The dangers of having a rubber stamp parliament were recently very clearly displayed for the whole world to see in Burkina Faso. Jubilee controls parliament and thanks to ill-advised amendments to the standing orders by Marende and company, every committee in parliament and the senate. Nothing Uhuru does not want can sneak through.
That is why he deliberately disobeys court orders and nothing happens. Not even a lame motion to impeach! It can't pass through the House Business Committee. If it does however, there is Muturi at the final gate to keep it out and off the floor.
I believe they rubber stamped an amendment (don't know if it passed) allowing Karangi powers to deploy troops and if he remembers and feels like it, may send a messenger to mention it to "Defence Secretary", Omamo.
Uhuru has no respect for the constitution. His tribesmen are largely cheering him on. That is exactly what they did when Njonjo and Kenyatta created an Imperial Presidency. The joy and ululations turned to tears of sorrow when Moi took over and had ready made laws to keep him in power for life.
Now that Uhuru has sent the army to kill every living thing I have a question, Doesn't he need parliament approval to use troops internally?
Leave these people alone. Develop the area and the banditry will disappear.