaganda. Right now focus is to develop the country. Kalonzo n Raila are nothing. Gema will stick to Ruto because it the only way for 2032 return to power.Ruto should continue to run the gov without any equivocation.

Offline kneegrow04

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2023, 10:56:48 AM »
Luos are not children of a lesser God neither are they second class citizens of this great republic. Gen Omondi, as per Tonje rules was the right guy to ascend to the position of CDF whether Ruto or whoever became the 6th president. Ujinga is Ttrying to sweep Tonje rules under the carpet. Ruto is a trabalist to the core if public appointments is anything to go by. Majority of Kenyans are crying NOT just Luos. He's moving many Kenyans to the opposition and he'll realise when it is too late.  I think he's surrounded himself with morons as advisors.

Jinga sana. Jaluo for first time is CDF of KDF. Jaluos is for the second time a powerful PS of Interior.Ruto has appointed Awalo and many Luos. This despite giving zero votes. Under AZIMIO - you fools were only appointed to  Chairman of film and volleyball affairs.

Turkana complaining - we have Nanok as first turkana deputy head of civil service. Maasai is State house comptroller.

Security sector yote - there is no single kalenjin. In entire security councl - only Ruto sit there.

In Finance yote - apart from Chris Kiptoo as PS of finance - rest hakuna kalenjin.

This has been the most fair gov - and when facts will be laid down - you'll have nowhere to run.

Azimio destroyed the economy and Ruto will recover - and will deliver - and win by a landslide.

Ruto is not losing 2027 - hiyo nayo ni ndoto ya mchana - 2032 ndio kuna chance. Depend on how hard RUto has to win 2027 - 2032 - he might decide to go for 3rd term. Kwani iko nini. We remove that term limit.

Kwanza Ruto will soon appoint all the 7 IEBC commissioners - hizo demo zenu has pretty much run the course.  Halafu deep state and system yote ni yake.Ruto only narrow won because Azimio rigged and had unfair advantage. 2027 ndio uzito.

Kalenjin should aim to rule this kenya for 50yrs. IKO NA UJINGA MINGI SANA. Ruto should just remove that term limit - and we go on and on - and on.

Ruto's stolen victory was razor thin. Azimio just needs to stick together (Raila, Uhuru, Kalonzo, Joho, Oparanya, Eugene, Matiangi, Arati etc) and seal the IEBC LOOPHOLES. and to remain relevant until 2027 by putting the Kalenjin Kwanza government on the ropes.
Its a glaring fact that Ruto and Kenyans are alive to that fact. The fact that Kalenjins are in every county is not reason enough to offer them every plum position in the government. What is their population viz-a-viz that of the entire country? Are they the only qualified Kenyans?.

Coupled with the high cost of living, exorbitant tax regime and joblessness, I am seeing Ruto going down in history as one term president.

if that list is true I fear for Ruto, Ruto seems to think mlima and Kalenjin will turn up for him again in 27 but only kalenjin is guaranteed not so for mlima.
Other Kenyans will crush us, Kalenjins should prepare for a very bumby ride ahead.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2023, 11:10:27 AM »
You're children of lesser God because you've accepted it.
Maj en Jeff Otieno was bypassed by Uhuru - Tonje laws iko wapi. He should have been CDF in 2020.
Tonje rules are not binding - they are best practise.
Ruto was capable of retiring or send him to prison- the Bomas General but he decided to forgive - because he is not vindictive.

You morons dont want to see any Kalenjin appointed - while Ruto is bending backward to appoint Jaluos to powerful position despite you putting all eggs on Raila basket.

You should be last people to demand anything -  Ruto is just being SYMPATHETIC to you.

This most fair gov since Narc  of 2003-2005.

Ruto - PORK
Gachagua - DPORK
Speakers - Bukusu and Mijikenda - under Uhuru NA speaker was GEMA
National Security Council - No kalenjin except Ruto - under Uhuru it was all kikuyus except for a few
Finance ministry is full of kikuyus -  Minister, KRA, CBK, name it
Interior ministry - no kalenjin except GSU head - Two merus - Kindiki and Police head - Two Somalis - name them.
Judiciary yote - no Kalenjin.

Name it. Only Chirchir has dominated Energy ministry with Kalenjin.

Ruto should realize you cannot please some kenyans and continue doing his job.

Luos are not children of a lesser God neither are they second class citizens of this great republic. Gen Omondi, as per Tonje rules was the right guy to ascend to the position of CDF whether Ruto or whoever became the 6th president. Ujinga is Ttrying to sweep Tonje rules under the carpet. Ruto is a trabalist to the core if public appointments is anything to go by. Majority of Kenyans are crying NOT just Luos. He's moving many Kenyans to the opposition and he'll realise when it is too late.  I think he's surrounded himself with morons as advisors.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2023, 11:39:13 AM »
Recall the man was VP when his own constituents of Sabatia sent him home. VP Moody Awori lost his MP seat. Never assume Luhyas can be bought. Even my conservertive voting old man regrets voting for Ruto. As of today Ruto has kess votes in Western than he had in August 2022. If the trend continues he will be vanquished by 2027. His Kalejin leaning appointments have not made the matters better.

You're children of lesser God because you've accepted it.
Maj en Jeff Otieno was bypassed by Uhuru - Tonje laws iko wapi. He should have been CDF in 2020.
Tonje rules are not binding - they are best practise.
Ruto was capable of retiring or send him to prison- the Bomas General but he decided to forgive - because he is not vindictive.

You morons dont want to see any Kalenjin appointed - while Ruto is bending backward to appoint Jaluos to powerful position despite you putting all eggs on Raila basket.

You should be last people to demand anything -  Ruto is just being SYMPATHETIC to you.

This most fair gov since Narc  of 2003-2005.

Ruto - PORK
Gachagua DP
Speakers - Bukusu and Mijikenda - under Uhuru NA speaker was GEMA
National Security Council - No kalenjin except Ruto - under Uhuru it was all kikuyus except for a few
Finance ministry is full of kikuyus -  Minister, KRA, CBK, name it
Interior ministry - no kalenjin except GSU head - Two merus - Kindiki and Police head - Two Somalis - name them.
Judiciary yote - no Kalenjin.

Name it. Only Chirchir has dominated Energy ministry with Kalenjin.

Ruto should realize you cannot please some kenyans and continue doing his job.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2023, 03:20:06 PM »
Ruto will steal if need be :).
Recall the man was VP when his own constituents of Sabatia sent him home. VP Moody Awori lost his MP seat. Never assume Luhyas can be bought. Even my conservertive voting old man regrets voting for Ruto. As of today Ruto has kess votes in Western than he had in August 2022. If the trend continues he will be vanquished by 2027. His Kalejin leaning appointments have not made the matters better.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2023, 03:48:01 PM »
Mwizi will always remain mwizi. :D

Ruto will steal if need be :).

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2023, 04:42:40 PM »

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The "Kalenjin" take over
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2023, 04:49:26 PM »