Dynasties that need to go.
1) Kenyattas - for obvious reasons.
2) Mois - for obvious reasons - you can start from energy(IPPS), media, ports/transport, airports, name it, Mois are there.
3) Rais - their stranglehold on sugar, forest
4) Ndegwas
These four families are very interlinked - you can throw maybe few others- but MOis, Rais, Kenyattas and Ndegwas - are all over 5) Jan Mohammed - his Grain Handling Monopoly need to go - and his gas monopoly with Kenyattas
6) Johos - ports and related
Once those 10 or so families are finished - the economy will grow - because new investment in media, transport, port, gas, milk, banking, name it will flow in.
What do the Moi's have? nobody seems to know.
They should also go after NCBA and the Ndegwas