Author Topic: Ruto - Museveni Connection  (Read 898 times)

Offline einstein_g

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Ruto - Museveni Connection
« on: August 17, 2022, 05:54:27 AM »
I have a lot of questions regarding what a Ruto presidency portends. For example, I developed a hunch last year that the west prefers Ruto. I'll be making some separate posts with my concerns.

I guess the first question is, why did Museveni seem to (almost desperately) want Ruto as president? What are these guys up to that Uhuru or Raila couldn't do? I've seen M7 seemingly play not so friendly to Kenya/current regime in a few instances over the past decade. For example, not building SGR on his end (otherwise we'd be linked to Central Africa by now), choosing to take the pipeline through TZ even though he had agreed that it would go through Kenya initially etc.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto - Museveni Connection
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2022, 07:50:30 AM »
It's more personal friendship - btw Ruto & M7. 2007 was wake up call for M7 to keep closer tabs on Kenya - and I think he realized that Uhuru like Kibaki was a joker. M7 takes leadership role very seriously - and security very seriously.

Now when it come to Uhuru - it started in Feb 2016 - Museveni believes KDF drown his expensive three Mi-24 helicopters in Mt kenya.
Kenya was apprensive about M7 ambition to go to SOmali and acquire the Sukhois.
Did Kenya drown the M7 three Mi-24s heading to Somali in Feb 2016 - or deliberately misguided them to hit Mt kenya.

What is obvious is that come Aprll 2016- Uganda cancelled the oil deal and re-routed to Tanzania.

This around the same time that Museveni and Ruto started building their friendship...Ruto was campaigning for M7 in Sabaot and has
subsequently been donating his choppers to Uganda.

Museveni appreciate the role Moi played in his quest for power.
M7 like Lee Njiru says - use to run his militia - right from statehouse - with Moi providing tactical support.
Museveni likes Kalenjin - even in Uganda - he has many in his private security.
Museveni hates Luos.

So it's easy to see why he likes Ruto and hates Raila.

Offline einstein_g

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Re: Ruto - Museveni Connection
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2022, 08:47:21 AM »
Okay, thanks. Maybe M7 also wants to do something aggressive and thinks WSR is the right person to do it (with Kenya being the most important country in the region). e.g something to do with DRC etc.

It's more personal friendship - btw Ruto & M7. 2007 was wake up call for M7 to keep closer tabs on Kenya - and I think he realized that Uhuru like Kibaki was a joker. M7 takes leadership role very seriously - and security very seriously.

Now when it come to Uhuru - it started in Feb 2016 - Museveni believes KDF drown his expensive three Mi-24 helicopters in Mt kenya.
Kenya was apprensive about M7 ambition to go to SOmali and acquire the Sukhois.
Did Kenya drown the M7 three Mi-24s heading to Somali in Feb 2016 - or deliberately misguided them to hit Mt kenya.

What is obvious is that come Aprll 2016- Uganda cancelled the oil deal and re-routed to Tanzania.

This around the same time that Museveni and Ruto started building their friendship...Ruto was campaigning for M7 in Sabaot and has
subsequently been donating his choppers to Uganda.

Museveni appreciate the role Moi played in his quest for power.
M7 like Lee Njiru says - use to run his militia - right from statehouse - with Moi providing tactical support.
Museveni likes Kalenjin - even in Uganda - he has many in his private security.
Museveni hates Luos.

So it's easy to see why he likes Ruto and hates Raila.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto - Museveni Connection
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2022, 09:06:22 AM »
M7 understands his limit. He will go as far as the US want him to go. US runs DRC (Uranium/Cobalt) leave Museveni to take the gold and timber. Museveni is US biggest friend post Meles Zenawi death. If he overreach in DRC - sanctions will fly so fast - he will be grippled.
Okay, thanks. Maybe M7 also wants to do something aggressive and thinks WSR is the right person to do it (with Kenya being the most important country in the region). e.g something to do with DRC etc.

Offline einstein_g

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Re: Ruto - Museveni Connection
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2022, 09:31:05 PM »
This sort of adds to my feeling that the west preferred the side with less stronger Pan African ideals. I've done my research and I know Uhuru & Raila were working on some big things to stop resources from going out of the EAC region.

M7 understands his limit. He will go as far as the US want him to go. US runs DRC (Uranium/Cobalt) leave Museveni to take the gold and timber. Museveni is US biggest friend post Meles Zenawi death. If he overreach in DRC - sanctions will fly so fast - he will be grippled.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto - Museveni Connection
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2022, 09:48:05 PM »
How do you jump from Kenya to DRC = that kind of Raila reckless ambition attracts bigger enemies
This sort of adds to my feeling that the west preferred the side with less stronger Pan African ideals. I've done my research and I know Uhuru & Raila were working on some big things to stop resources from going out of the EAC region.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Ruto - Museveni Connection
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2022, 10:58:02 PM »
And Uhuru is big there , He even wants to start an airline. Last time he tagged all his crew including Igathe .

How do you jump from Kenya to DRC = that kind of Raila reckless ambition attracts bigger enemies
This sort of adds to my feeling that the west preferred the side with less stronger Pan African ideals. I've done my research and I know Uhuru & Raila were working on some big things to stop resources from going out of the EAC region.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto - Museveni Connection
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2022, 11:04:27 PM »
Ruto need to pull out KDF out there - part of state capture to use poor soldiers in war we ought not be present.
And Uhuru is big there , He even wants to start an airline. Last time he tagged all his crew including Igathe .