Author Topic: Gachagua gives Pundit the license to grab the rest of Mau Forest  (Read 1450 times)

Offline Kadudu

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It is now just a question of time before we kiss the forests goodbye. Ati things rotting to waste in the forest. hi

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Gachagua gives Pundit the license to grab the rest of Mau Forest
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2022, 08:41:56 AM »
This is alarming bearing in mind the current situation we are in,if not controlled forests will be wiped out,have seen that system work around Meru however if well controlled it can be successful the question is how will it be controlled if there is collusion then this is very dangerous,this should strictly be limited to where forests have been farmed before NOT NEW sections of forest.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gachagua gives Pundit the license to grab the rest of Mau Forest
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2022, 09:13:49 AM »
Forest is a resource like any other that should be used .Karua forest should be a mega park with hotels and resorts.Virgin forest ni ujinga.Trees grow and regenerate..cut them so new ones can grow back... allow sustainable use if forest for firewood,honey, recreation

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Gachagua gives Pundit the license to grab the rest of Mau Forest
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2022, 11:56:04 AM »
Forest is a resource like any other that should be used .Karua forest should be a mega park with hotels and resorts.Virgin forest ni ujinga.Trees grow and regenerate..cut them so new ones can grow back... allow sustainable use if forest for firewood,honey, recreation
This is what is called retrogression,Ruto is about clean energy,if you start cutting forests then this is reverse,some natural resources are best kept unexploited there is no end to human greed. Natural resources in Africa Never enrichen the natives, during baba mois time when forest were cut down the few people that got rich from the timber sales are now redundant

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Gachagua gives Pundit the license to grab the rest of Mau Forest
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2022, 02:43:41 PM »
Isnt this a water catchment area?
So what happens to all the streams, and rivers that originate from the area due to the forest?
Kericho tea is an excellent catchment, that is why there is always rain for the surrounding areas.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gachagua gives Pundit the license to grab the rest of Mau Forest
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2022, 10:49:31 PM »
Water comes from highlands.. Ethiopia,Kenya,etc..high water table...forests should be used then regenerate.. best example of a forest is tea.. we should allow forest to naturally regenerate...forest fires are good example of nature regeneration.This conversation mantra that forest are sacred is crazy.People die.They regenerate.Forest too...humans always lived with nature...fires were one good way to regenerate grass n forests..Virgin forest is a dead forest see old trees .aged undergrowth...dead forest ..put a fire and axes...let it regenerate

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Gachagua gives Pundit the license to grab the rest of Mau Forest
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2022, 11:52:12 PM »
Some times it is better not to place a comment so that nobod notes our ignorance.
Pundit, go back to what ou know like local politics in RV.

Water comes from highlands.. Ethiopia,Kenya,etc..high water table...forests should be used then regenerate.. best example of a forest is tea.. we should allow forest to naturally regenerate...forest fires are good example of nature regeneration.This conversation mantra that forest are sacred is crazy.People die.They regenerate.Forest too...humans always lived with nature...fires were one good way to regenerate grass n forests..Virgin forest is a dead forest see old trees .aged undergrowth...dead forest ..put a fire and axes...let it regenerate

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gachagua gives Pundit the license to grab the rest of Mau Forest
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2022, 07:01:35 AM »
I do commercial tree kadudu last planted a tree when..for me this weekend I back from putting 5 acres of trees...this will earn me more than 12m in 7yrs...

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Gachagua gives Pundit the license to grab the rest of Mau Forest
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2022, 10:04:47 AM »
So what does you commercial tree business have to do with the discussion here?

I do commercial tree kadudu last planted a tree when..for me this weekend I back from putting 5 acres of trees...this will earn me more than 12m in 7yrs...

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gachagua gives Pundit the license to grab the rest of Mau Forest
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2022, 10:22:03 AM »
This is the discussion - it's called AGROFORESTRY.  Gov grow commercial trees - sell to Raiply and Timsales. These trees takes 20-30yrs to mature. In the process of their growing - farmers should intercrop their beans, maize and etc.

Forest are meant to be used - not to be kept as virgin. There has to be sustainable use.Even Kakamega forest - you should be allowed to go there - and put a thousand beehives - sell honey and reduce poverty - collect dead wood for firewood - graze your cows and goats.

Dont romantize forests or natural resources.

Same with wildlife conservation. If we allowed hunting - many people would keep wild animals in their rangeland for hunters to come and pay money.South Africa wildlife is 10-20 times ours because they allow hunting.

Key word sustainable use. I want to see Kibera kids allowed to go and play in Ngong forests. Also I should be allowed to put up small cottages in there for tourist to come and sleep in the forest if they went.

So what does you commercial tree business have to do with the discussion here?

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Gachagua gives Pundit the license to grab the rest of Mau Forest
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2022, 12:42:58 PM »
Pundit, the discussion here is about the preservation of indigenous forests. I even read some KK supporters like Senator Khalwale have disagreed with Gachagua on this shamba system and he has vowed not to allow any encroachers into the Kakamega Forest.

I see we have very divergent views on forest preservation. I rest my case.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gachagua gives Pundit the license to grab the rest of Mau Forest
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2022, 12:50:53 PM »
Shouting about Kakamega forest  will not improve situation. The solution is to find a way people can grow millions of trees in win-win situation. This should be sustainable lifestyle. Not preaching and deifying forests.

Moi was best conservator despite cutting parts of forests for human settlement - he planted millions more trees.

Ruto should re-start Moi era serious tree planting - every primary school should be paid by gok to plant seedlings - then distributed for free. People should plant trees for commercial use.

Dont be like those Maasai shouting about Mau - yet they have never planted a single tree all their lives. Luos have same problem. Luhyas at least kidogo kidogo are better.

If Maasai planted trees - their micro-climate would change. They will not lack grass. Narok-Kajiado would be a paradise. Give it to Kikuyus or Kalenjin - watch it turn green.

Stop shouting about enviroment - start PLANTING TREES YOURSELF. Cut them. Plant again. WIN_WIN.Kakamega forest can only influence the micro-climate of kakamega - but we can turn kenya into a green oasis if we did commercial forestry. Europe has turned green thanks to that.

Pundit, the discussion here is about the preservation of indigenous forests. I even read some KK supporters like Senator Khalwale have disagreed with Gachagua on this shamba system and he has vowed not to allow any encroachers into the Kakamega Forest.

I see we have very divergent views on forest preservation. I rest my case.