Author Topic: The "Other" Kenya: That 99% Don't Know About  (Read 986 times)

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The "Other" Kenya: That 99% Don't Know About
« on: May 15, 2023, 10:52:21 PM »
Someone introduced me to this young canadian couple that has been living in Kenya for the past 3 years and that has been touring all over the country and from watching them, I began to realize that Raila's maandamano will not bring the country down?


Because outside of south africa, no other sub-saharan African country has the facilities that I saw this couple traveling to in Kenya and I'm not surprised that because of this, the UN has decided to move all of it's africa operations to Nairobi.  South Africa, for all of it's advancements is dealing with a skyrocketing crime and xenophobia problem. Who else is sub-saharan Africa is left besides Kenya?

After watching them, I decided to look for other mzungus' that had relocated to kenya and I found another one ( a guy that lived in New York but works remotely and now lives in Diani/Watamu) - these mzungu's look like they could be living anywhere in the west in terms of the places they are going to, restaurants they are eating from and other things they are doing:

If Ruto manages to fix kenya and get things right, he could become africa's "leader". Kagame is trying, but honestly, rwanda is too small, landlocked and too poor to ever become a regional power and I've listened to kagame's speeches and studied his history. He dropped out of high schoo;; Joined museveni in the bush and is basically a bush soldier.

His speeches tend to be meandaring dialogues on Rwanda's post-genocide history and the country is not democratic and open like Kenya and neither is Tanzania or Uganda. You must become an open society and a democratic society to become a regional leader and this is kenya's advantage and this is why mzungu's are going to Kenya. Closed societies with dictatorships don't work in the long-term.

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Re: The "Other" Kenya: That 99% Don't Know About
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2023, 04:49:37 AM »
Shhhhhhhhh! My goood  buddy Nkooks will not be happy with this news :roll:
Watch him come here and vent spwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa about how boreholes in Kwiinya have feces and how nothing works in his village including stima :lol:.
Kwiinya has an extremely high standard of living for its upper middle class and above. Even higher than their Tatteres States of Hamillikwa peers  :D
Meanwhile in Hamillikwa:

Land of the free home of the slave. The only Western country in the world with crumbling big cities and horrific slums.
The funny thing is many living there still think it is paradise juu hawajatravel kwingine. They just watch CNN and FoxNews daily which lie to them that everything is OK


When I said TSA is DONE and you can take that to the BANK people thought I was joking. Mambo bwado they aint seen NUTHIN' yet!

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