Author Topic: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion  (Read 5786 times)

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #60 on: February 24, 2022, 10:32:56 AM »
Here is a clear statement that this buffoon just types anything. When he types "I think ..." it is pure guesswork - I don't know!
First the Historical timelines: AU came into existence in 2002. Yet Mandela and South Africa achieved Majority rule way back in 1994. Prior to AU we had the OAU. So even if you meant to say 'we couldn't get into RSA conflict until OAU had passed a resolution - and we then abided', that is a totally UNSCHOOLED statement. So you went to Mogotio DEB school where Mogotio goats roamed freely and you studied under trees, but surely OAU was part of the syllabus, was it not? Because if you studied that topic then you would know why OAU was formed in the first place! And even if you missed out then you remain the ONLY member on Veritas Blog of your generation who does know that:
The primary aim of The organization of African Unity was to promote African unification and economic development while fighting colonialism and apartheid
It is statements like the one you made  below that convince me and others over here, that you overrate yourself. So what resolution was Kenya waiting for before they got against apartheid yet the instruments that formed it explicitly stated that its formation was to fight apartheid and the evil white minority government??? Kenya was therefore at loggerheads with OAU coz of its stance.
More recently Kenya showed it had not ceased showing the middle finger to its fellow African states.  In 2020, Ouru signed the free trade agreement (FTA) with Trump when ideally, it should have signed as a block.
unilateral decision to pursue an FTA with the US has triggered critiques from members of the East African Community (EAC) and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Both the EAC and the AfCFTA agreements discourage members from pursuing bilateral trade deals with third parties.
I repeat, Kenya has never had a foreign policy for probably as long as I have lived. I rest my case.
I think kenya foreign policy has always been not have any policy unless it's EAC or AU or UN resolution. FALSE - so how about the free Trade Agreement FTA signed in 2020??
Dr Sally Kosgey use to steer that ministry - with Stanford level of intellect - once gave Minister Kalonzo a big slap for being an idiot
Then Dr Juma came - she is also intelligent - but we started trying to exert ourselves - BIG mistake.
Now I think Kamau the PS - UN guy for long time - runs the show.
We dont need any foreign policy - except one that pursues peace and stay out of foreign conflicts
In short not to be opinionated about conflicts even in arounds us.
To always call for peaceful resolution of any conflict.
We couldn't get into RSA conflict until AU had passed a resolution - and we then abided.
We want to be friendly to everyone unless they are unfriendly to us.
We really have no business talking about Russia and Eastern Europe.
We can talk a storm in the UN - but eventually Russia will VETO it.
Kenya should stay away from big boys fight.
Concentrate on Ethiopia, DRC and such.
Kenya foreign policy should remain neutral
We dont want Russia as our enemy
China as our enemy
US as our enemy.
Europe as our enemy.
Let them fight their wars.
The speech should have been - NO COMMENT - we urge Russia and Ukraine to pursue peaceful negotiation and avoid wars.

This Kimani is an idiot who doesnt understand Kenya foreign policy.

Stringing good English to appease Western Europe alliance is not intelligence - intelligence is knowing when to be silent.

This same Kimani idiot who came up with BBI nonsense.

China ambassador made the best speech - in short  - it's NONE of our BUSINESS.
It's the North Pole, Bears and whatever happens there doesnt affect us.
I honestly hope you are right on that one statement. Does Kenya have a foreign policy worth talking about? I grew up and never understood how Kenya Govt got its foreign policy wrong at every turn! Always on the wrong side of History. Kenya Govt supported the evil Apartheid govt of South Africa coz Margaret Thatcher told them to do so. In Rwanda the Moi govt supported the murderous Hutu ... so many examples
This Kimanu guy is Munya Wayiaki reincarnated. I just hope he wrote that speech in their New York office without any regard from Nairobi. The logical is so flawless when you listen to it, who can dare fault it. It also aligns with our situation, past, present and even future. Which is really why Kimani holds that post.
To be fair to Putin though, what makes his situation any different to the late President Kennedy and how he reacted when he found the USSR had stockpiled missiles in Cuba only 144 miles from the US coastline?

Listen to the snippet here.
@Stockguru is probably Computer illiterate so he hasn't a clue how to edit a video so that he posts only that which is relevant.

