Author Topic: Raila starting to smell coffee brewing  (Read 4371 times)

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Raila starting to smell coffee brewing
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2022, 06:36:07 AM »
 :D :D

Kweli Audacity of hope ni dawa ya Punda.

He beats him blue and black with facts and erudite analysis, mpaka ashindwa kujibu.

Continue doing the lord's work my broda.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Raila starting to smell coffee brewing
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2022, 08:29:26 AM »
:D :D

Kweli Audacity of hope ni dawa ya Punda.

He beats him blue and black with facts and erudite analysis, mpaka ashindwa kujibu.

Continue doing the lord's work my broda.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Raila starting to smell coffee brewing
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2022, 09:15:57 AM »

Why do you even bother to answer him ?
You need to pass basic level of sound argumentation to warrant a response.

For example of 44 or 45 tribes - Luhya is counted and so are the almost 17 subtribes; Kalenjin 11 substribes; combined Kalenj+Luhya is almost 20 tribes. Mijikenda 9 tribes. We are at 30 tribes. The rest are the 14 - Luo, Abasuba, Somali, Kikuyu, Meru, Embu, Mbeere, Kamba...get the drift moron.

Of the 44 kenya tribes - 30 are sub tribes of Luhya, Kalenjin and Mijikenda. I personally choose my tribe as Kipsigis but can pick Kalenjin sometimes. You also pick Bukusu as tribe and Luhya sometimes.

Pundit usually has no comeback when I answer him. Over here also was no different  :sign0081:

Sagana 3.
Uhuru Tosha remarks.
Who told you ODM will provide presidential candidate?
What if the bigger coalition - Jubilee backed by 10 parties
OKA - backed by 5 parties.
Decide that Kalonzo should run the ticket.
or even decide that Ruto has "reformed" and back him :)
Please hold it until Chebukati receives formal nomination papers.
Mambo bado.

Somethings still dont make sense - to me - and with my long political knowledge - I'd be very afraid if I was Raila.

Dont be like maDVD who feed Uhuru and Ruto with Mandazi - was handed power for two weeks - then found himself offside.

If small parties are saying they dont trust Raila....and would rather sign with dead Jubilee.
You think Uhuru, kalonzo and Gideon will trust Raila with PORK.

Sometimes you're the user - sometimes you're being used.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Raila starting to smell coffee brewing
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2022, 12:36:05 PM »
You need to pass basic level of sound argumentation to warrant a response.

For example of 44 or 45 tribes - Luhya is counted and so are the almost 17 subtribes; Kalenjin 11 substribes; combined Kalenj+Luhya is almost 20 tribes. Mijikenda 9 tribes. We are at 30 tribes. The rest are the 14 - Luo, Abasuba, Somali, Kikuyu, Meru, Embu, Mbeere, Kamba...get the drift moron.

Of the 44 kenya tribes - 30 are sub tribes of Luhya, Kalenjin and Mijikenda. I personally choose my tribe as Kipsigis but can pick Kalenjin sometimes. You also pick Bukusu as tribe and Luhya sometimes.

Pundit usually has no comeback when I answer him. Over here also was no different  :sign0081:

Sagana 3.
Uhuru Tosha remarks.
Who told you ODM will provide presidential candidate?
What if the bigger coalition - Jubilee backed by 10 parties
OKA - backed by 5 parties.
Decide that Kalonzo should run the ticket.
or even decide that Ruto has "reformed" and back him :)
Please hold it until Chebukati receives formal nomination papers.
Mambo bado.

Somethings still dont make sense - to me - and with my long political knowledge - I'd be very afraid if I was Raila.

Dont be like maDVD who feed Uhuru and Ruto with Mandazi - was handed power for two weeks - then found himself offside.

If small parties are saying they dont trust Raila....and would rather sign with dead Jubilee.
You think Uhuru, kalonzo and Gideon will trust Raila with PORK.

