Author Topic: Is Living in Nairobi in Poverty Worth it?  (Read 1427 times)

Offline sema

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Is Living in Nairobi in Poverty Worth it?
« on: February 12, 2023, 08:12:01 AM »

I was watching this video and looking at the place: The dust, it's congested, traffic clogged, polluted, the buildings look run down..I sometimes think most kenyans would be better off in the village than struggling in that crime ridden, dusty, 3rd world "city"

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Is Living in Nairobi in Poverty Worth it?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2023, 08:32:57 AM »
Because village is not dusty? Where I plant my trees in Nakuru - I drive for 15kms of dusty roads - or muddy roads. Nairobi dusty is nothing.

The kind of houses poor live in villages are equally deplorable.
Poverty is real.

Nairobi slums and all are still better than most rural kenya because you can easily find work or do business to get money.

Shags in most places - you cannot get even kibarua.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: Is Living in Nairobi in Poverty Worth it?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2023, 11:40:07 AM »
It's quite easy to get mjengo mama fua boda mandazi cooking etc jobs and find something to eat...however if you are from.rural.areas which is semi arid like Ukambani or Muranga where there have been no rains which means no food no farming labour jobs you will.starve to death.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Is Living in Nairobi in Poverty Worth it?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2023, 05:51:36 PM »
stockoexchange did research in Mathare. she used to tell us on rcbowen how shocked she was to see her villagemates living in filthy shacks. she begged them to go back home instead of living in squalor without income. they would hear none of it. in late 1990s during economic downturn some of these villagers came back home. their parents gave them land to farm horticulture. by the time I was coming to usa these guys were making very good money selling horticulture. We need to redirect the population from Nairobi to the village via incentives

most of mama fuas can become very good farmers if we just gave them access to market and organized them in coops

Offline patel

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Re: Is Living in Nairobi in Poverty Worth it?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2023, 06:21:13 PM »
May God rest stocko her soul in peace. That was in 90's there was land...where in kinoo, wangige, Ruaka or Ikinu can one do horticulture? Land kaput. Population explosion is real. Where you can find land cost of production (water, electricity, fertilizer) is too high.
stockoexchange did research in Mathare. she used to tell us on rcbowen how shocked she was to see her villagemates living in filthy shacks. she begged them to go back home instead of living in squalor without income. they would hear none of it. in late 1990s during economic downturn some of these villagers came back home. their parents gave them land to farm horticulture. by the time I was coming to usa these guys were making very good money selling horticulture. We need to redirect the population from Nairobi to the village via incentives

most of mama fuas can become very good farmers if we just gave them access to market and organized them in coops

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Is Living in Nairobi in Poverty Worth it?
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2023, 06:38:22 PM »
May God rest stocko her soul in peace. That was in 90's there was land...where in kinoo, wangige, Ruaka or Ikinu can one do horticulture? Land kaput. Population explosion is real. Where you can find land cost of production (water, electricity, fertilizer) is too high.
stockoexchange did research in Mathare. she used to tell us on rcbowen how shocked she was to see her villagemates living in filthy shacks. she begged them to go back home instead of living in squalor without income. they would hear none of it. in late 1990s during economic downturn some of these villagers came back home. their parents gave them land to farm horticulture. by the time I was coming to usa these guys were making very good money selling horticulture. We need to redirect the population from Nairobi to the village via incentives

most of mama fuas can become very good farmers if we just gave them access to market and organized them in coops

You are assuming these people have any family outside NRB. I have relatives who have nothing at all. lack of Land use management killed Kenya

Offline lelewela

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Re: Is Living in Nairobi in Poverty Worth it?
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2023, 08:21:52 PM »
Sema,believe me for many young men it is better to live in the slums of mathare and get atleast a watchman/daily wage atleast 100shs.

In the village without a job, they die very young drinking changaa and getting involved in violent raids. It is difficult to live in a 3rd world country where the politicians are greedy exempting themselves from paying taxes, while they are billionaires.
Thats why Uhuru must be sacrificed to serve as an example for the future