Author Topic: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.  (Read 3566 times)

Offline Githunguri

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Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« on: February 28, 2023, 12:01:50 PM »

Offline patel

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2023, 01:22:41 PM »
Hii ni upuzi...Chinese man has done nothing wrong except offer Kenyans savings. Gikomba traders will have to team up and compete with China man or be ready to invest or do something else. Disruption. Reminds one of uber vs Local taxi fight

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2023, 01:33:44 PM »
Moses Kuria misled them. Ati the Gikomba traders should be given the lease to the Unicity Mall. The mall had been empty since 2016. Where were these traders all these years?

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2023, 02:20:53 PM »
Too much politicking and no substance to grow the economy leads to such.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2023, 04:41:43 PM »

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2023, 05:21:11 PM »
Azimio supporters a very funny , so for them its okei for Raila and his supporters to picket but not for Gikomba traders.
There is a reason why they are picketing and the best way to find out the reason and if legit address those reasons.
As for the political repercussions KK Govt should trade careful this is how the traders ended up revolving against Uhuru .
It seems they expected the Govt to aid them in their business and it has not been forthcoming months after election.
Kuria and Gachagua might have been trying to avert the political consequences . You dont campaign on Hustler platform and when you form the Govt over. Tax the hustlers . 

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2023, 05:22:11 PM »
You have a point . Politics should be about keeping your promises and being punished if you deviate.

Too much politicking and no substance to grow the economy leads to such.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2023, 05:37:10 PM »
Azimio supporters a very funny , so for them its okei for Raila and his supporters to picket but not for Gikomba traders.
There is a reason why they are picketing and the best way to find out the reason and if legit address those reasons.
As for the political repercussions KK Govt should trade careful this is how the traders ended up revolving against Uhuru .
It seems they expected the Govt to aid them in their business and it has not been forthcoming months after election.
Kuria and Gachagua might have been trying to avert the political consequences . You dont campaign on Hustler platform and when you form the Govt over. Tax the hustlers . 
Ruto didn't promise them no competition. He promised them hustler loans so they can compete with Chinese. The interest of million of consumer overrides few brokers calling themselves traders.wakwende kazi ingine if they cannot compete with Chinese.consumers are majority

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2023, 05:38:03 PM »
You have a point . Politics should be about keeping your promises and being punished if you deviate.

Too much politicking and no substance to grow the economy leads to such.
Which promises are those..very soon Gachagua will isolate himself and kikuyus if they don't take stock.kenya belong to everyone. No one should feel entitled. Eastleigh wake Kazi.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2023, 05:46:31 PM »
Ruto business should be to finish all cartels small or big...assist genuine traders form cooperatives and give them money so they can get purchasing bargaining power  Mr chieng should get kenya front..continue with business .You cannot tell Kenyans who are majority that some people who supported you deserve to charge more.You can as well resign and go home.Gov Job should be to assist traders compete...not shield them..and punish consumers ..who are the majority

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2023, 06:02:51 PM »

Go through all campaign videos . Why do you pretend to be talking on behalf of Ruto ?

Azimio supporters a very funny , so for them its okei for Raila and his supporters to picket but not for Gikomba traders.
There is a reason why they are picketing and the best way to find out the reason and if legit address those reasons.
As for the political repercussions KK Govt should trade careful this is how the traders ended up revolving against Uhuru .
It seems they expected the Govt to aid them in their business and it has not been forthcoming months after election.
Kuria and Gachagua might have been trying to avert the political consequences . You dont campaign on Hustler platform and when you form the Govt over. Tax the hustlers . 
Ruto didn't promise them no competition. He promised them hustler loans so they can compete with Chinese. The interest of million of consumer overrides few brokers calling themselves traders.wakwende kazi ingine if they cannot compete with Chinese.consumers are majority

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2023, 06:06:06 PM »

You as an ODmer and Raila tried to Isolate GEMA in 2007 and it didnt work .
Ruto made you understand The only way of winning election is by working with GEMA he did that in 2013 and 2017 . GEMA made Ruto president in 2022 what Isolation are you talking about .

