Capt(rtd) Belsoi.
He was killed by his own Kikuyu, Gusii and Luhya workers.
He had been warned against keeping kikuyu farm workers as the war ravaged but he didnt listen.
I recall the day he was brought for burial - he lived not far from our home- they were saying there was no head

Anyway post Belsoi dead - I think Molo conflict escalated.
The kalenjin were horified by taking his head and warrior suspended the war people talked about Mau Mau type horrific no anything went...there were no rules.
Belsoi and Kones were best friends - Kones went to Transmara and trucked many hardened warriors to molo to avenge Belsoi death
Some never went back - became squattors in forest - and continue to steal cattle to this day.
Some went back to Transmara.
During Moi era we had General Wachira that was close to Kibaki. He always stood up for Kikuyus in RV during ethnic clashes. It is rumored that he provided key intelligence to akina Njenga Mungai to be able to kill that Military guy in Molo. I cant recall the Kale guy name. Kikuyu sliced him like Mboga
As long as your primitive Tribe is in kenya we will keep people like Ogola around to counter your violence