No. Kambas are alien people to us Kalenjin. We only know them as chelitkel. The ones who sharpen their teeth or make tires in town. My first experience with Kambas was kikuyus seeing them as nothing; as an abuse; there thee two kikuyus - one use claim the other - from githunguri like njamba - was actually a mkamba; in quary kikuyu spoke to kambas like they were nothing; like the word itself was an abuse; those days I use to go to quarries in Ukambani as I sourced for materials; from my wife side; they also see them as low class witches; then when I started working; kikuyus colleagues similar had same sentiments; seeing kambas as short dwarf who were good for nothing except sex:) .
It use to intrigues why GEMA and Kamba had such beef yet for me they are very close if you were an outsider; Only one meru guy who was married to kamba; was one I ever found talking favourably with kambas.
But the day we nearly got lynched after that mkamba cried - then I know better. Imagine a whole dude wailing like a woman after few punches - man - we were nearly killed - somehow he was bleeding from the eye

We had crowd beat us - saying we had attempted to kill one guy - two people. Then again after 10yrs - me with same bro - we got into bar brawl - same thing - nearly got killed- we had to get stitches

on our heads. I nowadays just avoid drinking with my bro huko mavuko

. To be honest my brother like fights - and I am also quick to anger - and my rage is legendary

as I cannot stand stupid people.
So Ruto should just avoid going into direct combat with Kamba leaders - they are likely to wail - and he will be lynched like we nearly got.
RV , you have a soft spot on Kambas . Maybe its all about living in Mavoko ?