Author Topic: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned  (Read 3955 times)

Offline Gikomba_Hawker

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2021, 07:07:35 PM »
You are very hypocritical and predictable, as you prep your fellow Kalenjins for civil war.  :D

All countries are NOT the same. If the ICC is allowed to do its work, it will deter Kenyan politicians intent on causing electoral problems. It will also deter people like Ruto and you from manipulating the election to settle old scores, under the disguise of being "only concerned with promoting clean elections" which you have no history of doing.

By the way, I always chuckle at your fascination with Ethiopia. You were so quick to seize it when the present troubles began there. Do you think the Kalenjins are the Tigrayans of Kenya? Also, you love the example of the former Yugoslavia. Do you see Kenya going the same way as that country?  :D

ICC is not deterring war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ethiopia.
ICC is restorative justice system - it aint going to stop war. Yes it's a deterrent - but remember for Ruto - the premise that he organized warriors is false - and all Ruto need to do this time - is take a flight abroad - maybe even in Hague - and watch with his lawyer cum prosecutor Karim Khan.
Ruto if it happen again - will very likely fly abroad - and have solid Alibi - that he doesnt control warriors.
What stop wars is direct intervention and actions by likes of US - sanctions and such.
All right thinking Kenyans want a free and fair election.

Rigged elections existed even during Moi and I do not recall Ruto being overly concerned. In fact, he was a thug for Moi. Actually, his wish was for Moi's rule to continue indefinitely while others were paying a heavy price to end the Nyayo era.

Why don't you include a strong cooperation with the International Criminal Court as part of the solution? Why do rabid Ruto supporters like you never mention the ICC yet it is designed to bring justice to those who may use electoral malpractice to settle old scores, and remove certain Kenyans from areas they illegally consider theirs alone?

Isn't the ICC a wonderful deterrent for electoral malpractice if this is truly why you are now crying?

Just because we have corrupt politicians in Kenya (and Ruto is certainly one of them), why should ordinary Kenyans pay for their mistakes? If you love Kenya more than you love Ruto, you would have no hesitation in bringing the ICC front and center. Can you be counted on to support all outstanding ICC cases brought to their rightful conclusion?

I agree with conclusion....anything less than free and fair election in August that see Ruto losing will spark a war.

Ingredient of 2007 PEV very different. First it means Kenyans generally agree Raila won 2007 against Kibaki. If 2022 get stolen one assume it would be stolen by same people who stole 2013/2017 without PEV. Ruto major beneficiary of both thefts, so what changed?Second, PEV had never happened before in that scale so everyone completely unprepared. Things different this time.

Of all people Pundit you know underlying issues in PEV. Land, power balance, corruption, marginalization and others. Bandia high priest want power but still glorify landgrabs, marginalization (Kondele Boys for example). He also make corruption addictive new religion and pretend to complain about corrupt election. ;) If high priest of corruption he should celebrate and invite corrupt election. Be consistent for once.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2021, 07:17:41 PM »
ICC has no police - cry for US and the likes when civil war starts. ICC is clean up.
As for Ethiopia - we have been on South Sudan before - I predicted Nuer would beat Salva Kir - and Salva Kiir had to plead to Machar to comeback to South Sudan for semblance of peace.South Sudan forces simply have failed to beat Nuers. It's like Somalia - you can stay there forever because war for some of these tribes is way of life.
If it start in Kenya - Ruto will run to exile - and you will bring him back for peace to prevail :)
Yes Kalenjin are Tigrayans of Kenya.
Actually that was in 1992 - when Kalenjin were according to BBC " Kabila ndogo la Moi" and were kicking all tribes.
Now Kalenjin in kenya is 7 million BEHEMOOTH.
Dont joke with 2 million warriors PLEASE I BEG.
When your police and army force is not even 100K.
If you cannot raise 2 million warriors to response to kalenjin wide war - in all it's corners - please do not RIG election.
JUST DO NOT RIG unless you have very solid plan to protect Kenyans.

Mine is just to warn -  the victims of such a war - and the planners. We dont want another 2007 - of we were suprised.

If you desire war in Kenya - ICC wont be enough - prepare very well - you should already be arming and training your own warriors. It's too late...10 months. You should already warn people living in potential hotspot to quickly leave after voting.

For once it start - Kalenjin erupts like volcano all over it territories in a very coordinated manner - and will fill police stations with IDPS in a single night. Police will now choose to feed IDPS or to go to battle. