Life is simple just that we complicate it with elitist nonsense. Teachers who have to go to class daily have been crying over this madness. School management has evolved - secondary schools are now run like universities - Principal, Senior Principal and Chief Principal. These positions will be fought over even in Turkana.
Police are killing each other, and we keep recommending counselling nonsense. It is crazy to have a govt policy of transfering police to Mandera as punishment - just like extra judicial killings.
The bizarre criminal incidents we are hearing of daily will be easily dealt with when police sleep in their village homesteads. It can be a way to address recruitment inequalities- if a village does not have a police officer it deserves consideration just like those police reservist policy.
life is complex and sometimes there are No easy solutions but hard decisions to be made for common good. for example the reasons why kiambu had very low test scores during moi time was because teachers were locals. these teachers were not accountable to anyone. As soon as tsc busted the union during kibaki regime Reforms were made and most of these local deadwoods were retired or reassigned. now in my local primary principals and teachers are posted from all over. before they get too conformable they get reassigned. the model now is produce results or you go
the problem with ruto is that he is ignoring institutions and issuing populist roadside executive orders. he is about to wreck education because he is a simple minded fool