Author Topic: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto  (Read 2719 times)

Offline Pajero

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2022, 06:41:48 PM »
Counties make provinces which eventually add up to national tally,,so there should be no differencemy Nandi brothers.Hii kitu imeenda

Offline Pajero

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2022, 06:55:26 PM »
Meanwhile,Ruto sends his buddy Aukot to stop Raila from running,mambo ngumu.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I thought Ruto said he can defeat Raila any day? Now his stooge Ekuru Aukot is telling us that Ruto is only safe when Raila is barred from vying for the Presidency? <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Robert ALAI (@RobertAlai) <a href="?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 11, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2022, 07:08:09 PM »
So Raila according to you is gaining and losing nothing :)
You and me know what happened in NE,specifically Mandera,let's not go there,fact is Raila is beating Ruto in NE.Eastern it was almost 50:50 but now that we are looking at 30% in gema nation,we may squeeze about 300K votes in Meru, Tharaka 👰,Embu,isiolo to add to 1 million plus kamba votes which gives us the 55%.About provinces,it doesn't make a difference whether you use counties or former provinces,just collate the county data into provinces.This is the easiest election Raila has ever had since 1997.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2022, 07:12:52 PM »
When we say you are of low IQ, si kwa ubaya. The question of how NE will vote for 2022 was settled in Feb 2022. NE voting patterns are different from your normal voting block because it is clan-based/controlled.

Where were you in Feburary when all NE parties signed up to Azimio?

Boost for Raila as Yatani's party backs his presidential bid

Governor Roba leads Northern leaders in joining Azimio

Here you are quoting what happened 5 years ago. A day in politics my friend is a long time. 5 years?
Don't ask again on this forum why Mizani Africa and members here are giving NE to Raila. You are wasting our time, when we could be debating something else. Nkt.

Uhuru won in Eastern and North Eastern. So if Ruto will perform the same way Uhuru did in 2017 why are you giving those Provinces to Raila?
Ruto will just perform the way Uhuru performed in 2018 but this time round,gema votes will reduce significantly.He will not beat Raila in  coast,western,Nairobi,Nyanza, Eastern,NE.This is no rocket science

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2022, 07:16:07 PM »
Opinion polls are showing 50:50 generally when it come to presidential vote. When it come to governors - Jubilee - has upper hand.
When we say you are of low IQ, si kwa ubaya. The question of how NE will vote for 2022 was settled in Feb 2022. NE voting patterns are different from your normal voting block because it is clan-based/controlled.

Where were you in Feburary when all NE parties joined Azimio?

Boost for Raila as Yatani's party backs his presidential bid

Governor Roba leads Northern leaders in joining Azimio

Here you are quoting what happened 5 years ago. A day in politics my friend is a long time. 5 years?
Don't ask again on this forum why Mizani and members here are giving NE to Raila. You are wasting our time, when we could be debating something else. Nkt.

Uhuru won in Eastern and North Eastern. So if Ruto will perform the same way Uhuru did in 2017 why are you giving those Provinces to Raila?
Ruto will just perform the way Uhuru performed in 2018 but this time round,gema votes will reduce significantly.He will not beat Raila in  coast,western,Nairobi,Nyanza, Eastern,NE.This is no rocket science

Offline Pajero

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2022, 07:22:07 PM »
Raila is loosing western,specifically Bungoma by about 20% and Kakamega by about 10%.Thats a fact that we are alive to,the difference here is that this marginal loss in Bungoma and Kakamega translated into real votes is about 300K,vis a vis the marginal gain of 30% in gema which translates to about  1.5M.Net effect is that Raila us gaining more than Ruto.Had Ruto ran away with the entire western,then that's a different story.For example Raila starts with 80% Busia,which is about 300k votes,he gets 50% vihiga which is another 100K,He gets 60% Kakamega which is about 300K,then he gets 40% Bungoma which is about 200K.In total this is 900K.This is a drop of about 400K from 2018.This is the most realistic scenario in western Kenya.Raila will get 0.9K,Ruto will add 300K votes to what Uhuru got to make it 600K.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2022, 07:48:47 PM »
Keep it Luhya - continue with Tranzoia, Nandi, Uasin Gishu, Nakuru and Nairobi - there you'll find significant Luhya diaspora.These are the rift valley votes that use to belong to Raila. Also Kakamega gain is more than 10% yawa. Malala-Khawale-maDVD definitely worth more than that.

Go Coast - Ruto has flipped Kwale, is doing better than Uhuru in Mombasa and Kilifi - plus Taita Taveta(UDA lost by a whisker) - elsewhere is 50-50.