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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #61 on: February 24, 2022, 10:39:10 AM »
Go back to and find your fellow kids to play with.
AU/OAU - same thing.
You're trying to sound smart but trust me you - you're incorrigible idiot who takes acres of space to belabour a useless point.
Kenya might not have had a written foreign policy
But it always had a foreign policy - that largely stayed out of cold war and any conflict - within and without.
The Somali war and this Kimani fool stand out for it's sheer stupidity.
Kenya should revert back to be non-aligned movement - not fighting anybody wars.
We should continue to support or oppose neither russia or Us or china or britain or Isreal or palestian.
We should stick to obeying international law.
If US can get UN resolution against Ukraine - good we abide by it.
If EAC or AU passes a resolution and we have signed the treaty we stick with it.
If we dont like a treaty - we get out of it.
Our constitution is very clear that we are part of international community and international law.
And those international laws are passed through treaties and resolutions.

Here is a clear statement that this buffoon just types anything.
First the Historical timelines: AU came into existence in 2002. Yet Mandela and South Africa achieved Majority rule way back in 1994. Prior to AU we had the OAU. So even if you meant to say 'we couldn't get into RSA conflict until OAU had passed a resolution - and we then abided', that is a totally UNSCHOOLED statement. So you went to Mogotio DEB school where Mogotio goats roamed freely and you studied under trees, but surely OAU was part of the syllabus, was it not? Because if you studied that topic then you would know why OAU was formed in the first place! And even if you missed out then you remain the ONLY member on Veritas Blog of your generation who does know that:
The primary aim of The organization of African Unity was to promote African unification and economic development while fighting colonialism and apartheid
It is statements like the one you made  below that convince me and others over here, that you overrate yourself. So what resolution was Kenya waiting for before they got against apartheid yet the instruments that formed it explicitly stated that its formation was to fight apartheid and the evil white minority government??? Kenya was therefore at loggerheads with OAU coz of its stance.
More recently Kenya showed it had not ceased showing the middle finger to its fellow African states.  In 2020, Ouru signed the free trade agreement (FTA) with Trump when ideally, it should have signed as a block.
unilateral decision to pursue an FTA with the US has triggered critiques from members of the East African Community (EAC) and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Both the EAC and the AfCFTA agreements discourage members from pursuing bilateral trade deals with third parties.
I repeat, Kenya has never had a foreign policy for probably as long as I have lived. I rest my case.
I think kenya foreign policy has always been not have any policy unless it's EAC or AU or UN resolution.
Dr Sally Kosgey use to steer that ministry - with Stanford level of intellect - once gave Minister Kalonzo a big slap for being an idiot
Then Dr Juma came - she is also intelligent - but we started trying to exert ourselves - BIG mistake.
Now I think Kamau the PS - UN guy for long time - runs the show.
We dont need any foreign policy - except one that pursues peace and stay out of foreign conflicts
In short not to be opinionated about conflicts even in arounds us.
To always call for peaceful resolution of any conflict.
We couldn't get into RSA conflict until AU had passed a resolution - and we then abided.
We want to be friendly to everyone unless they are unfriendly to us.
We really have no business talking about Russia and Eastern Europe.
We can talk a storm in the UN - but eventually Russia will VETO it.
Kenya should stay away from big boys fight.
Concentrate on Ethiopia, DRC and such.
Kenya foreign policy should remain neutral
We dont want Russia as our enemy
China as our enemy
US as our enemy.
Europe as our enemy.
Let them fight their wars.
The speech should have been - NO COMMENT - we urge Russia and Ukraine to pursue peaceful negotiation and avoid wars.

This Kimani is an idiot who doesnt understand Kenya foreign policy.

Stringing good English to appease Western Europe alliance is not intelligence - intelligence is knowing when to be silent.

This same Kimani idiot who came up with BBI nonsense.

China ambassador made the best speech - in short  - it's NONE of our BUSINESS.
It's the North Pole, Bears and whatever happens there doesnt affect us.
I honestly hope you are right on that one statement. Does Kenya have a foreign policy worth talking about? I grew up and never understood how Kenya Govt got its foreign policy wrong at every turn! Always on the wrong side of History. Kenya Govt supported the evil Apartheid govt of South Africa coz Margaret Thatcher told them to do so. In Rwanda the Moi govt supported the murderous Hutu ... so many examples
This Kimanu guy is Munya Wayiaki reincarnated. I just hope he wrote that speech in their New York office without any regard from Nairobi. The logical is so flawless when you listen to it, who can dare fault it. It also aligns with our situation, past, present and even future. Which is really why Kimani holds that post.
To be fair to Putin though, what makes his situation any different to the late President Kennedy and how he reacted when he found the USSR had stockpiled missiles in Cuba only 144 miles from the US coastline?

