Author Topic: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms  (Read 12130 times)

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
« Reply #60 on: February 25, 2022, 06:45:13 PM »
Chinese and Turkish drones altered the war course but as we speak Tigray is independent
Ask yourself a simple question I went against Western media in Ethiopia that you and Pundit supported...YOU LOST....iyo am with 95% of the world ..... Noway be smart don't let emotions lead you.
As usual you are a dunderhead effects from studying in Moi university.
You were busy yapping how Addis Ababa is falling to tigray, now I think you have dementia.
Pundit don't be silly all the time dig up your posts on Ethiopia. I said categorically and I quote" wake me up when Tigray are in Addis Ababa"
You making me think kalenjins are single celled.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
« Reply #61 on: February 25, 2022, 06:48:42 PM »
Go slow on the matusi. It make you sound uncultured. There are many things I have gotten wrong. I am not GOD. I know my intellect terrifies you. But I am not afraid to make calls.
As usual you are a dunderhead effects from studying in Moi university.
You were busy yapping how Addis Ababa is falling to tigray, now I think you have dementia.
Pundit don't be silly all the time dig up your posts on Ethiopia. I said categorically and I quote" wake me up when Tigray are in Addis Ababa"
You making me think kalenjins are single celled.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
« Reply #62 on: February 25, 2022, 09:40:36 PM »
Intellect terrifies who? Which intellect when you are always wrong? Bullshit. What has Njuri Ncheke said that is uncultured?  You are the one who is uncultured, praising yourself. Subiri wakusifu. But I am afraid even on that one, utangoja 4 years tenfold, just like you waited for Uhuru to betray Raila and it didn't happen.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
« Reply #63 on: February 25, 2022, 09:44:02 PM »
Intellect terrifies who? Which intellect when you are always wrong? Bullshit. What has Njuri Ncheke said that is uncultured?  You are the one who is uncultured, praising yourself. Subiri wakusifu. But I am afraid even on that one, utangoja 4 years tenfold, just like you waited for Uhuru to betray Raila and it didn't happen.
look at this idiot

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
« Reply #64 on: February 26, 2022, 05:46:41 AM »
Intellect terrifies who? Which intellect when you are always wrong? Bullshit. What has Njuri Ncheke said that is uncultured?  You are the one who is uncultured, praising yourself. Subiri wakusifu. But I am afraid even on that one, utangoja 4 years tenfold, just like you waited for Uhuru to betray Raila and it didn't happen.
look at this idiot
Who is the idiot?  :P
Claim: Uhuru will betray Raila
Sagana 3--> Raila Tosha says Uhuru.

Claim: Kalonzo - I really doubt he will join Azimio unless as flag bearer
Feb 28th --> It is official: Coalition to sign agreement

Claim: Ruto will win by 70%
Aug 10, 2022: "Ruto is still young .....bla bla" (What they will say on Aug 10th)

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
« Reply #65 on: February 26, 2022, 07:21:52 AM »
It is really absurd when one is clearly wrong but still pontificate and with a self-righteous ego go on to tell us they are intelligent and that we are the idiots... wtf

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
« Reply #66 on: February 26, 2022, 07:52:54 AM »
It's absurd when an idiot like you try to teach me kenya politics.
Something that I have analyzed since my teenage years.
Let me help you with my proven track record here.
From 2005 to todate I have called almost every kenya election and referenda with precision that you can only dream about.
I for exampled predicted Ruto's No would lose with 33 versus 67 - while everyone here was shouting 15-20 versus 80
The result was 31 versus 69.
I predicted in 2013 that Uhuru would win in 1st round with 51 percent against Raila 44 percent. It was perfect score. Everyone here was hoping for a second round.
I predicted in 2017 that Uhuru would win by 53 percent against 45 percent - it was 54 percent against 45 percent.
I predicted in repeat election that uhuru would win by 98 percent - that Raila even after boycotting would beat Turkana boy by scoring 1 percent - perfect score.
When I talk Idiots like you with very very LOW IQ should Listen.
 I have built solid reputation on Kenya political punditry.
Look at this thread where LOW IQ folks here are claiming I was part of IEBC rigging algorithm
Dont come from with your bad manners and think you can hold any political conversation regarding kenya politics with me.
Not even in your Bungoma county.

When I speak on Kenya politics - you need to listen.

I cannot listen to idiots - I just cannot - you're not my equal.

Only someone like Prof Charles Horsnby truly understand Kenya Politics like I DO.
He has dedicated almost two decades like me to understanding kenya politics - and has written amazing books
I encourage you to read some of them
If that guy speaks - I will listen.

Try concentrate on Bungoma politics - where I can teach you so many things.

