Author Topic: a,lot of Young kenyans are dying in dmv area what is going on?  (Read 4105 times)

Offline RV Kirgit

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Re: a,lot of Young kenyans are dying in dmv area what is going on?
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2023, 02:00:34 AM »
Likely vaccine related.

These new designer vaccines have virtually no symptoms but don't protect the heart. So not knowing you're sick without antibiotics can lead to heart failure.

That doesn't mean we should avoid vaccines but should take extra precautions like take antibiotics when feeling heart palpitations.

I believe most vaccines are grown out of tumor cells (aka cancer substrate). What's your take on this doc?

Why young people? Because they're reckless and don't take care of themselves.

Here's your Senator.