Listen to the snippet here.
@Stockguru is probably Computer illiterate so he hasn't a clue how to edit a video so that he posts only that which is relevant.

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #62 on: February 24, 2022, 10:40:50 AM »
I mean, it's not that well defined, Audacity, but on this matter, Pundit is not wrong! Our policy should be stick to African questions UNLESS WE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. Even within Africa we need to be careful in how and when we opine and venture into our neighbors' problems.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #63 on: February 24, 2022, 10:48:00 AM »
I am always almost right all the time.
August 9th you'll be know it when we send Jakom to final retirement.
I think Cok2010 nails our foreign policy.
We are part of the international community.
Parliament should accept or reject any treaty
Any we abide by those treaty resolution.
What this Kimani did is basically fire himself on 9th August - because Ruto will replace him
We cannot afford to have powerful enemies like Russia
Or to get boxed into a corner.
I mean, it's not that well defined, Audacity, but on this matter, Pundit is not wrong! Our policy should be stick to African questions UNLESS WE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. Even within Africa we need to be careful in how and when we opine and venture into our neighbors' problems.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #64 on: February 24, 2022, 11:03:59 AM »
I mean, it's not that well defined, Audacity, but on this matter, Pundit is not wrong! Our policy should be stick to African questions UNLESS WE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. Even within Africa we need to be careful in how and when we opine and venture into our neighbors' problems.
I just gave you an example of the FTA, where has Kenya foreign policy or lack thereof drawn the line in the sand between African questions and global ones? Kenya undercuts it's own neighbours. Look if you want to debate me you have to expand your thinking horizons.

And while at it tell @Pundit, repeating the same insult over and over again isn't punditry but exposing how wild he can be when he is caged. I shudder to think what distressed state he will be in when it dawns on him on Aug 10th that Luto won't be president this time around. Questions settled with finality, just like the Whole of Kenya finally was told yesterday that "Raila was not BETRAYED by Uhuru". An obvious question he wasted so much cyber space posting, when it  was known it was a done deal. You were wrong!
Dont rule out that Uhuru spelling outthat in Black and White YESTERDAY is responsible for his heightened bitchesness today....

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #65 on: February 24, 2022, 11:26:39 AM »
Audacity, I have not studied Kenyan Foreign Affairs, I'm really talking from a common sense rather than an expert perspective. What is our impact on Russian actions in the Ukraine? What is our interest? If the answer is zero, then these be some highly imprudent moves here. Conflict in Africa affects us one way or another both as members of the AU as well as our being a big asylum-providing country in the region. Sasa sisi here in East Africa tutaruka huko Eastern Europe saa ngapi na kwa nini?  :D Don't look at this issue so much from your lense as an American/UK-resident. Just as a Baafrika/Meero. Unless the Americans have promised us some big goodies I don't know about in exchange for supporting them on this type of thing, the only wise thing for us to do is shut up and follow developments on viusasa.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #66 on: February 24, 2022, 12:22:49 PM »
I mean, it's not that well defined, Audacity, but on this matter, Pundit is not wrong! Our policy should be stick to African questions UNLESS WE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. Even within Africa we need to be careful in how and when we opine and venture into our neighbors' problems.
It is foreign policy not African policy. We are not inferior or subservient. If we not stand with Ukraine today tomorrow an new empire may decide to occupy kenya and Ukraine could pay in kind. Our struggle for independence was international in nature. We were active participants in wwii. The lives of kenyans soldiers on the battle field were used to craft the new world order post wwii. Putin wants to violate this agreements then we have every right to tell him off. Kenya nessage was the right one. We are no longer waiting for queen or king to give us direction. By the way kenyan ethos and aspirations are of western standards of living. There is no kenyans aspiring to be Russian. We have more kenyans in Ukraine than we have in Russia presently. They deserve our protection

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #67 on: February 24, 2022, 12:30:04 PM »
My friend stop lecturing China or Russia. Super powers. Try to lecture Kenya tribal nation to negotiate it's smooth transition in the next few months. This conflict is beyond our paygrade. Do you see Russia coming to chim in on our tribal politics. Did we consult Russia when we invaded Somalia?

