Author Topic: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter  (Read 1764 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« on: April 16, 2022, 08:52:18 PM »
The former CS used the Kericho Moi Gardens rally addressed by Dr Ruto to dispel claims that he was not backing him for the presidency and was instead working with Kanu leader and Baringo Senator Gideon Moi against UDA.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2022, 08:53:26 PM »
Ruto made curious statement in kericho where he told kalenjin not elect betrayers, the backstabbers, the jealous, the self-seekers - and now it clear he was hitting charles.

Knowing WSR - Charles will be forgiven only he walk on his fours from Kericho to Nairobi.

Hapa ni kuretire to from politics.

It over for Charles Keter.

Maybe he send Old men to intervene...Ruto will put him in a freezer for long. What miscalculation considering he was Ruto man for many years. That kind of betrayal hurts.

All I had heard was that Charles was no longer picking Ruto calls....because he was afraid after they went for his boys at Kengen and KPLC...he run to Gideon Moi...who are big players in IPPS with Biwotts.

Ruto doesnt forgive betrayal easily - he never forgets - he never forgives - most Kalenjin politician who know him are afraid to go against his word - because Ruto run a tight're in 100 percent or 50-50.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2022, 09:01:39 PM »
Far fetched. Keter was just away from the ground for a very long time.
If Uhuru had fired him , most probably he would have won. He was busy protecting Uhuru and Rutos interests as CS of energy.
Partly reason Ruto has been able to spend billions by giving back to churches .

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2022, 09:03:32 PM »
Dont dismiss Gideon Moi angle.
Ruto also made statement in Kericho rally that was curious.
Telling people not to elect backstabbers and self seekers.
Who was backstabber in kericho?
Where he enjoys fanatical backing.
It can only be charles.
And it serious accusation because kalenjin are very communal people (unlike kikuyu who are individualistic)
Kalenjin believe all men are equal - rich or poor - kalenjin values unity over talent (unlike Luos)
Charles desperately smiled and took him for lunch
Mutai campaign run on the same.

Anyway I have my doubts because I know Senator Aron is close to Ruto and is Charles way he would plot against his uncle.

I was suprised when I was told all Ruto men in kericho were opposed to him.
Nelson Sonko - who won 99 percent of polling station
Kipkelion Nyiganet...
And I think even Aron himself were against Charles.

Hapa amaechapwa revenge na Ruto 10-Nil

Far fetched. Keter was just away from the ground for a very long time.
If Uhuru had fired him , most probably he would have won. He was busy protecting Uhuru and Rutos interests as CS of energy.
Partly reason Ruto has been able to spend billions by giving back to churches .

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2022, 09:06:24 PM »
Keter is one of the link of Rutos Billions. Hao ni chanda na Pete. And yes Keter and Kiraitu during grand coalition introduced Uhuru business interests in the energy sector.

Dont dismiss Gideon Moi angle.
Ruto also made statement in Kericho rally that was curious.
Telling people not to elect backstabbers.
Who was backstabber in kericho?
Where he enjoys fanatical backing.
It can only be charles.
Charles desperately smiled and took him for lunch
Mutai campaign run on the same.

Anyway I have my doubts because I know Senator Aron is close to Ruto and is Charles way he would plot against his uncle.

Far fetched. Keter was just away from the ground for a very long time.
If Uhuru had fired him , most probably he would have won. He was busy protecting Uhuru and Rutos interests as CS of energy.
Partly reason Ruto has been able to spend billions by giving back to churches .

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2022, 09:11:18 PM »
Let wait to hear from RVHH.
What is common knowledge charles went with Gideon and sought refuge.
Because he thought he would be fired like Mwangi Kiunjuri
This especially when they fired Kengen and KPLC mds...his boys from the village.
Ruto made money from poles and such...but not IPPS.
IPPS are gideon and uhuru....and Biwotts.
Most of 2002 Mps of kalenjin were Gideon Moi projects.
Ruto was bag carrier of Gideon Moi - because Gideon had direct access to Moi - who had direct access to kenya fortunes.
Ruto was using Gideon to upstage Biwott.
But Gideon proved himself to be an idiot in Kibaki regime...had problem speaking kalenjin or even giving small handouts.
And they went to WSR.
WSR stood when everyone had been cowed by Kibaki and Raila.
WSR said kama mbaya ni mbaya.
It paid off.
Raila soon fell out with Kibaki - and went looking for WSR
So old timers still have Gideon number.