You have a point . Politics should be about keeping your promises and being punished if you deviate.

Too much politicking and no substance to grow the economy leads to such.
Which promises are those..very soon Gachagua will isolate himself and kikuyus if they don't take stock.kenya belong to everyone. No one should feel entitled. Eastleigh wake Kazi.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2023, 06:09:21 PM »

Funny you call the traders Kikuyu and consumers Kenyans , majority of the consumers are Kikuyus and the traders are Kenyans.
There is a reason  other governments shield their citizens from overzealous business competition .

Ruto business should be to finish all cartels small or big...assist genuine traders form cooperatives and give them money so they can get purchasing bargaining power  Mr chieng should get kenya front..continue with business .You cannot tell Kenyans who are majority that some people who supported you deserve to charge more.You can as well resign and go home.Gov Job should be to assist traders compete...not shield them..and punish consumers ..who are the majority

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2023, 06:12:03 PM »
Being born stupid is really unfair. How do you survive this long?

You as an ODmer and Raila tried to Isolate GEMA in 2007 and it didnt work .
Ruto made you understand The only way of winning election is by working with GEMA he did that in 2013 and 2017 . GEMA made Ruto president in 2022 what Isolation are you talking about .

You have a point . Politics should be about keeping your promises and being punished if you deviate.

Too much politicking and no substance to grow the economy leads to such.
Which promises are those..very soon Gachagua will isolate himself and kikuyus if they don't take stock.kenya belong to everyone. No one should feel entitled. Eastleigh wake Kazi.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2023, 06:13:32 PM »
I dont recall calling them kikuyu. You must be confusing me with Githunguri. Majority of consumers of expensive gikomba goods are kikuyus. I dont do tribes like you do. I want them assisted to compete. This win-win we voted for - kenya traders win - kenya consumers win. They can beat the chinese on their game - all they need is Hustle Fund after they form huge SACCOs.

Funny you call the traders Kikuyu and consumers Kenyans , majority of the consumers are Kikuyus and the traders are Kenyans.
There is a reason  other governments shield their citizens from overzealous business competition .

Ruto business should be to finish all cartels small or big...assist genuine traders form cooperatives and give them money so they can get purchasing bargaining power  Mr chieng should get kenya front..continue with business .You cannot tell Kenyans who are majority that some people who supported you deserve to charge more.You can as well resign and go home.Gov Job should be to assist traders compete...not shield them..and punish consumers ..who are the majority

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2023, 12:23:44 PM »

Continue deceiving yourself . You are just an average guy . I figured out from the word go you are an ODMer and a MOIst.
Fact you voted for Raila in 2007 another fact you want GEMA to be isolated .
Ruto is anti Raila politics which you subscribe to . I can tell you for free he will never Isolate GEMA.

Being born stupid is really unfair. How do you survive this long?

You as an ODmer and Raila tried to Isolate GEMA in 2007 and it didnt work .
Ruto made you understand The only way of winning election is by working with GEMA he did that in 2013 and 2017 . GEMA made Ruto president in 2022 what Isolation are you talking about .

You have a point . Politics should be about keeping your promises and being punished if you deviate.

Too much politicking and no substance to grow the economy leads to such.
Which promises are those..very soon Gachagua will isolate himself and kikuyus if they don't take stock.kenya belong to everyone. No one should feel entitled. Eastleigh wake Kazi.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2023, 12:44:22 PM »
Is voting for Raila a sin? Noway...., you are being too emotional. Remember the leading KK guys of today voted for Raila in 2007.

You have too much GEMA in your brains. GEMA is not an intact entity the way you perceive it. If KK continues on this route of only mdomo and no service, it will loose a big chunk of it. Btw, how high was Raila's chunk in Mt kenya in 2022? It can only improve with another Azimio candidate.