As far as I know this NATO stuff - let them argue, fight and all. If Russia cannot listen to US - pray who will they listen to - maybe China.

We should remain friends to Ukraine and Russia. This Kimani idiot goes on to talk about Ukraine issue I dont know debensky propsensky ugensy - like he kows jack about ukraine?

We simply dont know or care about Crimea or Debensyky or whatevesky of Eastern Europe. It's NONE of our business.

It is foreign policy not African policy. We are not inferior or subservient. If we not stand with Ukraine today tomorrow an new empire may decide to occupy kenya and Ukraine could pay in kind. Our struggle for independence was international in nature. We were active participants in wwii. The lives of kenyans soldiers on the battle field were used to craft the new world order post wwii. Putin wants to violate this agreements then we have every right to tell him off. Kenya nessage was the right one. We are no longer waiting for queen or king to give us direction. By the way kenyan ethos and aspirations are of western standards of living. There is no kenyans aspiring to be Russian. We have more kenyans in Ukraine than we have in Russia presently. They deserve our protection

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #68 on: February 24, 2022, 12:43:54 PM »
Plato, we were used in those Bazungu wars they call World Wars,  :D dragged there kicking and screaming from our peaceful farming and pastoral occupations. I don't think that's the example you want to choose to support your cooperation thesis. Bunch of colonized meeros, colonized precisely on the altar of European nationalistic madness, are not an inspiring way to call for solidarity. And do you know who spoke up to end colonization? It wasn't the West! Nah, it was communists who felt solidarity with the global south. The West were forced into it by circumstance, not morals. Hitler giving them a taste of the medicine in Europe pushed them further along that moral path.

Anyway, if the U.S. or China decided to beat us with bombs, you can rest assured Ukraine won't be involved in the matter. Did u hear them when Iraq was rained on by bush bombs? For that matter, did we lecture the US? If we have the misfortune to be targeted by a military giant, and we are not important enough to an equal power to fight for, nothing Ukraine says, even if they decide to talk, will make any difference for us. Thankfully, all these geopolitical issues are very context-specific and can't just be copy-pasted half-way across the world.

Let Europeans deal with their own issues, bana.

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #69 on: February 24, 2022, 12:53:54 PM »
Kenyan plato you are lying. There are more Kenyans im Russia than Ukraine. Why do you think there is an Embassy in Moscow and Consulate in Kyiv ?
And the rhetoric of who are many is plain Bullshit. What will you say when you hear there a more Russians in U.S. than Kenyans ?

I mean, it's not that well defined, Audacity, but on this matter, Pundit is not wrong! Our policy should be stick to African questions UNLESS WE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. Even within Africa we need to be careful in how and when we opine and venture into our neighbors' problems.
It is foreign policy not African policy. We are not inferior or subservient. If we not stand with Ukraine today tomorrow an new empire may decide to occupy kenya and Ukraine could pay in kind. Our struggle for independence was international in nature. We were active participants in wwii. The lives of kenyans soldiers on the battle field were used to craft the new world order post wwii. Putin wants to violate this agreements then we have every right to tell him off. Kenya nessage was the right one. We are no longer waiting for queen or king to give us direction. By the way kenyan ethos and aspirations are of western standards of living. There is no kenyans aspiring to be Russian. We have more kenyans in Ukraine than we have in Russia presently. They deserve our protection

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #70 on: February 24, 2022, 01:41:53 PM »
I mean, it's not that well defined, Audacity, but on this matter, Pundit is not wrong! Our policy should be stick to African questions ..."
It is foreign policy not African policy. We are not inferior or subservient. If we not stand with Ukraine today tomorrow an new empire may decide to occupy kenya and Ukraine could pay in kind. Our struggle for independence was international in nature. We were active participants in wwii. The lives of kenyans soldiers on the battle field were used to craft the new world order post wwii. ......
Plato, you have made a subtle but important point. It is Foreign policy. Even for that African policy he talks about, Kenya is never in sync with African countries as we have seen so many times, apartheid, free Trade Agreement (FTA) etc @Mami thinking is insular. Kijijini. He probably thinks Climate change does not concern Kenya as if issues like those have boundaries??. On his own admission, @Mami never studied Foreign Affairs of any country. Hasn't a clue what living in 2022 is as opposed to living in 17th century was. 'Common sense' my foot, does the world politically run on common sense? No, no, more like looking into History so it goes not repeat itself.
Mankind has been through an Agricultural revolution, went on to Industrial revolution and now we are in the information age. Essentially the world is a global village. Why were they called world wars? Because they affected the whole world. Even those who remained neutral like the swiss and the Vatican had to contend with the new world order they were living in. So the world saw it fit to form the United Nations and still saw it fit to admit all independent Nations of the world to the table. Mami just wants to be with Mommy in the village. They should take away their UNEP from Nairobi. Geez!
Mami thinks strong Nations only come at you with bombs like Russia is doing to Ukraine. No Mami, no. Sri Lanka gave away their port to China. I hear Zim or is it Zambia also doing the same as it is rumored that Mombasa port could be collateral in case we default on our SGR loan to China. Plato is damn right, If we do not stand with Ukraine today tomorrow China will claim our port and @Mami will be saying don't concern yourself with China coz it is "half-way across the world."  ,Common sense? Don't know but I know that is Bullshit!

