The timing is perfect: If the opposition cries foul, they will be promptly accused of playing politics with National Security!
Now exactly how will this work? Will these cameras require electricity? Can they see in the dark? How will they be maintained?
I ask these questions because this project has been rushed through without any studies being carried out. It is a major violation of privacy and may cause untold social problems. For example how will this information be used? Who has access? How long wiill the information randomly gathered be kept and what assurances are there that it will be destroyed after it is determined to be useless or reached the legal expiry date? How will innocent people be protected? A young girl from a conservative family caught entering a motel with her secret lover? An "adulterous" man or woman? Will these images end up on youtube? What are the penalties for abusing the information?
I believe this surveillance system requires its own act of parliament.