Author Topic: Few kikuyu Leaders unto darkness  (Read 7303 times)

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Few kikuyu Leaders unto darkness
« Reply #60 on: April 24, 2023, 02:42:11 PM »
In business - they run everything in east africa - not just kenya. Somalis are very good merchants. Very great risk takes. Very trusthworthy.  Somalis thrive almost in every small business.

Somali is a tribe of one lawyer, one doctor, one nurse, two engineers etc they are no where near the big leagues on anything.
So why dont they thrive in their own country somalia?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Few kikuyu Leaders unto darkness
« Reply #61 on: April 24, 2023, 02:48:38 PM »
Somalis are not conformist - that is why they are good in business
They are dare-devil risk takers - who have a problem taking orders - being employed or being servitude or being good citizens.

So what makes them great businessmen - make them bad citizens or employees. They simply cannot take orders or work with structures or under someone.

Kamba make good loyal employees - Not a kikuyu or Somali. Kikuyu is milder version of Somali.

So why dont they thrive in their own country somalia?

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Few kikuyu Leaders unto darkness
« Reply #62 on: April 24, 2023, 02:48:52 PM »
Who said GEMA hates Somali ? Baseless imagination . I always say you have GEMA phobia . Its so engrained in your genes that you see them even enemies of other tribes . This are the effects of being brainwashed duting Moi era.
And dont come with that fake ass line I married a GEMA bla bla bla .
Biggest Anti GEMA politicians are married to GEMA from Raila himself with the children to Kingi etc

In business - they run everything in east africa - not just kenya. Somalis are very good merchants. Very great risk takes. Very trusthworthy. Very cooperative amongst themselves.  Somalis thrive almost in every small business.

Like Gujeratis of Indian - let try to emulate - otherwise mindless hatred of Somalis like most GEMA have - is pointless - Somalis will continue to thrive and overtake many business - because they are smart businessmen.

Somali is a tribe of one lawyer, one doctor, one nurse, two engineers etc they are no where near the big leagues on anything.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Few kikuyu Leaders unto darkness
« Reply #63 on: April 24, 2023, 02:50:00 PM »
Nobody in Kenya hates or has problem with somalis except GEMA. Deal with it. I am not here to sugarcoat things.

GEMA have also been subject of hate from kenyans due to their success.

Obviously they also hate successfully indians and now that has become Somalis.

So it kind of cascading jealousy and hatred. Kenyans hate/jealous about kikuyu success. Kikuyu hates/jealous about Indians & now Somali success.

Who said GEMA hates Somali ? Baseless imagination . I always say you have GEMA phobia . Its so engrained in your genes that you see them even enemies of other tribes . This are the effects of being brainwashed duting Moi era.
And dont come with that fake ass line I married a GEMA bla bla bla .
Biggest Anti GEMA politicians are married to GEMA from Raila himself with the children to Kingi etc

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Few kikuyu Leaders unto darkness
« Reply #64 on: April 24, 2023, 04:10:23 PM »

I have told you time and again you have your own imaginative issues against Kikuyu . What I have described as Moism and Odmism.
Somalis love Gema so much that they voted for Kibaki and Uhuru from 2002 , 2007,2013 and 2017 elections. Something which Ruto fell in 2022.

Ive never heard of hatred between Somalis and Kikuyus actually if we were to talk on facts alone . Somalis thrived under Kibaki and Uhuru . For Indians they blamed Kibaki tor their businesses going down but we all know it was because kibaki opened Kenyan economy for all and sundry . GEMA just continued doing business .

Now as for GEMA enmity with Raila this is real . The reason why Ruto is president .

May I ask a question why the envy of GEMA success ? Why not envy Kisii and Somali who are also doing well business wise .

Nobody in Kenya hates or has problem with somalis except GEMA. Deal with it. I am not here to sugarcoat things.

GEMA have also been subject of hate from kenyans due to their success.

Obviously they also hate successfully indians and now that has become Somalis.

So it kind of cascading jealousy and hatred. Kenyans hate/jealous about kikuyu success. Kikuyu hates/jealous about Indians & now Somali success.

Who said GEMA hates Somali ? Baseless imagination . I always say you have GEMA phobia . Its so engrained in your genes that you see them even enemies of other tribes . This are the effects of being brainwashed duting Moi era.
And dont come with that fake ass line I married a GEMA bla bla bla .
Biggest Anti GEMA politicians are married to GEMA from Raila himself with the children to Kingi etc

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Few kikuyu Leaders unto darkness
« Reply #65 on: April 24, 2023, 04:18:51 PM »
I would say it is GEMA leaders that are paranoid. Do you hear any politician calling out Mt Kenya residents anywhere in Kenya? Even today go to Kisumu and you will find Mt Kenyans doing their biashara as usual. Let us remind you that this discussion came about due to utterances of a Kiambu MP.

Who said GEMA hates Somali ? Baseless imagination . I always say you have GEMA phobia . Its so engrained in your genes that you see them even enemies of other tribes . This are the effects of being brainwashed duting Moi era.
And dont come with that fake ass line I married a GEMA bla bla bla .
Biggest Anti GEMA politicians are married to GEMA from Raila himself with the children to Kingi etc

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Few kikuyu Leaders unto darkness
« Reply #66 on: April 24, 2023, 04:26:22 PM »
Somalis and small tribes will generally support any gov in power. That is why Kenyatta wasted his effort funding UDM - they soon joined Ruto.

Now if you seriously think GEMA have no issues with Somalis - then we have no debate. I have heard and seen enough ever since Somalis emerged as force to reckon with business - late 90s - to really no debate.

