1. Circumcision is no sin either
2. You don't serve God as you deem fit, you worship in Truth and in spirit. THis means you relate to God in His own terms not off your imaginations. Relate to God according to scriptures
3. Leave alone negroes, kina Ananias and Saphira and barnabas sold properties and laid the proceeds at the apostles' feet. THis don't make it a command,principle or requirement, just a record of the same. If tithing is full of all those blessings, why not do 30% of your gross income and get 200% blessings over and above the regular 10% tither?
4. Tithing is legalism no different from Adventism who shriek at switching on a Microwave on Saturday. Christ shed his blood to set you free from the stringent requirements of the Law. Paul called Galatians bewitched and foolish for going back to Torah
5. There are glorious testimonies from tithers and non-tithers. Tithing clearly is a hygiene factor when it comes to prosperity.. In fact it breeds modern-day Pharisees who gloat of their squeaky clean tithing streak unlike 'other men' like vooke
Shalom my brother.
1. Tithing isn't a sin.
2. Everyone ought to serve God as they deem fit and as the Holy spirit guides them.
3. Negroes give even 100% of their income. Now you attack tithers and call them stupid. You are only a man and not God, stop being the Judge but let God be.
4. If tithing means being a slave for Gods work, so be it.
5. In your reasearch did you seek the testimonies from any faithful tithers, that they only ended up miserable that were before?