Go Ukambani - Ruto is doing great in Machakos thanks Muthama - and will do better Makueni too(UDA by a whisker lost MCA seat) Generally according to opinion polls and social media - Ruto is leading in Ukambani - but lets not get carried away yet - choice of DPORK will determine if the figures changes or not.

Go Turkana & Matusa - Ruto will beat Raila in there - doing better than Uhuru.

Gusii - Ruto was going to do badly - but not anymore. Ruto may lose 10-20 percent in Gusii.

The rest are pretty much usual 50-50 amongst somalis and related tribes of 5 counties + Tana River.

Now when you add all those that - you will realize if Raila was to get 30% of GEMA (big iff) - Ruto will gain similar number of votes.

Meaning nothing doing. Ruto is PORK.

Raila is loosing western,specifically Bungoma by about 20% and Kakamega by about 10%.Thats a fact that we are alive to,the difference here is that this marginal loss in Bungoma and Kakamega translated into real votes is about 300K,vis a vis the marginal gain of 30% in gema which translates to about  1.5M.Net effect is that Raila us gaining more than Ruto.Had Ruto ran away with the entire western,then that's a different story.For example Raila starts with 80% Busia,which is about 300k votes,he gets 50% vihiga which is another 100K,He gets 60% Kakamega which is about 300K,then he gets 40% Bungoma which is about 200K.In total this is 900K.This is a drop of about 400K from 2018.This is the most realistic scenario in western Kenya.Raila will get 0.9K,Ruto will add 300K votes to what Uhuru got to make it 600K.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2022, 08:32:39 PM »

Doesnt warrant a reply. Stupidity at its best....

When we say you are of low IQ, si kwa ubaya. The question of how NE will vote for 2022 was settled in Feb 2022. NE voting patterns are different from your normal voting block because it is clan-based/controlled.

Where were you in Feburary when all NE parties signed up to Azimio?

Boost for Raila as Yatani's party backs his presidential bid

Governor Roba leads Northern leaders in joining Azimio

Here you are quoting what happened 5 years ago. A day in politics my friend is a long time. 5 years?
Don't ask again on this forum why Mizani Africa and members here are giving NE to Raila. You are wasting our time, when we could be debating something else. Nkt.

Uhuru won in Eastern and North Eastern. So if Ruto will perform the same way Uhuru did in 2017 why are you giving those Provinces to Raila?
Ruto will just perform the way Uhuru performed in 2018 but this time round,gema votes will reduce significantly.He will not beat Raila in  coast,western,Nairobi,Nyanza, Eastern,NE.This is no rocket science

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2022, 10:23:08 PM »
You are back to they are playing Raila wishful thinking. Giddy has always won senator easy-peasy- with few Pokots nTugen - nothing changes. Uhuru is pragmatic and has access so no surprises. He is duly informed and picked Raila over "trustworthy" Ruto. So much for your punditry.

The wayward characters remain Kalonzo-Mdvd - at least we can see Kalonzo buyer's remorse as katikati dream dies. Delusional Mdvd probably still thinks there will be some "equals" agreement - before names are submitted - akin to 2012 with Uhuru. More likely next you will have Mdvd eruptions as Azimio milk his KK raw deal - once Ruto unveil Gachagua.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #29 on: April 11, 2022, 10:42:34 PM »
I follow rational decision making - I cannot understand how suicidal they can get - because the current path that uhuru and gideon is almost guranteed to bring pain and tears.

I am seeing sins and hints of them - dumping Raila.

You are back to they are playing Raila wishful thinking. Giddy has always won senator easy-peasy- with few Pokots nTugen - nothing changes. Uhuru is pragmatic and has access so no surprises. He is duly informed and picked Raila over "trustworthy" Ruto. So much for your punditry.

The wayward characters remain Kalonzo-Mdvd - at least we can see Kalonzo buyer's remorse as katikati dream dies. Delusional Mdvd probably still thinks there will be some "equals" agreement - before names are submitted - akin to 2012 with Uhuru. More likely next you will have Mdvd eruptions as Azimio milk his KK raw deal - once Ruto unveil Gachagua.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #30 on: April 12, 2022, 05:17:44 AM »
I think we have mad people on this forun..ruro thie ruto that morning lunch evening kwani hakuna jambo lingine ulimwenguni aparrt from ruto

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #31 on: April 12, 2022, 10:30:29 AM »
No, not a single  the presidential poll says North Eastern is 50-50. An opinion poll that puts Raila at 50% only means 50% have made up their minds. Such a poll by default does not confer the other 50 to any his competitor, because at this point in the election cycle, there are still a sizable number of undecided. Below find Mizani Africa a month ago

Opinion polls are showing 50:50 generally when it come to presidential vote. When it come to governors - Jubilee - has upper hand.
When we say you are of low IQ, si kwa ubaya. The question of how NE will vote for 2022 was settled in Feb 2022. NE voting patterns are different from your normal voting block because it is clan-based/controlled.

