Author Topic: Will Raila do a Tosha ?  (Read 826 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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Will Raila do a Tosha ?
« on: November 30, 2021, 12:39:21 PM »

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Will Raila do a Tosha ?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2021, 12:41:46 PM »
Hakuna kitu kama stepping down. Raila has wanted to be PORK since forever. Most of 25 percent undecided are from Ukambani (45 percent undecided according to the survey) and mostly OKA region. They dont know if OKA will go for it or not. That explain poor polling by Kalonzo and MaDVD.

Central has some still waiting to understand this animus btw Uhuru-Ruto.

As for 9th - it's a non event. Raila is running and has been running.

What matters is OKA and Mt Kenya (Uhuru final move)...those are stuff to watch.

Will Uhuru go to the wire with Raila or OKA? Or he will go MIA? or handshake with Ruto. All that still in the air.

OKA likely to implode....cant agree on who is top.

In terms of running mate....both Ruto and Raila are keen to pick any of GEMA zero impact.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Will Raila do a Tosha ?
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2021, 03:05:18 PM »
Why do you care? Ruto is winning. You should be planning for ruto presidency. You should be organizing the poor on how to take over the economy. How to be the new industrialists producing cabbage flour, donkey milk etc. You should be be positioning like yourself like pundit on how to acquire aberdare ranges and plant ovacado

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Will Raila do a Tosha ?
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2021, 10:51:08 AM »
You forgot to mention Nairobi National Park. Pundit and co. will make another Pipeline out of it in the name of "development". :D :D :D

Why do you care? Ruto is winning. You should be planning for ruto presidency. You should be organizing the poor on how to take over the economy. How to be the new industrialists producing cabbage flour, donkey milk etc. You should be be positioning like yourself like pundit on how to acquire aberdare ranges and plant ovacado

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Will Raila do a Tosha ?
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2021, 11:39:57 AM »
Hiyo ni LAZIMA. Ruto will give chinese free gov land including NNP and part of forests - and we will get cheap house for a million shs. This is BIG 4 Agenda. First we start by demolishing your old house in Ololo. That should take 1-2yrs. Then we run out of free public land to incentive we go for NNP.

How can people develop when 90 percent of Nairobians DO NOT OWN THEIR OWN HOUSE - and are renting. And nearly half of those house they rent are deplorable SLUMS.

While some lions are busy in NNP doing nothing :) We need to keep zoo of 200 acres - and take rest of animals to Amboseli or Turkana or Mandera...

We build 2 million units - we sell them for very very cheap - equivalent of the rent - except it's tenant purchase or mortagage.

Now you will see Kenyans trully emerge from poverty....sio mambo na floating poverty and floating middle COVID away from sinking back to deep poverty.

Until 90s - when Kayoles emerged and nairobi housing went formal - previously a kenyan could afford very cheap house in Nyayo estate or high rise or umoja or buru buru. Places you could raise your family.

Now we have slumscrappers - with people paying so much rent - to live in the most deplorable of conditions.

You forgot to mention Nairobi National Park. Pundit and co. will make another Pipeline out of it in the name of "development". :D :D :D

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Will Raila do a Tosha ?
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2021, 05:55:04 PM »
Are the poor living conditions in Nairobi due to lack of land or money. Right now the rents have gone down in Nairobi and many free houese or apartments to rent.

That my house in Ololo will outlive yours in Mavoko. Built with solid bricks that have seen many generations pass through them. As of the Chinese coming to build for you, you will have to wait for some time. Chinese busy putting his own house in order before going to give loans to debt ridden corrupt African countries.

Hiyo ni LAZIMA. Ruto will give chinese free gov land including NNP and part of forests - and we will get cheap house for a million shs. This is BIG 4 Agenda. First we start by demolishing your old house in Ololo. That should take 1-2yrs. Then we run out of free public land to incentive we go for NNP.

How can people develop when 90 percent of Nairobians DO NOT OWN THEIR OWN HOUSE - and are renting. And nearly half of those house they rent are deplorable SLUMS.

While some lions are busy in NNP doing nothing :) We need to keep zoo of 200 acres - and take rest of animals to Amboseli or Turkana or Mandera...

We build 2 million units - we sell them for very very cheap - equivalent of the rent - except it's tenant purchase or mortagage.

Now you will see Kenyans trully emerge from poverty....sio mambo na floating poverty and floating middle COVID away from sinking back to deep poverty.

Until 90s - when Kayoles emerged and nairobi housing went formal - previously a kenyan could afford very cheap house in Nyayo estate or high rise or umoja or buru buru. Places you could raise your family.

Now we have slumscrappers - with people paying so much rent - to live in the most deplorable of conditions.

You forgot to mention Nairobi National Park. Pundit and co. will make another Pipeline out of it in the name of "development". :D :D :D

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Will Raila do a Tosha ?
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2021, 06:04:15 PM »
Soma big 4 - housing.
Housing need to be formalized and subsidized
So it brought down to affordable rents.
Gov can subsidize Chinese by giving them free land, no taxes on construction material and name it.
This will reduce the houses by 30 percent - now add economies of scale - you have nearly 50 percent reduction in rent and mortagage

The vision of Kenya is to go back to days when your father arrived from vihiga, found himself a nice little house, in a nice neigberhood.

Your father was probably low cadre civil servant but could afford to raise you in good places..not rich..but good..he probably even ended owning it.

Slums and Kayole started in 90s.

Today someone from vihiga arrive in Nairobi - even on as civil servant - can afford to rent only Kayole if not straight to Kangemi or kibera.

Are the poor living conditions in Nairobi due to lack of land or money. Right now the rents have gone down in Nairobi and many free houese or apartments to rent.

That my house in Ololo will outlive yours in Mavoko. Built with solid bricks that have seen many generations pass through them. As of the Chinese coming to build for you, you will have to wait for some time. Chinese busy putting his own house in order before going to give loans to debt ridden corrupt African countries.

Hiyo ni LAZIMA. Ruto will give chinese free gov land including NNP and part of forests - and we will get cheap house for a million shs. This is BIG 4 Agenda. First we start by demolishing your old house in Ololo. That should take 1-2yrs. Then we run out of free public land to incentive we go for NNP.

How can people develop when 90 percent of Nairobians DO NOT OWN THEIR OWN HOUSE - and are renting. And nearly half of those house they rent are deplorable SLUMS.

While some lions are busy in NNP doing nothing :) We need to keep zoo of 200 acres - and take rest of animals to Amboseli or Turkana or Mandera...

We build 2 million units - we sell them for very very cheap - equivalent of the rent - except it's tenant purchase or mortagage.

Now you will see Kenyans trully emerge from poverty....sio mambo na floating poverty and floating middle COVID away from sinking back to deep poverty.

Until 90s - when Kayoles emerged and nairobi housing went formal - previously a kenyan could afford very cheap house in Nyayo estate or high rise or umoja or buru buru. Places you could raise your family.

Now we have slumscrappers - with people paying so much rent - to live in the most deplorable of conditions.

You forgot to mention Nairobi National Park. Pundit and co. will make another Pipeline out of it in the name of "development". :D :D :D