Keter is one of the link of Rutos Billions. Hao ni chanda na Pete. And yes Keter and Kiraitu during grand coalition introduced Uhuru business interests in the energy sector.

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2022, 09:36:19 PM »
The former CS used the Kericho Moi Gardens rally addressed by Dr Ruto to dispel claims that he was not backing him for the presidency and was instead working with Kanu leader and Baringo Senator Gideon Moi against UDA.

There are so many theories, but I think Kericho people on their own could not stand him NOT sticking his neck for Ruto like the other RV counterparts. Nepotism as well is second on the list. As an insider, though, a particular incident appears to have angered DP. In 2020, DP was down and could not attend the high-profile event, so he asked Keter to represent him. Keter was initially not interested, but eventually, he agreed. On that fateful day, Keter left his official car and trappings of power and drove beat-up probox to the event. His excuse was that he did not want his boss(Uhuru) to know he still mulls around with DP. DP quickly reminded him that he was also Keter's boss, though on the sidelines. I could tell DP was not happy. And as I know, DP never forgets or forgives EVER! I doubt he was fixed on the ballot by the elections board; I just think he lost because DP went mute on him. He wanted DP to show his hand after declaring interest in running, but DP turned it down based on the little I know. That is why he sounded jittery in those TV interviews. To be fair, DP never showed he favored anyone; voters are always the bosses!
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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2022, 09:39:11 PM »
Bitter high priest who never forgives and never forget very dangerous man. Leader should not hold grudge like that will sink country because he want revenge against community to punish their man.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2022, 09:40:04 PM »
Thanks. I have seen Ruto message on Kericho - and it was basically rallying call. Wananchi are intelligent. Jaramogi use to endorse candidate by saying salamia xyz in area xyz. Moi use to do the same.  People are intelligent - when Ruto attacked betrayers and self-seekers in kericho - people took a second look at keter - and said - wait a minute - my cousin wangapi uko nayo that every job is your cousin.

Charles was asked how many cousins does he have?

There are so many theories, but I think Kericho people on their own could not stand him NOT sticking his neck for Ruto like the other RV counterparts. Nepotism as well is second on the list. As an insider, though, a particular incident appears to have angered DP. In 2020, DP was down and could not attend the high-profile event, so he asked Keter to represent him. Keter was initially not interested, but eventually, he agreed. On that fateful day, Keter left his official car and trappings of power and drove beat-up probox to the event. His excuse was that he did not want his boss(Uhuru) to know he still mulls around with DP. DP quickly reminded him that he was also Keter's boss, though on the sidelines. I could tell DP was not happy. And as I know, DP never forgets or forgives EVER! I doubt he was fixed on the ballot by the elections board; I just think he lost because DP went mute on him. He wanted DP to show his hand after declaring interest in running, but DP turned it down based on the little I know. That is why he sounded jittery in those TV interviews. To be fair, DP never showed he favored anyone; voters are always the bosses!

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2022, 09:55:33 PM »
Thanks. I have seen Ruto message on Kericho - and it was basically rallying call. Wananchi are intelligent. Jaramogi use to endorse candidate by saying salamia xyz in area xyz. Moi use to do the same.  People are intelligent - when Ruto attacked betrayers and self-seekers in kericho - people took a second look at keter - and said - wait a minute - my cousin wangapi uko nayo that every job is your cousin.

Charles was asked how many cousins does he have?

