Following the recent alarming events in
UKaystan, we all now can't be too careful, especially if you believe in unfettered freedom of speech.
Register a new handle to use when you need to post anything contentious.
Use Google translate to anonymise your writing style (write in english, translate to US/UK english or swahili or even Kyuk so that the message hits home.
3) Use an anonymising browser/proxy
4) These actions will make it harder (not impossible) for your ISP and Government to find out and link your internet activities. The more that do it, the busier the idle spies will be. It's time they earned their keep anyway.
For windows, MAC and Linux clients:TOR Browser - from
here And read the basic rules just underneath to remain anonymous.
AndroidDownload Orbot from play: Orbot app connects to Tor and creates a local proxy that other apps on your smartphone can use, allowing them to connect through Tor. You need root access for this
It connects you through various servers each time you connect. The Obiengas will be kept busy trying to link your various activities.
Iphone/Ipad:Private Anonymous Browser - More
here Finally
harden your router at home:
1) Change the default manufacturer's password
2) Disable HTTP configuration for the router - This normally sends your passwrods without encryption (my very personal understanding)
3) Block ping requests - To stop folk from polling vulnerable kit on your network - usually a recon mission to find gaps
4) Establish IP filtering on your network - Only authorised IP addresses should be routed into and out of your network
5) Secure your router - Physically - Don't allow the random
UKnister/Jubilidiot anywhere near your kit (mine currently resides in the most unlikely of places), or just don't invite the f*ckers to your house.
6) Install a firewall and run constant virus scans - These fellas may have Chinese or North Korean rootkits. They are facing east afterall.
7) Review logs on your router - for traces of Obiengarism and nip them in the bud.
This will especially help those browsing from UKaystan, use only one bit of hardened kit to post to the forums. If you live abroad and visit the Jubilee
Caliphate, make sure you don't let your guard down whilst there. Infact, tell us about your escapades once you have left. Use Tor on a tablet from Java and other public places, or carry a MiFi. Keep your travels secret as the border chaps now have comps and a flag could well be applied to your name.
Please continue posting tips etc, the long term is to set up a forum that will protect our basic bill of rights that include Freedom of Speech Max. Gosh I miss Kibaki already.
These are short term measures only, In the long term we should look to setting up a forum that will protect anonymity. Collectively we are much smarter.
Stay safe and free.