Tues 9th August 2022, Election Day
On FB, twitter by Mutahi Ngunyi, Alai, Bogonko Bosire, etc.
Dear Kiambu. Also KNOWN as Kiambaa. Our HEARTS have to come to TERMS with this. I hate this VIDEO. Especially the part of a child trying to ESCAPE Kiambaa church and is thrown BACK into the FIRE. Heartless. pic.twitter.com/dc0oMH2qoh— Mutahi Ngunyi (@MutahiNgunyi) March 14, 2022
Dear Kiambu. Also KNOWN as Kiambaa. Our HEARTS have to come to TERMS with this. I hate this VIDEO. Especially the part of a child trying to ESCAPE Kiambaa church and is thrown BACK into the FIRE. Heartless. pic.twitter.com/dc0oMH2qoh
Noway - Kiambaa is in Eldoret not Kisumu.
Luos sang No Raila, No peace peacefully 2013, 2017.But Kalenjin did the killing since long before - 92, 97 even when their man wins. My free advice is to move your folks first before singing Ruto here.
There were no Raila placards in Kiambaa. Here is the jambazi behind the massacre. He is presently under probe for disappearing witnesses
Noway this is real. Even your mentor Pundit has repeatedly warned us.. he has arrows in his Mavoko cabin. Ogopa sana.