P.S. Please do not reply to my post without including an opinion of FTA. You seem to be skirting around that point, avoiding it.

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #71 on: February 24, 2022, 03:37:03 PM »
I mean, it's not that well defined, Audacity, but on this matter, Pundit is not wrong! Our policy should be stick to African questions UNLESS WE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. Even within Africa we need to be careful in how and when we opine and venture into our neighbors' problems.
It is foreign policy not African policy. We are not inferior or subservient. If we not stand with Ukraine today tomorrow an new empire may decide to occupy kenya and Ukraine could pay in kind. Our struggle for independence was international in nature. We were active participants in wwii. The lives of kenyans soldiers on the battle field were used to craft the new world order post wwii. Putin wants to violate this agreements then we have every right to tell him off. Kenya nessage was the right one. We are no longer waiting for queen or king to give us direction. By the way kenyan ethos and aspirations are of western standards of living. There is no kenyans aspiring to be Russian. We have more kenyans in Ukraine than we have in Russia presently. They deserve our protection

In any case, he is standing up for international law.  Even if Kenya does not gain materially from it, I don't see how that is a losing proposition.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #72 on: February 24, 2022, 04:20:50 PM »
I mean, it's not that well defined, Audacity, but on this matter, Pundit is not wrong! Our policy should be stick to African questions ..."
It is foreign policy not African policy. We are not inferior or subservient. If we not stand with Ukraine today tomorrow an new empire may decide to occupy kenya and Ukraine could pay in kind. Our struggle for independence was international in nature. We were active participants in wwii. The lives of kenyans soldiers on the battle field were used to craft the new world order post wwii. ......
Plato, you have made a subtle but important point. It is Foreign policy. Even for that African policy he talks about, Kenya is never in sync with African countries as we have seen so many times, apartheid, free Trade Agreement (FTA) etc @Mami thinking is insular. Kijijini. He probably thinks Climate change does not concern Kenya as if issues like those have boundaries??. On his own admission, @Mami never studied Foreign Affairs of any country. Hasn't a clue what living in 2022 is as opposed to living in 17th century was. 'Common sense' my foot, does the world politically run on common sense? No, no, more like looking into History so it goes not repeat itself.
Mankind has been through an Agricultural revolution, went on to Industrial revolution and now we are in the information age. Essentially the world is a global village. Why were they called world wars? Because they affected the whole world. Even those who remained neutral like the swiss and the Vatican had to contend with the new world order they were living in. So the world saw it fit to form the United Nations and still saw it fit to admit all independent Nations of the world to the table. Mami just wants to be with Mommy in the village. They should take away their UNEP from Nairobi. Geez!
Mami thinks strong Nations only come at you with bombs like Russia is doing to Ukraine. No Mami, no. Sri Lanka gave away their port to China. I hear Zim or is it Zambia also doing the same as it is rumored that Mombasa port could be collateral in case we default on our SGR loan to China. Plato is damn right, If we do not stand with Ukraine today tomorrow China will claim our port and @Mami will be saying don't concern yourself with China coz it is "half-way across the world."  ,Common sense? Don't know but I know that is Bullshit!

P.S. Please do not reply to my post without including an opinion of FTA. You seem to be skirting around that point, avoiding it.
Goodness, I had no idea how petty and dishonest you can get over some issue that will never concern you in any real sense  :D Ati now I claimed I never studied foreign affairs OF ANY COUNTRY  :D And in addition you have a magic crystal ball that tells you what I think about climate change.

