His best chance was 2013 - when he was Prime Minister with 20 ministers - and 30 ass ministers - when he was procuring staff for IEBC - and Oswago from Bondo was IEBC CEO - but he somehow screwed up. He screwed up by letting go of maDVD. And he was facing a drunkard. He was facing two ICC indicted persons. Obama was POTUS and western nations were heavily pro Raila - and even threatening kenyans with consequences of electing war criminals. LAKINI WAPI
2007 was hard to beat incumbent - but 2013 and now 2022 - is good chance to get power - if you've got your A game on.
Now surely how do you think he will beat Ruto - guy who has almost everything going for him - brains, money, motor-mouth, smarts, energy, name it - he has it all.
Meanwhile the Mzee can barely stay awake. Hapo Kuzimia - you're talking about just Raila and Kalonzo coming with some support - watu wengine kama gideon moi or mutuas or ngilus - or other jokes - bring almost nothing to the table - sijui PK or Martha - damaged goods.
Barring a monumental cock up or death - Raila will almost certainly become the 5th president of the republic of Kenya.
Dalili ya mvua na mawingu - all signs point to favorable climate for Azimio.