Author Topic: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs  (Read 3142 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« on: April 19, 2022, 01:37:42 PM »
Alfred Keter is born rebel.

Naona moto imewaka huko Nandi Hills.

It will be hard to beat him.

His voter defence is topnotch.

They are kicking out UDA guys.

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2022, 06:16:45 PM »
1/3 of the ballots..not there :)

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2022, 06:46:25 PM »
Hapa Keter ameshinda tena...

Tereno Ps_
*50/50* -85
 *GT* - 3
 *AKK* -158
 *Segemiat* - 61
 *Limo* - 2
 *Rejected* -4
Kapchorua polling station
1.keter 49
6.G tarus.0
Kapkaititon ps
Keter 4
GT 1
Irene 1
Limo 1
Chepinyiny poling stations
*50/50* -55
 *GT* - 11
 *AKK* 48
 *Segemiat* -147
 *Limo* - 9
 *Rejected* -2
 Akk 262
Kitur 202
Limo 6
5050 38
GT 15
Irene 7
Jerotich 1

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2022, 07:23:18 PM »
59 Polling Stations

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2022, 07:25:03 PM »
Different result flying - some showing Kitur ahead - some showing Keter ahead

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2022, 08:07:09 PM »

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2022, 08:42:51 PM »
People of Nandi will decide, and if the results show Keter winning or losing, DP's hand is no there. The man (DP) wished all aspirants success. I think Keter was very smart to make 360 degrees ONE year ago and sell UDA ahead of time. People, now believe he has reformed and as such, he might nick it by tomorrow! If he loses, officials in Nandi will have rigged him out! Expect protest from him to be louder than Jayne Kihara!
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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2022, 09:13:06 PM »
Yes he too small for WSR to bother with;  I dont see why we need 100% totally loyal folks; 1-2 guys who talking at cross-roads; can sometimes be valuable.

What helps Alfred - he deliver on CDF, is always on the ground, and knows how to do propaganda. Underneath I believe he get lost of support from Kipsigis in nandi hills - then he get Nandis from his home area of Olessos - and so it's hard to beat him.

His difference with Ruto is not ideological - I know him as broker - he practise politics of brokerage - and I think WSR doesnt play such kind - he first need to trust you - before he send contracts your way. Keter and Kuttuny dont have that kind of patience - they want stuff now - they dont get it they badmouth you and rush to competitor to sell your secrets.

He can be an MP but he will never be near power because he is Raila type - too reckless and unpredictable.

People of Nandi will decide, and if the results show Keter winning or losing, DP's hand is no there. The man (DP) wished all aspirants success. I think Keter was very smart to make 360 degrees ONE year ago and sell UDA ahead of time. People, now believe he has reformed and as such, he might nick it by tomorrow! If he loses, officials in Nandi will have rigged him out! Expect protest from him to be louder than Jayne Kihara!

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2022, 10:05:28 PM »
I think he has won..yet another story of kalenjin voters separating issues.. refusing to be zoombified like luo nyanza and of course kudos for wsr for allowing democracy to prevail however unpredictable it is for his friends.

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2022, 10:54:43 PM »
Just watched official announcement..Alfred keter once again proving kalenjin post Moi will evaluate each candidate on their own merit.Its victory for UDA and Ruto for allowing democracy to prevail even when they don't like the don't like outcome.I met keter first time in Nairobi club with olessos friend when he was running for Starehe const under PNU..we were 25yrs.Now he is going for his third term.I was with him when jubilee was being launched in 2016..and he had no kind words for Ruto..saying the ~fool~ would betrayed by Uhuru...he wanted urp retained.The verdict is on's draw .Uhuru betrayed Ruto but kikuyus havent.We need such maverick so we don't become luo wasteland where community donate it brains to one man and when he's total teeth gnashing

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2022, 02:09:36 PM »
Why did likes of Sudi finance Kitur guy stead of shouting in funerals.
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2022, 06:02:59 AM »
Ruto guys cancel the results... hehehe...this one misguided

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2022, 11:39:53 AM »
Huge blunder - Kalenjin nation will punish UDA and RUto in ways he cannot imagine.

Just give Keter - focus on elephants and buffalos - stop hunting the rabbits and squirrels.

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2022, 05:01:08 PM »
I meant why they did not finance Kitur? Seems they are determined to get their way.
It can still be credible with the party resources being fully focussed on one constituency if they decide to have a repeat exercise. Handing the certificate to Kitur is the one which looks outright stupid and careless. 

Why did likes of Sudi finance Kitur guy stead of shouting in funerals.
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2022, 06:02:46 PM »
They've handed ticket to kitur..but keter will win as independent. I predict UDA will lose upto 10 mps seats because now independent candidate have locus standi. They can say there was preferred list and people will listen.

This single action has undone most of Ruto work....where he had score 99% today he goes home with 89%.

Hapa Ruto has operated with SUDI brain...letting keter win was good PR for Ruto because it showed the process was indeed beyond reproach.

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2022, 07:27:38 PM »
This guy is a rebel without a cause.

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2022, 07:33:24 PM »

Should have just accepted and looked at the bigger picture . Most probably he would have lost in the main elections.

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2022, 08:23:27 PM »
Once he was allowed to join UDA and participate in this - it no longer about him - but UDA members. They should have disqualified him way before he participated and won.

Should have just accepted and looked at the bigger picture . Most probably he would have lost in the main elections.

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2022, 10:04:56 PM »
I think they should let his win stand. If he violated any party rules and the party can substantiate, then the whole thing should be nullified and repeated. The problem with Keter if if he starts to fight the party and DP directly his support base will shrink and in the August election he will lose and stay in opposition forever like Buzeki.You cannot win being anti Ruto in Nandi or Kipsigis areas, maybe tugen, Keiyo, or Marakwet regions
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