Can't wait for 8/9 for all this madness to end reality to return to Kalenjin land.
Our intentions?
I am just making prediction based on facts;
Ruto is such an exceptional political forces he will bestrode kenya for next two decades like Kagame or Museveni or Meles.
I didnt say this today - I said it 10yrs ago.
I am sure by now you understand just how exceptional Ruto is - as a politician.
Only death or something like that can slow him down.
Ruto is incredibly disciplined, motivated, ambitious, brilliant, gifted orator, schemer and natural leader - so such domineering figure - who has done what nobody has done - control GEMA and NON-GEMA - cannot be beaten - by anybody in next 20yrs..
Ruto last place to conquer next year is Luo Nyanza. He has a plan to convert Luos to his supporters. Luos will greatest benefciary of his gov in 1st year. He will offer GEMA - Raila head on silver platter - to do whatever they want it - and will cause revolution in Luo politics - with new young leaders that will be deliver Raila head to gema - led by Miguna Migunas.
Ruto will personally sever Kenyatta and Moi heads - before christmas this year...making sure they never rise...and then he will become the new Kenya hero who decapitated the kenya dynasties who had captured state resources - Ndii will be the undertaker. Kenyans will be baying for their blood and Ruto would be a fool not to deliver.
They may even run to exile before christmas

- if they are smart. I think Uhuru has bought himself a nice charlet in Swiss alps

After which Ruto will close politics...and start governing as per his vision. Only a idiot who'd challenge someone who'd be enjoying support from all corners of kenya.
Only so long can you hide your real intentions 
It is exactly why the old mkale guy quit UDA. There is no democracy with Ruto. Thanks for clarifying it for us.