Where were you in Feburary when all NE parties joined Azimio?

Boost for Raila as Yatani's party backs his presidential bid

Governor Roba leads Northern leaders in joining Azimio

Here you are quoting what happened 5 years ago. A day in politics my friend is a long time. 5 years?
Don't ask again on this forum why Mizani and members here are giving NE to Raila. You are wasting our time, when we could be debating something else. Nkt.

Uhuru won in Eastern and North Eastern. So if Ruto will perform the same way Uhuru did in 2017 why are you giving those Provinces to Raila?
Ruto will just perform the way Uhuru performed in 2018 but this time round,gema votes will reduce significantly.He will not beat Raila in  coast,western,Nairobi,Nyanza, Eastern,NE.This is no rocket science

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #32 on: April 12, 2022, 10:53:52 AM »
I have been watching many opinion polls; In NEP - some have Ruto leading; some have Raila leading; generally it's 50-50; most of the undecided are in GEMA and Ukambani now.

As far as parties go - Jubilee seem the party of choice for many - this due to Uhuru spending money through Yatani and company on them.

I expect presidential vote to go 50-50: Jubilee to win most of the seats followed by UDA. ODM is dead there.

No, not a single  the presidential poll says North Eastern is 50-50. An opinion poll that puts Raila at 50% only means 50% have made up their minds. Such a poll by default does not confer the other 50 to any his competitor, because at this point in the election cycle, there are still a sizable number of undecided. Below find Mizani Africa a month ago

Opinion polls are showing 50:50 generally when it come to presidential vote. When it come to governors - Jubilee - has upper hand.
When we say you are of low IQ, si kwa ubaya. The question of how NE will vote for 2022 was settled in Feb 2022. NE voting patterns are different from your normal voting block because it is clan-based/controlled.

Where were you in Feburary when all NE parties joined Azimio?

Boost for Raila as Yatani's party backs his presidential bid

Governor Roba leads Northern leaders in joining Azimio

Here you are quoting what happened 5 years ago. A day in politics my friend is a long time. 5 years?
Don't ask again on this forum why Mizani and members here are giving NE to Raila. You are wasting our time, when we could be debating something else. Nkt.

Uhuru won in Eastern and North Eastern. So if Ruto will perform the same way Uhuru did in 2017 why are you giving those Provinces to Raila?
Ruto will just perform the way Uhuru performed in 2018 but this time round,gema votes will reduce significantly.He will not beat Raila in  coast,western,Nairobi,Nyanza, Eastern,NE.This is no rocket science

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #33 on: April 12, 2022, 11:09:54 AM »
Pajero, you are laboring explaining geography to buffoons. Just avoid the word "Province" so they do not lean on Katiba to score points against your argument and go with an uncontested word like 'region' as this link has done:

Mizani Africa: Dp Ruto Shown Dust By Raila Odinga In 6 Out Of 8 Regions In The Presidential Poll

Counties make provinces which eventually add up to national tally,,so there should be no differencemy Nandi brothers.Hii kitu imeenda

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: For how long will Uhuru & Gideon resist handshake with Ruto
« Reply #34 on: April 12, 2022, 11:18:54 AM »
Who told you I wanted a reply? Did I ask for one? You asked a question on an open forum. The question you asked was "why are you giving those Provinces to Raila?", I responded providing links to boot. If you are allergic to facts, do not post questions on an open forum. You have the option to DM if you want to be selective as to who can answer you.

Doesnt warrant a reply. Stupidity at its best....

When we say you are of low IQ, si kwa ubaya. The question of how NE will vote for 2022 was settled in Feb 2022. NE voting patterns are different from your normal voting block because it is clan-based/controlled.

Where were you in Feburary when all NE parties signed up to Azimio?

Boost for Raila as Yatani's party backs his presidential bid

Governor Roba leads Northern leaders in joining Azimio

Here you are quoting what happened 5 years ago. A day in politics my friend is a long time. 5 years?
Don't ask again on this forum why Mizani Africa and members here are giving NE to Raila. You are wasting our time, when we could be debating something else. Nkt.

Uhuru won in Eastern and North Eastern. So if Ruto will perform the same way Uhuru did in 2017 why are you giving those Provinces to Raila?
Ruto will just perform the way Uhuru performed in 2018 but this time round,gema votes will reduce significantly.He will not beat Raila in  coast,western,Nairobi,Nyanza, Eastern,NE.This is no rocket science