GEMA need to get over their envy/jealousy over Somali success - and same way Kenyans need to also get over their envy/hatred of kikuyu for their success. Stop this one man one shilling nonsense targetting somalis or claiming that somalis are using devolution to build flats in Nairobi.

The envy/jealously can be healed - most Kalenjin are now generally okay with Kikuyus/gusii - they have learnt to do farming/business like Kikuyus.

My father was biggest advocate against that kind of tribal envy/hatred - and organized several farming trips to GEMA - so Kalenjin can learn how GEMA agriculture thrived - instead of remaining like Luos - who just dismiss any Kikuyu success as thievery - instead of learning from them.

Kikuyus can learn from Somalis - many things that make them tick in business - generally their ability to cooperate and their trustworthiness - and their lack of greed.

These are difficult conversation but they must be had.

Definitely anyone trying to harm the kenya harmony and nationhood need to be castigated. Therefore expect me to cane Kikiyu leaders until they toe the line.

I have told you time and again you have your own imaginative issues against Kikuyu . What I have described as Moism and Odmism.
Somalis love Gema so much that they voted for Kibaki and Uhuru from 2002 , 2007,2013 and 2017 elections. Something which Ruto fell in 2022.

Ive never heard of hatred between Somalis and Kikuyus actually if we were to talk on facts alone . Somalis thrived under Kibaki and Uhuru . For Indians they blamed Kibaki tor their businesses going down but we all know it was because kibaki opened Kenyan economy for all and sundry . GEMA just continued doing business .

Now as for GEMA enmity with Raila this is real . The reason why Ruto is president .

May I ask a question why the envy of GEMA success ? Why not envy Kisii and Somali who are also doing well business wise .
« Last Edit: April 24, 2023, 05:54:41 PM by RV Pundit »

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Few kikuyu Leaders unto darkness
« Reply #67 on: April 24, 2023, 05:07:16 PM »

Ofcourse The politicians are trying to play populist politics just like last time with BBI too . But GEMA masses know the real deal .
They voted for Ruto even when Raila was pretending to advance their interests with one man one vote and increasing constituencies with BBI.
The anti BBI was lead by none other than Ndii and Martha Karua GEMA leaders when we asked Ruto to lay low .
Now please attack the Gatundu South Mp and leave GEMA out of the attacks . Pundits attacks are so brazen you can even smell the hatred.
Why dont you attack him the way you attack Uhuru no one cares but when you start attacking GEMA masses we will call it out .
The same way we have debunked the peddled myth that No Kalenjin leaders were pro one man one shilling when they were on the forefront.
Pundit had to save face .
Also im preety sure come 2025 when the debate comes up again Kalenjin leaders will be on the forefront  singing one man one shilling .

I would say it is GEMA leaders that are paranoid. Do you hear any politician calling out Mt Kenya residents anywhere in Kenya? Even today go to Kisumu and you will find Mt Kenyans doing their biashara as usual. Let us remind you that this discussion came about due to utterances of a Kiambu MP.

Who said GEMA hates Somali ? Baseless imagination . I always say you have GEMA phobia . Its so engrained in your genes that you see them even enemies of other tribes . This are the effects of being brainwashed duting Moi era.
And dont come with that fake ass line I married a GEMA bla bla bla .
Biggest Anti GEMA politicians are married to GEMA from Raila himself with the children to Kingi etc

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Few kikuyu Leaders unto darkness
« Reply #68 on: April 24, 2023, 05:57:14 PM »
I stand my views - and they havent changed since forever. I have to castigate the somali hatred and envy & kikuyu entitlement. You may not like it - but I am a free bird.

The success of kenya will be no one will come and say that kind of rubbish that somalis are using money to build flats - like they are only corrupt politician in kenya.

Ofcourse The politicians are trying to play populist politics just like last time with BBI too . But GEMA masses know the real deal .
They voted for Ruto even when Raila was pretending to advance their interests with one man one vote and increasing constituencies with BBI.
The anti BBI was lead by none other than Ndii and Martha Karua GEMA leaders when we asked Ruto to lay low .
Now please attack the Gatundu South Mp and leave GEMA out of the attacks . Pundits attacks are so brazen you can even smell the hatred.
Why dont you attack him the way you attack Uhuru no one cares but when you start attacking GEMA masses we will call it out .
The same way we have debunked the peddled myth that No Kalenjin leaders were pro one man one shilling when they were on the forefront.
Pundit had to save face .
Also im preety sure come 2025 when the debate comes up again Kalenjin leaders will be on the forefront  singing one man one shilling .

I would say it is GEMA leaders that are paranoid. Do you hear any politician calling out Mt Kenya residents anywhere in Kenya? Even today go to Kisumu and you will find Mt Kenyans doing their biashara as usual. Let us remind you that this discussion came about due to utterances of a Kiambu MP.

Who said GEMA hates Somali ? Baseless imagination . I always say you have GEMA phobia . Its so engrained in your genes that you see them even enemies of other tribes . This are the effects of being brainwashed duting Moi era.
And dont come with that fake ass line I married a GEMA bla bla bla .
Biggest Anti GEMA politicians are married to GEMA from Raila himself with the children to Kingi etc

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Few kikuyu Leaders unto darkness
« Reply #69 on: April 25, 2023, 02:25:05 PM »
MP os Gatundu North, Kagombe in interview.
The man is very incoherent and never concludes an answer. He is lucky that the journalists do not seem very keen on calling him out.