There are so many theories, but I think Kericho people on their own could not stand him NOT sticking his neck for Ruto like the other RV counterparts. Nepotism as well is second on the list. As an insider, though, a particular incident appears to have angered DP. In 2020, DP was down and could not attend the high-profile event, so he asked Keter to represent him. Keter was initially not interested, but eventually, he agreed. On that fateful day, Keter left his official car and trappings of power and drove beat-up probox to the event. His excuse was that he did not want his boss(Uhuru) to know he still mulls around with DP. DP quickly reminded him that he was also Keter's boss, though on the sidelines. I could tell DP was not happy. And as I know, DP never forgets or forgives EVER! I doubt he was fixed on the ballot by the elections board; I just think he lost because DP went mute on him. He wanted DP to show his hand after declaring interest in running, but DP turned it down based on the little I know. That is why he sounded jittery in those TV interviews. To be fair, DP never showed he favored anyone; voters are always the bosses!
With that, do you think Kiptoyot Komas Kasit (KKK) will be dislodged by independent Roriat Komas Kasit (RKK)? It looks like Kericho people are determined to uproot Keter family nepotism. Kiptoyot is doing good job and I think DP will show his hand by sticking to UDA from top to bottom, but again DP is a democrat. You let raia decide and they will stick it to you! Roriat seems strong.....
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Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2022, 10:00:43 PM »
Ruto was fixed by Hassan Omar and thats how he ended up in Waki List and finally in ICC . He forgave him and right now he is his right hand man in Coast Province.
Waiguru most recently was attacking Ruto and hurling insults and abuses but alas Ruto is working with her .
Keter was placed in Energy Ministry for a reason to mint Billions for Uhuru and Ruto and he did his job.
You cant be away for 7 plus years and hope to win miraculously.
Farook Rutos errand boy didnt manage to secure Mp nomination in 2017 even with close ties with Ruto simply because Ruto stays above board on such matters particularly in Rift Valley.
There is no politician who crossed Ruto like Ngeno but still Ruto let him be.
BTW how did Alfred Keter fair in the nominations.

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2022, 10:05:48 PM »
Bitter high priest who never forgives and never forget very dangerous man. Leader should not hold grudge like that will sink country because he want revenge against community to punish their man.
Not that true; Obama, according to Michelle, has the same traits. Trump shouted he doesn't forgive or forget, as well. That, I think, doesn't disqualify you from running a government efficiently and effectively. Uhuru, too, seems to have the same qualities. I, too, believe forgiveness is utter weakness! 
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2022, 10:54:34 PM »
Kiptoyot is too popular..Charles paid him not run for governorship..romours 100m..he never saw mutai from nowhere..he feared Aron..keter would have paid him off.. people like Aron because he is what you see is what you get.Election are over in kalenjin.Kalenjin are very complicated..there is space for individual talent to shine..and now it's time rally community behind wsr.Its over for those that lost.Now focus shift to presidency.. kalenjin society is regimental and democratic... meaning the top warrior was elected but he is first amongst equal.. anything is crushed... Ruto seems to understand when to let people decide and when to push...for punishment of misleading kalenjin was to be stoned koitalel father kimnyole for sanctioning raid into maasai land that brought rinderpest and smallbox...he was sentenced to death by stoning.His sons redirected raids to luhyas and luos whose cattle had no disease and became time Brits arrived nandis had restocked and we're feeling invincible

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2022, 05:56:36 AM »
Kiptoyot is too popular..Charles paid him not run for governorship..romours 100m..he never saw mutai from nowhere..he feared Aron..keter would have paid him off.. people like Aron because he is what you see is what you get.Election are over in kalenjin.Kalenjin are very complicated..there is space for individual talent to shine..and now it's time rally community behind wsr.Its over for those that lost.Now focus shift to presidency.. kalenjin society is regimental and democratic... meaning the top warrior was elected but he is first amongst equal.. anything is crushed... Ruto seems to understand when to let people decide and when to push...for punishment of misleading kalenjin was to be stoned koitalel father kimnyole for sanctioning raid into maasai land that brought rinderpest and smallbox...he was sentenced to death by stoning.His sons redirected raids to luhyas and luos whose cattle had no disease and became time Brits arrived nandis had restocked and we're feeling invincible
Kiptoyot part of the agreement must have been to have direct senate nomination. I don't know what they feared if he is popular. That 100 million must have been spread around to buy potential senate candidates, that could be partly why there is no one in the marketplace screaming. I see a lot of "Roriat" and "kiwole" senators making rounds in Kericho Facebook forums. I think had Kiptoyot been subjected to primaries, Roriat seem could have pulled another upset. I think Keter's sins of nepotism are deep and fat and could have easily torpedoed Kiptoyot as well as a bystander! In this whole exercise it seem, voters, are out to finya politicians for real.
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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2022, 08:15:51 AM »
Yeah even greedy kosgey son saw fire... general voters voted for hustlers.. message is entitled brats made it..pesa walikula

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2022, 10:15:59 AM »
You said keter will win,made your bet and lost it...politics is like sportpesa the moment you loose your bet you accept or go hang...move on idiot..its like me I wanted Stanley kiptis to win in baringo he lost trying to prove yourself here is a waste of time.

