Kalenjin land is generally good - from Bomet to Nakuru to kericho to Nandi to Uasin gishu to Kitale to Mt Elgon to Elgeyo Marakwet - to Eldama Ravine to most of west pokot. Then add parts of Narok.
I'd say they are kenya breadbasket - without any doubt. This is also why Kalenjin are not in slums or working in towns - they have best farmlands and can live off their farms.
Elgeyo Marakwet is good - just few areas affected by insecurity.
Pokot is also good - except lower part towards tiaty
Baringo - Koibatek/Eldama ravine is great.
This is pokot
After seeing elgeyo marakwet,baringo and pokot on tv those are complete shitholes cant be compared even close to North Meru,maybe you mean kericho and nandi are better.