Author Topic: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other  (Read 4478 times)

Offline GeeMail

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2022, 08:35:05 PM »
Ah! You now threaten Gachagua as well this early?
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2022, 08:39:49 PM »
Ah! You now threaten Gachagua as well this early?
I am not threatening..I am just saying Ruto appointed him dpork...let him not think he won gema support.He should work with Ruto..not try to establish independent base..good thing Ruto is gentleman once you are working together he best just don't want to make him enemy .Ruto has intelligence on his friends and enemies..I fear the man...he is animal lol.You cross paths then prepare for battle royale ..90 percent chance you will lose because he gifted hardworker

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2022, 08:46:07 PM »
In summary...Ruto immediate assignment is finish the work on Kenyatta/moi/ disabling their economic muscle..this his top priority... because their hold in Kenya will threaten his programs and they have be bankrupted as matter of urgency... mainstream them... completely swept immediately before Christmas..he will be pick meticulous folks who finish the job cleanly.Ruto will want this done swiftly..and threats on Ruto are noise...he recklessly courageous .Once the dynasties are all hanging and drying he will then execute his manifesto with precision and transform Kenya because whatever he says will done..his gov will work like a clock work..any lazybones will be fired

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2022, 09:42:02 PM »
Leave Pundit alone , He does not talk for Ruto.
Rutos first Executive order will be giving Gachagua some powers, role and assignment. The Pundit is here threatening Gachagua.
His thinking is of Raila. In 2003 after winning Raila started undermining Kibaki , In 2007 after Ruto secured him P.M. seat he turned and started fighting Ruto. Same thing you saw Raila and NASAs Kalonzo ,Mudavadi,Wetangula.
Ruto is the opposite . He stood by Uhuru in 2013 when majority thought he would do a Raila. Even after handshake he never went after Uhuru when RVPundit was asking for it.

Ah! You now threaten Gachagua as well this early?

Offline GeeMail

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2022, 10:11:24 PM »
Leave Pundit alone , He does not talk for Ruto.
Rutos first Executive order will be giving Gachagua some powers, role and assignment. The Pundit is here threatening Gachagua.
His thinking is of Raila. In 2003 after winning Raila started undermining Kibaki , In 2007 after Ruto secured him P.M. seat he turned and started fighting Ruto. Same thing you saw Raila and NASAs Kalonzo ,Mudavadi,Wetangula.
Ruto is the opposite . He stood by Uhuru in 2013 when majority thought he would do a Raila. Even after handshake he never went after Uhuru when RVPundit was asking for it.

Ah! You now threaten Gachagua as well this early?

You cannot speak for Pundit. You do not know his link with the persons he speaks for. Let him say it himself.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2022, 10:29:58 PM »
My advice to Gachagua is simple.Ruto is very nice guy until you cross his path.Dont cross his path.Work with him.He is nice guy persuaded by sound Gachagua..and like suchh folks who are hardworking, diligent and brave...just don't get distracted.Ruto is very nice until he isn't.Gachagua should trust Ruto as long as he is loyal 100 percent knowing Ruto has intelligence on him everyday .Ruto rewards loyalty very handsomly and crush the dishonest without with Ruto..put all cards on the table for he already has intelligence on you...if you're smart, hardworking, can express yourself eloquently and reliable you're Ruto best friend..if you're dishonest,drunkard, lazy and unreliable Ruto will have nothing to do with you.He will barely tolerate you..if camera go off he will probably knock you out.If you're disloyal once it almost impossible you'll ever be close to him again ever...Ruto hunts for young, smart, reliable and meticulous Moi headhunted him...

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2022, 10:36:19 PM »
He has mentioned it himself . The nearest he has come to Ruto was in 2001 .

Leave Pundit alone , He does not talk for Ruto.
Rutos first Executive order will be giving Gachagua some powers, role and assignment. The Pundit is here threatening Gachagua.
His thinking is of Raila. In 2003 after winning Raila started undermining Kibaki , In 2007 after Ruto secured him P.M. seat he turned and started fighting Ruto. Same thing you saw Raila and NASAs Kalonzo ,Mudavadi,Wetangula.
Ruto is the opposite . He stood by Uhuru in 2013 when majority thought he would do a Raila. Even after handshake he never went after Uhuru when RVPundit was asking for it.

Ah! You now threaten Gachagua as well this early?

You cannot speak for Pundit. You do not know his link with the persons he speaks for. Let him say it himself.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2022, 10:39:49 PM »
He has mentioned it himself . The nearest he has come to Ruto was in 2001 ...When Ruto knocked out Biwott in 2001 he got into my radar

Leave Pundit alone , He does not talk for Ruto.
Rutos first Executive order will be giving Gachagua some powers, role and assignment. The Pundit is here threatening Gachagua.
His thinking is of Raila. In 2003 after winning Raila started undermining Kibaki , In 2007 after Ruto secured him P.M. seat he turned and started fighting Ruto. Same thing you saw Raila and NASAs Kalonzo ,Mudavadi,Wetangula.
Ruto is the opposite . He stood by Uhuru in 2013 when majority thought he would do a Raila. Even after handshake he never went after Uhuru when RVPundit was asking for it.