Keep singing about solidarity with the Ukraine here all day long. Where was it when Libya turned into 7th Century Arabia?  :D This is so childish. Still believing in fairy tales like this after everything you know about the world at this age, yawa.

I won't rain on your parade anymore. Solidarity forever! Maybe it'll help the Ukraine piece itself back together. Good luck 🤞

And PS: I ain't no "he".

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #73 on: February 24, 2022, 04:56:20 PM »
I mean, it's not that well defined, Audacity, but on this matter, Pundit is not wrong! Our policy should be stick to African questions UNLESS WE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. Even within Africa we need to be careful in how and when we opine and venture into our neighbors' problems.
It is foreign policy not African policy. We are not inferior or subservient. If we not stand with Ukraine today tomorrow an new empire may decide to occupy kenya and Ukraine could pay in kind. Our struggle for independence was international in nature. We were active participants in wwii. The lives of kenyans soldiers on the battle field were used to craft the new world order post wwii. Putin wants to violate this agreements then we have every right to tell him off. Kenya nessage was the right one. We are no longer waiting for queen or king to give us direction. By the way kenyan ethos and aspirations are of western standards of living. There is no kenyans aspiring to be Russian. We have more kenyans in Ukraine than we have in Russia presently. They deserve our protection

In any case, he is standing up for international law.  Even if Kenya does not gain materially from it, I don't see how that is a losing proposition.


Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #74 on: February 24, 2022, 05:26:02 PM »
I mean, it's not that well defined, Audacity, but on this matter, Pundit is not wrong! Our policy should be stick to African questions ..."
It is foreign policy not African policy. We are not inferior or subservient. If we not stand with Ukraine today tomorrow an new empire may decide to occupy kenya and Ukraine could pay in kind. Our struggle for independence was international in nature. We were active participants in wwii. The lives of kenyans soldiers on the battle field were used to craft the new world order post wwii. ......
Plato, you have made a subtle but important point. It is Foreign policy. Even for that African policy he talks about, Kenya is never in sync with African countries as we have seen so many times, apartheid, free Trade Agreement (FTA) etc @Mami thinking is insular. Kijijini. He probably thinks Climate change does not concern Kenya as if issues like those have boundaries??. On his own admission, @Mami never studied Foreign Affairs of any country. Hasn't a clue what living in 2022 is as opposed to living in 17th century was. 'Common sense' my foot, does the world politically run on common sense? No, no, more like looking into History so it goes not repeat itself.
Mankind has been through an Agricultural revolution, went on to Industrial revolution and now we are in the information age. Essentially the world is a global village. Why were they called world wars? Because they affected the whole world. Even those who remained neutral like the swiss and the Vatican had to contend with the new world order they were living in. So the world saw it fit to form the United Nations and still saw it fit to admit all independent Nations of the world to the table. Mami just wants to be with Mommy in the village. They should take away their UNEP from Nairobi. Geez!
Mami thinks strong Nations only come at you with bombs like Russia is doing to Ukraine. No Mami, no. Sri Lanka gave away their port to China. I hear Zim or is it Zambia also doing the same as it is rumored that Mombasa port could be collateral in case we default on our SGR loan to China. Plato is damn right, If we do not stand with Ukraine today tomorrow China will claim our port and @Mami will be saying don't concern yourself with China coz it is "half-way across the world."  ,Common sense? Don't know but I know that is Bullshit!

P.S. Please do not reply to my post without including an opinion of FTA. You seem to be skirting around that point, avoiding it.
Goodness, I had no idea how petty and dishonest you can get over some issue that will never concern you in any real sense  :D Ati now I claimed I never studied foreign affairs OF ANY COUNTRY  :D And in addition you have a magic crystal ball that tells you what I think about climate change.

Keep singing about solidarity with the Ukraine here all day long. Where was it when Libya turned into 7th Century Arabia?  :D This is so childish. Still believing in fairy tales like this after everything you know about the world at this age, yawa.

I won't rain on your parade anymore. Solidarity forever! Maybe it'll help the Ukraine piece itself back together. Good luck 🤞

And PS: I ain't no "he".
Wewe Kingereza mingi ..... just give us your opinion on the direction Kenya has taken on the FTA. If you don't have any
just say so yaishe. Are the frustrations of EAC & AfCFTA valid? I apologize for mistaking your gender however that is information that does not add any value to the ongoing discussion.