LISTEN CAREFULLY so we dont go on abusing each other daily

I posited a year ago that if Ruto won Kalonzo he would only need 40 percent of GEMA.
If he got maDVD+Weta he would only need 50 percent.

Fortunately for Ruto and unfortunately for you - Ruto looks set to win almost 80 percent of GEMA.

He will win with minimum of 55 percent of the vote.

Dont waste you time with baseless useless abuses.

Ukraine is more likely to win the war against Russia than Raila beating Ruto.

It is really absurd when one is clearly wrong but still pontificate and with a self-righteous ego go on to tell us they are intelligent and that we are the idiots... wtf

Offline gout

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Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
« Reply #67 on: February 26, 2022, 10:06:49 AM »
Ala? The forum is degenerating into

Humans will always fight.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Kalenjin nation has survived by having the discipline to know when to raise the white flag. We knew we could not beat the Brits. Ukraine need to understand - NATO or US will NOT help them - Russia is too powerful - and they are no Afgans - who can fight for 20yrs - they are Ukraine in border with Russia.

By the end of this week the Ukraine gov will be in exile.

Russia will appoint a Russian speaking poodle to run Ukraine.

The lesson to Ukraine is simple - dont dream of joining NATO - dont even imagine it - and so are rest of Russian neighberhours.

If you do - Russia will be coming for you - before you come for them.

You have no idea what Nationhood is. You think defending what is yours is only a preserve of the Kalenjins people? You think people can be done a 'Kiambaa' and they take off into exile, become refugees or head off to some perceived 'ancestral land' even after being uprooted from a land they were born and they have never known any other place called home? Amb Martin was right to call in 2022 some mentalities 'dead empires'. Putin thinks it is a sprint. Nay! It will be a war of attrition! Hare brain Putin has already forgotten the shellacking they received from Afghanistan. Did USSR not collapse and Nations declare their independence? Vietnam humbled a super power. Never underestimate the power of Nationalism. It is what got Israel a state in the first place. It is only a question of when not if Russia will eventually be broken up into tinier pieces.
Pundit are you ready to withdraw that statement,end of the week is over and Ukraine government still put.
Pundit mambo ya vita wachia watu wanajua.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Njuri , you are disappointing. If you dont know anything about European politics its better to keep away. The one liners you are giving about this issue just goes to show you have no clue of what is happening.
This is beginning of the end for Russia. Remember this.
1 liners I do are 100 times effective than inshas you and Pundit compile

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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I highly doubt he won the elections. There is noway Russia can meddle in U.S. elections and not Ukraine.
Moscow wanted to do away with Poreshenko and they put the Comedian in power. Unfortunately this comedian thinks running a government is like running his KVN comedy club.
He should have imeaditely implimented the Minsk agreements  now its too late .Putin is looking for him. Im very sure bu tomorrow he will be in Lyviv and by a weeks time he will be in Poland. Needless to say they will still hunt him down.Ukrain will go back to polls by end of this year.

Democratically elected. Learn to accept the people's choice. Next will be a marionette from Moscow. Will that make things better for the Ukraine?

Zelnskyy the Ukranian president being a comedian, will make a good career in London or Washington.
Noway smh you guys really lack in-depth 3D thinking. You are easily coerced to believe something very naive.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Njuri , you are disappointing. If you dont know anything about European politics its better to keep away. The one liners you are giving about this issue just goes to show you have no clue of what is happening.
This is beginning of the end for Russia. Remember this.
At the end of it all appears my one liners as usual won again. :D

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Ukraine will not dare defend itself; they are going to lay down arms; the current president will end up in exile. Eastern Ukraine will go Russia way - and the new president of Ukraine will be pro-Russia.

The western allies have no stomach for war.
:D :D :D didn't know will be laughing this soon.

Offline Nowayhaha

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How did it win, any proof its the end of Russia ? where as its the opposite happening.
EU countries are complaing that the so called heavy weight sanctions are not working and infact have divided Europe and its actually the opposite the end of EU

Njuri , you are disappointing. If you dont know anything about European politics its better to keep away. The one liners you are giving about this issue just goes to show you have no clue of what is happening.
This is beginning of the end for Russia. Remember this.
At the end of it all appears my one liners as usual won again. :D

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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War is never popular.
It's neccessary sometimes. It's painful. Both sides will lose money, lifes and name it.
Sanctions will come but that is short term
Long term - Russia want to end NATO expansion and aggression towards it.
The message is clear - if Ukraine a bigger nation is getting caned - those small nations around Russia better not be thinking about NATO
US +Western poodles should also stop NATO expansion - cold war ended.
They are ones likely to plunge the world into WW3.
Btw, if this invasion is so popular in Russia as Pundit and Nowayhaha want us to believe, why has the Moscow stock exchange been closed? Usually something like this would make the stocks go up in a popular move. It seems the Moscow financial world is jittery of the coming future.