Ah! You now threaten Gachagua as well this early?

You cannot speak for Pundit. You do not know his link with the persons he speaks for. Let him say it himself.
When you have my IQ you don't need to see Ruto to know him...I have studied Ruto since 2001 when as 30yr old he replaced Biwott in kitchen cabinet....I knew immediately werre dealing with incredibly talented political animal

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2022, 10:43:20 PM »
What some of your are trying to do..Ruto did 20yrs as 30 yr old.. deep state shiet and system..Ruto run Harambe house in his 30yrs..give the man a small opening..and he consolidated power.Ask Total man Biwott . Biwott was schemer but had problem expressing himself.He was top grade tactician....yet Ruto kicked out of kitchen cabinet ...Moi could do nothing without asking Ruto.From where is became where is much Ruto had to sit in cabinet yet he was ass minister.... because senile moi would say what does William think ... cabinet will have to listen to 30 yr old administer of interior ministry

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2022, 10:45:55 PM »
Leave Pundit alone , He does not talk for Ruto.
Rutos first Executive order will be giving Gachagua some powers, role and assignment. The Pundit is here threatening Gachagua.
His thinking is of Raila. In 2003 after winning Raila started undermining Kibaki , In 2007 after Ruto secured him P.M. seat he turned and started fighting Ruto. Same thing you saw Raila and NASAs Kalonzo ,Mudavadi,Wetangula.
Ruto is the opposite . He stood by Uhuru in 2013 when majority thought he would do a Raila. Even after handshake he never went after Uhuru when RVPundit was asking for it.

Ah! You now threaten Gachagua as well this early?

most kalenjins think like Pundit. Pundit is just telling you what his people will do and that is fuck up okuyus

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #30 on: September 01, 2022, 10:49:59 PM »
Njamba you don't know kalenjin..we only you if attempt to don't start wars.We finish it.With finality.Ufool started the war.Ruto will ballin Bai him for sodomy is the highest form of emasculation and punishment ..then everything will be back to normal

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2022, 10:52:10 PM »
Njamba you don't know kalenjin..we only you if attempt to don't start wars.We finish it.With finality.Ufool started the war.Ruto will ballin Bai him for sodomy is the highest form of emasculation and punishment

wait what I am telling you is that do not start war with kenyattas. they are hated now but people haven't forgotten the work the did for kikuyus to regain independence from mzungu. be smart live them alone or you will start a civil war soon..fuck around and find out

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #32 on: September 01, 2022, 10:55:16 PM »
Njamba you don't know kalenjin..we only you if attempt to don't start wars.We finish it.With finality.Ufool started the war.Ruto will ballin Bai him for sodomy is the highest form of emasculation and punishment

wait what I am telling you is that do not start war with kenyattas. they are hated now but people haven't forgotten the work the did for kikuyus to regain independence from mzungu. be smart live them alone or you will start a civil war soon..fuck around and find out
Kikuyus want him finished so the real maumau can benefit...Ruto will step back and let Gachagua finish him.Ruto is very smart and sly.You will celebrate the death of Kenyatta for history can be kalenjin land moi is now a dirty word... hustler revolution is crying for Kenyatta head..Ruto will deliver.People want all dynasties finished..sacrificed for nation o heal

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #33 on: September 01, 2022, 11:08:18 PM »
Njamba you don't know kalenjin..we only you if attempt to don't start wars.We finish it.With finality.Ufool started the war.Ruto will ballin Bai him for sodomy is the highest form of emasculation and punishment

wait what I am telling you is that do not start war with kenyattas. they are hated now but people haven't forgotten the work the did for kikuyus to regain independence from mzungu. be smart live them alone or you will start a civil war soon..fuck around and find out
Kikuyus want him finished so the real maumau can benefit...Ruto will step back and let Gachagua finish him.Ruto is very smart and sly.You will celebrate the death of Kenyatta for history can be kalenjin land moi is now a dirty word... hustler revolution is crying for Kenyatta head..Ruto will deliver.People want all dynasties finished..sacrificed for nation o heal

stick to kalenjin analysis. no one in kikuyu land wants to open old mau mau war wounds. stupid milllrnials and gen za may listen to ruto and think he can do this but no reasonable kikuyu will start another civil war in kikuyuland

kalenjins will be at war with themselves in 20 years. because you idiots hate hard work