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #75 on: February 26, 2022, 12:36:33 PM »

Of the lie that there are more Kenyans in UkrIne than Russia.
Ambasodor say there are only 200 Kenyans in Ukraine

The government revealed that about 201 Kenyans are in Ukraine and 18 reside in the country permanently while 103 are students. 

Kenyan plato you are lying. There are more Kenyans im Russia than Ukraine. Why do you think there is an Embassy in Moscow and Consulate in Kyiv ?
And the rhetoric of who are many is plain Bullshit. What will you say when you hear there a more Russians in U.S. than Kenyans ?

I mean, it's not that well defined, Audacity, but on this matter, Pundit is not wrong! Our policy should be stick to African questions UNLESS WE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. Even within Africa we need to be careful in how and when we opine and venture into our neighbors' problems.
It is foreign policy not African policy. We are not inferior or subservient. If we not stand with Ukraine today tomorrow an new empire may decide to occupy kenya and Ukraine could pay in kind. Our struggle for independence was international in nature. We were active participants in wwii. The lives of kenyans soldiers on the battle field were used to craft the new world order post wwii. Putin wants to violate this agreements then we have every right to tell him off. Kenya nessage was the right one. We are no longer waiting for queen or king to give us direction. By the way kenyan ethos and aspirations are of western standards of living. There is no kenyans aspiring to be Russian. We have more kenyans in Ukraine than we have in Russia presently. They deserve our protection

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #76 on: February 27, 2022, 03:13:20 PM »
Kenya is alone in Africa in our criticism of Russia. More proof Kimani acted alone! The govt has prolly decided to just stay mute and wait things out as the speech garnered too much attention.

Neither the AU nor any other African country has followed us. They're keeping to calls for peaceful negotiations kama kawaida.

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #77 on: February 28, 2022, 07:47:28 AM »
Kimani is still at it: Was invited on CNN to do his thing. At this point I have to wonder what kina Uhuru are up to. If they are in on this, what's the end goal, esp considering everyone else in the AU has shut up and our own invasion of our neighbor? It seems odd that we should be the ones doing this.

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #78 on: February 28, 2022, 09:56:45 AM »
Audacity, I have not studied Kenyan Foreign Affairs, I'm really talking from a common sense rather than an expert perspective. What is our impact on Russian actions in the Ukraine? What is our interest? If the answer is zero, then these be some highly imprudent moves here. Conflict in Africa affects us one way or another both as members of the AU as well as our being a big asylum-providing country in the region. Sasa sisi here in East Africa tutaruka huko Eastern Europe saa ngapi na kwa nini?  :D Don't look at this issue so much from your lense as an American/UK-resident. Just as a Baafrika/Meero. Unless the Americans have promised us some big goodies I don't know about in exchange for supporting them on this type of thing, the only wise thing for us to do is shut up and follow developments on viusasa.

The answer is not zero. There is interest. Gas prices in Kenya skyrocketed. Wheat and other commodities also rise. As member of security council Kenya cannot play neutral. Even China abstaining is not neutral, just playing safe. Non-Aligned Movement no longer exist in real terms. India championed non-aligned is not neutral. Kimani doing well.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

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Re: Ambassador Kimani Gives Statement at UN on Russia Invasion
« Reply #79 on: February 28, 2022, 10:00:42 AM »

So what is neutral , Supporting U.S. ?Supporting Russia? Definetly China and India were Neutral and the Neutrality weighed more for the Russians than U.S.
These are just facts.

Audacity, I have not studied Kenyan Foreign Affairs, I'm really talking from a common sense rather than an expert perspective. What is our impact on Russian actions in the Ukraine? What is our interest? If the answer is zero, then these be some highly imprudent moves here. Conflict in Africa affects us one way or another both as members of the AU as well as our being a big asylum-providing country in the region. Sasa sisi here in East Africa tutaruka huko Eastern Europe saa ngapi na kwa nini?  :D Don't look at this issue so much from your lense as an American/UK-resident. Just as a Baafrika/Meero. Unless the Americans have promised us some big goodies I don't know about in exchange for supporting them on this type of thing, the only wise thing for us to do is shut up and follow developments on viusasa.

The answer is not zero. There is interest. Gas prices in Kenya skyrocketed. Wheat and other commodities also rise. As member of security council Kenya cannot play neutral. Even China abstaining is not neutral, just playing safe. Non-Aligned Movement no longer exist in real terms. India championed non-aligned is not neutral. Kimani doing well.