Estonia and Latvia share a border with Russia and are already in NATO.  I think that is why he attacked Ukraine instead.

Finland would have been too risky.  Better prepared, more tenuous historical ties and in all likelihood would result in a NATO intervention.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman

Offline Dear Mami

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The border the Russians share with the Baltics is easily defended. It is impossible to defend the Ukrainian border in case of an attack by a superior force that controls it. The only thing they could do in that case is threaten nuclear warfare. Conventional warfare would be out. That's why Ukraine and Georgia have always been considered the red line by those studying/discussing this till the West decided they don't care.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Putin was in bed with the west when Latvia Estonia and Liuthenia joined NATO. He reckons as one of his biggest mistake second to not sending troops to Ukraine to calm down the riots when Yanukovich requested in accordance to International law.
When NATO announced they will accept Ukraine and Georgia thats when Putin drew the red line.
Now Finland would end up like Ukraine if they initiate the process of joining NATO. They are in a good space why would they want to deatroy that.
Having said that the end of NATO and EU has just started. EU will collapse they will spend more money buying U.S. war toys and will pay more for their gas killing their industries and will have to pay more for food increasing cost of living.
Most of former Warsaw countries will refuse abandoning Russian gas and oil therefore creating a diviaion in EU. in the next 10 years expect more Brexits. Current Sitting presidents and PM will lose their seats .
If you have studied European history you would understand that this is a cycle. EU is nothing but an empire proped up by NATO as the military wing.

War is never popular.
It's neccessary sometimes. It's painful. Both sides will lose money, lifes and name it.
Sanctions will come but that is short term
Long term - Russia want to end NATO expansion and aggression towards it.
The message is clear - if Ukraine a bigger nation is getting caned - those small nations around Russia better not be thinking about NATO
US +Western poodles should also stop NATO expansion - cold war ended.
They are ones likely to plunge the world into WW3.
Btw, if this invasion is so popular in Russia as Pundit and Nowayhaha want us to believe, why has the Moscow stock exchange been closed? Usually something like this would make the stocks go up in a popular move. It seems the Moscow financial world is jittery of the coming future.

Estonia and Latvia share a border with Russia and are already in NATO.  I think that is why he attacked Ukraine instead.

Finland would have been too risky.  Better prepared, more tenuous historical ties and in all likelihood would result in a NATO intervention.

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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The border the Russians share with the Baltics is easily defended. It is impossible to defend the Ukrainian border in case of an attack by a superior force that controls it. That's why Ukraine and Georgia have always been considered the red line by all till the West decided they don't care.

For the same reason, the Baltics  -out of NATO - are  an easier target than Ukraine.  Finland is now talking NATO because of the attack on Ukraine. 
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman

Offline Nowayhaha

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When the Baltic states joined NATO in 2004 putin was on his 4 th year as president and his focus was on the economy. He was reviving Russian economy and was the darling of the west. He was too much in bed until Russians  started questioning why he would let Baltic states enter NATO with a sizeable ethnic  Russian living there. Russian fears were confirmed when laws were enacted striping ethnic Russians of Citizenship and baring the use of Russian language in schools and public offices. They even introduced language police who would eaves drop and arrest people speaking in Russian . The effect was mass exodus(expulsion) of ethnic Russians to the Russian Federation.
By 2008 it had become a political question which Putin had to answer . Thats when he said enough is enough. Western Nations thought he was joking the consequences are what we see.

The border the Russians share with the Baltics is easily defended. It is impossible to defend the Ukrainian border in case of an attack by a superior force that controls it. The only thing they could do in that case is threaten nuclear warfare. Conventional warfare would be out. That's why Ukraine and Georgia have always been considered the red line by those studying/discussing this till the West decided they don't care.

Offline Nowayhaha

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You seem to be naive or ignorant of History. Just research how Latvia , Estonia and Liuthenia became part of U.S.S.R.
Before World war 2 big part of Liuthenia had been annexed by Poland including the current capital Vilnus. It was Stalins U.S.S.R. who restored Liuthenia as a republic.

Equip yourself with knowledge why Hitler waged War against Russia was made easy by Baltic states.

The border the Russians share with the Baltics is easily defended. It is impossible to defend the Ukrainian border in case of an attack by a superior force that controls it. That's why Ukraine and Georgia have always been considered the red line by all till the West decided they don't care.

For the same reason, the Baltics  -out of NATO - are  an easier target than Ukraine.  Finland is now talking NATO because of the attack on Ukraine.