Sometimes you're the user - sometimes you're being used.
Hakuna drift hapo. If you are going to adopt a nonsensical line about sub-tribes purporting them to be official tribes then HELLO, I will pass you the 2009 census list EACH WITH A CODE where one was asked to choose where they belonged. That list had 114 codes meaning 114 ethnic groupings (not 44). When Uhuru signed up Makonde as the 43rd tribe in 2017 and then followed with Gazetting the Indian as 44th, I believe that period was still Jubilee 1.0 and therefore YOU STILL SUPPORTED HIM, so you have no reason to claim that at that point he was not of sound mind signing documents he didn't understand or with no historical basis!

Quote from: RV Pundit
For example of 44 or 45 tribes - Luhya is counted and so are the almost 17 subtribes; Kalenjin 11 substribes; combined Kalenj+Luhya is almost 20 tribes. Mijikenda 9 tribes. We are at 30 tribes. The rest are the 14 - Luo, Abasuba, Somali, Kikuyu, Meru, Embu, Mbeere, Kamba...get the drift moron.

Bullcrap! 42 tribes is derived from the 1969 census and was kept that way by successive politicians for convenience. Uhuru added the Makonde and Indians in 2017. The official 1962 census tribes are listed below.
Ethnic groupings in Kenya were a colonial creation (Thanks Amb Kimani for reminding the world of the same) made in their "wisdom" of grouping by what they perceived as ethnic homogeneity. Post independence politicians decided to leave that enumeration methodology intact to ride on political numbers (in 2013 some fake Jubilee professor introduced the term 'tyranny of numbers'). If you look at the listing below, Kikuyu is one tribe, Luhya is one tribe and Mijikenda one tribe!. You can choose to be daft if that does not make sense to you.

We often talk of the 'big 5'. The 1962 census and 1969 had the Kikuyu, Luhya, Luo, Kamba and Kisii as the big five.
Moi fiddled in 1979 census to impose the Kalenjin as a tribe and displace the Kisii from that coveted spot of big five. However many people forget that the colonial government already recognized many distinct cultures as tribes even though they had fewer than populations of 100,000 persons and that is how we arrive at 42. YOU DO NOT GET TO 42 by haphazardly dismembering tribes to sub-tribes. 36 tribes were recognized in the 1962 census while 42 were recognized in the 1969 census. So can we please desist from making our own numbers (like unschooled people) when already what is official a tribe is already DOCUMENTED in government records?

Tribe and Population in 1962 Census

Kikuyus- 1,642,065
Luo - 1,148,355
Luhya - 1,086,409
Kamba - 933,219
Kisii - 538,343
Meru - 439,921
Mijikenda - 414,887
Kipsigis - 341,771
Nandi - 170,085
Maasai - 154,079
Tugen - 109,691
Elgeyo - 100,871
Embu - 95,647
Taita - 83,613
Pokot - 76,537
Teso - 72,357
Marakwet - 66,965
Kuria - 41,885
Tharaka - 38,474
Mbere - 38,172
Sabaot - 28,012
Nderobo - 14,378
Bajun - 11,280
Swahili/Shirazi - 8,657
Taveta - 4,855
Boni/Sanye - 4,797
Njemps - 4,681     
Somali - 275,241
Turkana - 181,387
Boran - 58,346
Samburu - 48,750
Pokomo - 30,350
Rendile - 13,724
Orman - 11,646
Gabbra - 11,478
Sakuye - 1,681
Not stated - 15,481
TOTAL - 8,318,070

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Raila starting to smell coffee brewing
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2022, 12:49:17 PM »
I promised this other list. It is an official list showing not your 44 but 114 groupings (ONLY 42 are official tribes):

Together with the list of Tribe codes used in the Kenya 2009 census {source: KNBS}:

P.S. Tanzania data is intact, no ethnic demographic posturing by rogue political class ... Pap! - arrive at 120 tribes.