Continue deceiving yourself . You are just an average guy . I figured out from the word go you are an ODMer and a MOIst.
Fact you voted for Raila in 2007 another fact you want GEMA to be isolated .
Ruto is anti Raila politics which you subscribe to . I can tell you for free he will never Isolate GEMA.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2023, 12:57:01 PM »
GEMA that I married into or another one. My kids speak fluent ki-embu and can hear kikuyu?

Yet I am going to call out for any GEMA elite entitlement.

Ruto has dismantled the GEMA elite that messed up Kenya politically through Hustler Nation.

Now it's to destroy them economically.

Now a new GEMA elite is emerging. This likes of Ndidi Nyoro or Kimani Ichungwa.

Few remnants like Gachagua and Moses Kuria need to shape up or ship out.

Kalenjin same happen - we now have new elite like Murkomen, Cheruiyot and others - who believe in PROJECT KENYA.

Continue deceiving yourself . You are just an average guy . I figured out from the word go you are an ODMer and a MOIst.
Fact you voted for Raila in 2007 another fact you want GEMA to be isolated .
Ruto is anti Raila politics which you subscribe to . I can tell you for free he will never Isolate GEMA.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2023, 12:59:59 PM »
Read through the context , i mentioned Pundit is an Odmer and Moist,
He subscribes to Raila ideals of Anti Gema ,regionalism and betrayal politics .
Voting for Raila is a democratic right . I would never vote for him I subscribe to views contrary to what he advocates.
Im for Kenya as a nation and bringing people together for now Ruto is the one advancing them.

Is voting for Raila a sin? Noway...., you are being too emotional. Remember the leading KK guys of today voted for Raila in 2007.

You have too much GEMA in your brains. GEMA is not an intact entity the way you perceive it. If KK continues on this route of only mdomo and no service, it will loose a big chunk of it. Btw, how high was Raila's chunk in Mt kenya in 2022? It can only improve with another Azimio candidate.

Continue deceiving yourself . You are just an average guy . I figured out from the word go you are an ODMer and a MOIst.
Fact you voted for Raila in 2007 another fact you want GEMA to be isolated .
Ruto is anti Raila politics which you subscribe to . I can tell you for free he will never Isolate GEMA.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kikuyu traders protest against Chinese traders.
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2023, 01:02:35 PM »
Moist - you voted for KANU in 2002? I never voted for Moi? - maybe you mean Kalenjin nationism. I am a proud kipsigis and kalenjin.
Anti gema elite - guilty as charged. I make no apologies. I support GEMA people. I oppose GEMA elite entitlement. I think GEMA elite since Jomo era need to be dehorned.
Regionalism - ABSOLUTELY EVERYDAY. I believe in federalism and devolution. I believe every of 42 nations of kenya deserve the right to run their affairs to large extend possible.

I voted for Raila once - because Kibaki betrayed NARC - and he was best out the worse. Raila also moved to devolution - it's how he won over rift valley and coast. IT NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND. Luo elite only supported devolution/majimbo/federalism from 2001 when they joined KANU. From 1950s till 2000s they were with kikuyu trying to protect their immigrants - in a misguided way.

Now everyone loves devolution - we need to make it federalims or majimbo. Give counties more and more power. Retain the bare minimum in Nairobi.

Like most kalenjin - I started supporting Raila in late 2007 - and we parted ways in early 2008. It was not even for a year. I toyed with Kalonzo backing - until mid 2007. Most kalenjin wanted kalonzo until mid 2007 as Raila was too mercurial for their liking. He proved himself unworthy in 2008 when he betrayed kalenjin nation on first instance.

Previously I thought Raila was too dangerous/too stupid to govern - my dad refused to board ODM train.

My philosophy is simple - you can be proud kikuyu - proud kenyan - proud african - human being - dont be selfish - focus on everyone getting their fair share, rights, learn to share and everything will be great.

Read through the context , i mentioned Pundit is an Odmer and Moist,
He subscribes to Raila ideals of Anti Gema ,regionalism and betrayal politics .
Voting for Raila is a democratic right . I would never vote for him I subscribe to views contrary to what he advocates.
Im for Kenya as a nation and bringing people together for now Ruto is the one advancing them.