Author Topic: Let's Pray  (Read 12160 times)

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Let's Pray
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:06:51 AM »
Good morning church,

Our topic today is titled the NCE (Near Christian Experiences)

Some of us were born into Christianity like Timothy (2Tim 1:5). Both his grandmother and mother were Christians. Others were not that privileged, we either came from other religious background such as Muslim,and yet others came from agnostic/atheistic background where there were no mention of God.

There were innumerable occasions I would sit through sermons or engage my Christian friends and at times, fear would engulf me. I panicked, convicted of my sins and eternity away from God and when I was just about to repent and surrender me to Christ, I resisted it. I procrastinated, made up dozens of reasons why it was not yet 'time'. I had many NCEs but I bailed out before it was 'too late'. I regarded myself as a 'survivor', close shave with these Christians.

One day, on my own, I went in tears looking for some brother to pray with me. I could not resist Holy Spirit any longer. The guys were shocked. They were used to preaching and inviting us to give our lives and here I am in the midst of my tears alone without a sermon.

Am certain Paul had several NCE before the Damascus encounter;
Verse 14 (ESV)
That's the only way this verse makes sense. He resisted and that is equated to kicking against the goads,a whip for controlling animals.

Back to our subject verse. Paul is standing before a King Agrippa defending himself from his accusers and at the same time wonderfully preaching Christ. The King had an NCE. He said as much. Paul's explained that his objective was not only leading him to an NCE but to make him a Christian. From the context, it is likely he resisted and remained an unbeliever.

Today my friends, it is not enough to have an NCE, go the whole mile, turn to Christ. I believe NCEs are orchestrated by the Holy Spirit and the more people resist, the more difficult it is to convert them. That's why Hebrews tells us;

And there is a danger too of perishing in sin
Prov 29:1 (ESV)
?1 He who is often reproved, yet stiffens his neck,
will suddenly be broken beyond healing.

May there not be found among us who resist the Holy Spirit to their damnation.

Now, let us worship the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the End (Rev 1:8 )
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.