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #34 on: September 01, 2022, 11:10:12 PM »
Njamba you don't know kalenjin..we only you if attempt to don't start wars.We finish it.With finality.Ufool started the war.Ruto will ballin Bai him for sodomy is the highest form of emasculation and punishment

wait what I am telling you is that do not start war with kenyattas. they are hated now but people haven't forgotten the work the did for kikuyus to regain independence from mzungu. be smart live them alone or you will start a civil war soon..fuck around and find out
Kikuyus want him finished so the real maumau can benefit...Ruto will step back and let Gachagua finish him.Ruto is very smart and sly.You will celebrate the death of Kenyatta for history can be kalenjin land moi is now a dirty word... hustler revolution is crying for Kenyatta head..Ruto will deliver.People want all dynasties finished..sacrificed for nation o heal

stick to kalenjin analysis. no one in kikuyu land wants to open old mau mau war wounds. stupid milllrnials and gen za may listen to ruto and think he can do this but no reasonable kikuyu will start another civil war in kikuyuland

kalenjins will be at war with themselves in 20 years. because you idiots hate hard work
Kenyatta lost in every polling station including mutomo primary.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #35 on: September 01, 2022, 11:11:13 PM »
Entire Mt Kenya only elected two jubilee mps..Ruto is going and intends to finish Kenyatta very very very will be done in a way you'll love it yourself.. swiftly and decisively. . together with moi so you cannot cry tribalism .It has to be done now Before they regroup.They are done.One mistake that screw them up.Ruto will stay in background wit his bible but he will be pulling the strings then every weekend he will be in kiambu to pray for the soul of Kenyatta

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #36 on: September 01, 2022, 11:22:42 PM »
If almost foolish to imagine that Ruto will spare people who have sneared at him, denigrated him, humiliated him, smeared him and attempted to mob lynch him..rigged him.. attempted coup on him..will just walk free because their pedigree . Because they are Kenyatta or Mois.They will be crushed.100%.Kenyattas are finished.Mois are finished.Ruto will not allow them to survive any longer than is necessary.They made their bed they have lie in it.You cry now for them..for they must be deleted ..until Ruto doesn't hear their derision and contempt .For if they remain they will be laughing at him as the poor boy..their kym

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2022, 11:42:28 PM »
People in Central dont necessarily hate the Kenyattas. They voted they way they did because they hate to be labelled traitors, like they have always been labelled before, Yangu kumi ya Ruto kumi sealed the deal. They felt bad for Ruto who stuck with Unye at the time of need only for him to do an about turn and sleep with his nemesis. They also liked the zeal that Ruto showed around Mt Kenya compared to his competitors, so anyone saying that Mt Kenya voted Ruto out of fear of the "bravest and baddest warriors" of our modern time is just pampering their egos. Kenyattas still have a say in Mt Kenya and that is the reason that this time around there was a sizeable chunk of Mt Kenya Raila support compared to other elections, we have even seen here some Nipateans from Mt Kenya who hated Raila in the previous years, being his number one supporter due to the Unye factor. Ruto I believe is smart enough to leave the Kenyattas alone for the sake of peace. And who knows they might be working together.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #38 on: September 01, 2022, 11:58:22 PM »
Entire Mt Kenya only elected two jubilee mps..Ruto is going and intends to finish Kenyatta very very very will be done in a way you'll love it yourself.. swiftly and decisively. . together with moi so you cannot cry tribalism .It has to be done now Before they regroup.They are done.One mistake that screw them up.Ruto will stay in background wit his bible but he will be pulling the strings then every weekend he will be in kiambu to pray for the soul of Kenyatta
entire 30% of adults voted. do not fuck with those that didn't vote. they are the majority

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Re: Gutiri irii mukany'e yoyagira bird with a beak feeds the other
« Reply #39 on: September 01, 2022, 11:59:32 PM »
People in Central dont necessarily hate the Kenyattas. They voted they way they did because they hate to be labelled traitors, like they have always been labelled before, Yangu kumi ya Ruto kumi sealed the deal. They felt bad for Ruto who stuck with Unye at the time of need only for him to do an about turn and sleep with his nemesis. They also liked the zeal that Ruto showed around Mt Kenya compared to his competitors, so anyone saying that Mt Kenya voted Ruto out of fear of the "bravest and baddest warriors" of our modern time is just pampering their egos. Kenyattas still have a say in Mt Kenya and that is the reason that this time around there was a sizeable chunk of Mt Kenya Raila support compared to other elections, we have even seen here some Nipateans from Mt Kenya who hated Raila in the previous years, being his number one supporter due to the Unye factor. Ruto I believe is smart enough to leave the Kenyattas alone for the sake of peace. And who knows they might be working together.

they are not working together. uhuru wants ruto defeated. ruto wants uhuru humiliated or dead. uhuru will engineer a coup before he hands over to ruto