The truth is nobody cares.
Russia instead of learning from soviet fall - taking advantage of capitalism - opening up and embracing modernity - retreated to soviet era dreams. The discovery of Oil and Gas - has given Putin - the perfect platform to live in a timewrap - of his KGB days.
Now it's been found nabbing - with rusted weaponry of doubtful efficiency.
Russia cannot live in the past of sijui Catherine the great - we are in the future.
In the present and future - USA is BEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEMOTH. Russia alone is useless. US of A has 23 trillion dollar economy (Russia has 1.7 trillion of mainly oil & gas) - far ahead in tech - and industrial-military complex that is far ahead of competition.
Chinese are playing this right - play for the long term - modernize - avoid conflict with USA - buy time.
Russia under Putin still dreams of going back to Soviet USSR glory days.
Those days are over - Russia is now almost 3rd class - importing almost everything like Kenya
The fight in Eastern Europe since 1980s has been simple - Should Eastern Europe remain in a time warp or embrace western europe modernity and living standards. The rational answer - everyone wants to live like Western Europe and Northern Americans.
Ukraine is the latest to violently break up from Russia medieval thinking. Ukraine just want to join EU for it's people to prosper. They are paying with their blood to cut ties with backwardness.
Russia after this war - should completely get out of communist time wrap - and even join EU and NATO - embrace democracy.
I have always been on the right side of history because i gauge and measure the truth , i support the truth . Im on the side of the soviets during world war 2 . On this World War 3 Im on the sides of Russians because they are right .
Ukraine was part of Soviet Union , same way California is part of U.S. how would you feel if Carlifonia declared independence then 20 years later wanted to keep offensive weapon which could be used against U.S.
Why arent you people seeing the genocide which happened in South Eastern Ukraine .
Why is NATO expanding against who ? Why did they refuse to incorporate Soviet Union ?
The truth will always prevail .