1. BASUBA 110
2. EMBU 120
3. KAMBA 130
4. KIKUYU 140
5. KISII 150
6. KURIA 160
7. LUO 170
9. MASAI 190
10. MBEERE 200
11. MERU 210
12. NUBI 220
13. POKOT 230
14. SAMBURU 240
15. TAITA 250
16. TAVETA 260
17. TESO 270
18. THARAKA 280
19. TURKANA 290
20. LUHYA 300  (Tribe Group)
21. BAKHAYO 301
22. BANYALA 302
23. BANYORE 303
24. BATSOTSO 304
25. BUKUSU 305
26. IDAKHO 306
27. ISUKHA 307
28. KABRAS 308
29. KISA 309
30. MARACHI 310
31. MARAGOLI 311
32. MARAMA 312
33. SAMIA 313
34. TACHONI 314
35. TIRIKI 315
36. TURA 316
37. WANGA 317
38. MIJIKENDA 400 (Tribe Group)
39. BONI 401
40. CHONYI 402
41. DAHALO 403
42. DIGO 404
43. DURUMA 405
44. GIRIAMA 406
45. JIBANA 407
46. KAMBE 408
47. KAUMA 409
48. POKOMO 410
49. RABAI 411
50. RIBE 412
51. WAATA 413
52. SWAHILI 500 (Tribe Group)
53. AMU 501
54. BAJUNI 502
55. CHITUNDI 503
56. JOMVU 504
57. MUYEYAYA 505
58. MVITA 506
59. NGARE 507
60. PATE 508
61. SIU 509
62. VUMBA 510
64. WAFAZA 512
65. WAKATWA 513
66. WAKILIFI 514
68. WAMTWAPA 516
69. WASHAKA 517
71. WATIKUU 519
72. KALENJIN 600 (Tribe Group)
73. ARROR 601
74. BUNG'OMEK 602
76. DOROBO 604
77. EL MOLO 605
78. ENDO 606
79. ILCHAMUS 607
80. KEIYO 608
81. KIPSIGIS 609
82. MARAKWET 610
83. NANDI 611
84. NJEMPS 612
85. OGIEK 613
86. SABOAT 614
87. SAMOR 615
88. SENGER 616
89. SENGWER 617
90. TERIK 618
91. TUGEN 619
92. KENYAN SOMALI 700 (Tribe Group)
93. AJURAN 701
94. BORANA 702
95. BURJI 703
96. DASENACH 704
97. DEGODIA 705
98. GABRA 706
99. GALLA 707
100. GOSHA 708
101. GURREH 709
102. HAWIYAH 710
103. KONSO 711
104. MERILE 712
105. OGADEN 713
106. ORMA 714
107. RENDILE 715
108. SAKUYE 716
109. WAAT 717
114. KENYAN 722

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Raila starting to smell coffee brewing
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2022, 01:01:13 PM »

Why do you even bother to answer him ?

I would have asked you to carry the post below to the guy who says you have a low IQ but I see he has already acknowledged it.  8)

:D :D

Kweli Audacity of hope ni dawa ya Punda.

He beats him blue and black with facts and erudite analysis, mpaka ashindwa kujibu.

Continue doing the lord's work my broda.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Raila starting to smell coffee brewing
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2022, 01:13:10 PM »
Rambling on and on like a raving lunatic.
The point is 42 tribes generally include all Kalenjin, Luhya and Mijikenda subtribes.
The main point being when you talk about 45 tribes remember to factor at least those 30 subtribes.
So dont go around claiming Ruto has appointed from Kalenjin - that is 10 tribes
You need to pass basic level of sound argumentation to warrant a response.

For example of 44 or 45 tribes - Luhya is counted and so are the almost 17 subtribes; Kalenjin 11 substribes; combined Kalenj+Luhya is almost 20 tribes. Mijikenda 9 tribes. We are at 30 tribes. The rest are the 14 - Luo, Abasuba, Somali, Kikuyu, Meru, Embu, Mbeere, Kamba...get the drift moron.

Of the 44 kenya tribes - 30 are sub tribes of Luhya, Kalenjin and Mijikenda. I personally choose my tribe as Kipsigis but can pick Kalenjin sometimes. You also pick Bukusu as tribe and Luhya sometimes.

Pundit usually has no comeback when I answer him. Over here also was no different  :sign0081:

Sagana 3.
Uhuru Tosha remarks.
Who told you ODM will provide presidential candidate?
What if the bigger coalition - Jubilee backed by 10 parties
OKA - backed by 5 parties.
Decide that Kalonzo should run the ticket.
or even decide that Ruto has "reformed" and back him :)
Please hold it until Chebukati receives formal nomination papers.
Mambo bado.