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2022, 11:28:48 AM »
You said keter will win,made your bet and lost it...politics is like sportpesa the moment you loose your bet you accept or go hang...move on idiot..its like me I wanted Stanley kiptis to win in baringo he lost trying to prove yourself here is a waste of time.
Look here idiot we are doing postmortem to understand what killed keter political career.Postmorteums are very important in life ..we don't just bury people or animal..we dissect them up and study their bodies.Even kalenjin of 10th did that.. because it's very key to survival and understanding the world.

The most important lesson from UDA free and fair nomination - DYNASTIES are going home. Anyone who voters feel is entitled will go home.

I pity Uhuru and Raila.

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2022, 12:09:28 PM »
You said keter will win,made your bet and lost it...politics is like sportpesa the moment you loose your bet you accept or go hang...move on idiot..its like me I wanted Stanley kiptis to win in baringo he lost trying to prove yourself here is a waste of time.
Look here idiot we are doing postmortem to understand what killed keter political career.Postmorteums are very important in life ..we don't just bury people or animal..we dissect them up and study their bodies.Even kalenjin of 10th did that.. because it's very key to survival and understanding the world.

The most important lesson from UDA free and fair nomination - DYNASTIES are going home. Anyone who voters feel is entitled will go home.

I pity Uhuru and Raila.


Ruto-1992-2022 30 years in politics.

Mudavadi-1988->34 years

Wetangula since 1992-> 30 years.

Susan kihika-Daughter of Kihika Kimani from 1960s

Rigathi Gachagua-Bro to Gov Gachagua son of senior chief.

Aaron cheruiyot-Keter cousin

The list is long.If one can check UDA NA assembly nominee the list is long.

Nomination of liner Toto in 2022 is like nomination of Paul mwirigi meru in 2017.

You are very silly,very petty.

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2022, 12:18:54 PM »
In my career - pattern recognition and matching is one of most important skill to acquire.
It basis of Artificial Intelligence - where we feed computer with lots of noisy crappy data - and train it to recognize patterns
This mimic the human brain - brain recognise patterns - so it knows how make rational decision.
The idea being many things in life are bound to repeat themselves.

In studying UDA free and fair nominaiton - we are trying to recognize patterns.
Patterns are not exact a storyline from a long novel.
From where I sit - and having analyzed the results - from UDA - it obvious young, poor, educated and humble candidates won.
Money or resources almost made zero impact on the ground this time round....message was simple..hustlers for hustlers.
Old, entitled, un-educated, proud and dynasties - were rejected.
Of course a few outliers made it.

I expect the same storyline to repeat in the next election.
Never before in kenya eleciton has CLASS (hustler versus Dynasty) been an agenda.
Elections have been run previously mostly on Tribe & Age.
Expect many causalities whose only guilty maybe coming from rich background.
The poor people feel empowered - and want to have a say - Mt kenya have basically abandoned Uhuru - a sitting PORK.

When you compare Ruto & team - versus Uhuru/Raila/Gideon - the message is clear - the pattern is clear - It's hustler versus Dynasty storyline.
MaDVD is an outlier in Ruto team - Kalonzo is an outlier in Raila team.

Now my friend ceases these cheap insults and argue your points. It take away some of little nuggets you sometimes post.

And it may earn you one reputation point. You're a real hustler yourself...who has achieved a lot to be able to engage some of us here. Just be humble.

Ruto-1992-2022 30 years in politics.

Mudavadi-1988->34 years

Wetangula since 1992-> 30 years.

Susan kihika-Daughter of Kihika Kimani from 1960s

Rigathi Gachagua-Bro to Gov Gachagua son of senior chief.

Aaron cheruiyot-Keter cousin

The list is long.If one can check UDA NA assembly nominee the list is long.

Nomination of liner Toto in 2022 is like nomination of Paul mwirigi meru in 2017.

You are very silly,very petty.

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Re: RVHH - It appears Ruto sunk Keter
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2022, 01:47:43 PM »