Somethings still dont make sense - to me - and with my long political knowledge - I'd be very afraid if I was Raila.

Dont be like maDVD who feed Uhuru and Ruto with Mandazi - was handed power for two weeks - then found himself offside.

If small parties are saying they dont trust Raila....and would rather sign with dead Jubilee.
You think Uhuru, kalonzo and Gideon will trust Raila with PORK.

Sometimes you're the user - sometimes you're being used.
Hakuna drift hapo. If you are going to adopt a nonsensical line about sub-tribes purporting them to be official tribes then HELLO, I will pass you the 2009 census list EACH WITH A CODE where one was asked to choose where they belonged. That list had 114 codes meaning 114 ethnic groupings (not 44). When Uhuru signed up Makonde as the 43rd tribe in 2017 and then followed with Gazetting the Indian as 44th, I believe that period was still Jubilee 1.0 and therefore YOU STILL SUPPORTED HIM, so you have no reason to claim that at that point he was not of sound mind signing documents he didn't understand or with no historical basis!

Quote from: RV Pundit
For example of 44 or 45 tribes - Luhya is counted and so are the almost 17 subtribes; Kalenjin 11 substribes; combined Kalenj+Luhya is almost 20 tribes. Mijikenda 9 tribes. We are at 30 tribes. The rest are the 14 - Luo, Abasuba, Somali, Kikuyu, Meru, Embu, Mbeere, Kamba...get the drift moron.

Bullcrap! 42 tribes is derived from the 1969 census and was kept that way by successive politicians for convenience. Uhuru added the Makonde and Indians in 2017. The official 1962 census tribes are listed below.
Ethnic groupings in Kenya were a colonial creation (Thanks Amb Kimani for reminding the world of the same) made in their "wisdom" of grouping by what they perceived as ethnic homogeneity. Post independence politicians decided to leave that enumeration methodology intact to ride on political numbers (in 2013 some fake Jubilee professor introduced the term 'tyranny of numbers'). If you look at the listing below, Kikuyu is one tribe, Luhya is one tribe and Mijikenda one tribe!. You can choose to be daft if that does not make sense to you.

We often talk of the 'big 5'. The 1962 census and 1969 had the Kikuyu, Luhya, Luo, Kamba and Kisii as the big five.
Moi fiddled in 1979 census to impose the Kalenjin as a tribe and displace the Kisii from that coveted spot of big five. However many people forget that the colonial government already recognized many distinct cultures as tribes even though they had fewer than populations of 100,000 persons and that is how we arrive at 42. YOU DO NOT GET TO 42 by haphazardly dismembering tribes to sub-tribes. 36 tribes were recognized in the 1962 census while 42 were recognized in the 1969 census. So can we please desist from making our own numbers (like unschooled people) when already what is official a tribe is already DOCUMENTED in government records?

Tribe and Population in 1962 Census

Kikuyus- 1,642,065
Luo - 1,148,355
Luhya - 1,086,409
Kamba - 933,219
Kisii - 538,343
Meru - 439,921
Mijikenda - 414,887
Kipsigis - 341,771
Nandi - 170,085
Maasai - 154,079
Tugen - 109,691
Elgeyo - 100,871
Embu - 95,647
Taita - 83,613
Pokot - 76,537
Teso - 72,357
Marakwet - 66,965
Kuria - 41,885
Tharaka - 38,474
Mbere - 38,172
Sabaot - 28,012
Nderobo - 14,378
Bajun - 11,280
Swahili/Shirazi - 8,657
Taveta - 4,855
Boni/Sanye - 4,797
Njemps - 4,681     
Somali - 275,241
Turkana - 181,387
Boran - 58,346
Samburu - 48,750
Pokomo - 30,350
Rendile - 13,724
Orman - 11,646
Gabbra - 11,478
Sakuye - 1,681
Not stated - 15,481
TOTAL - 8,318,070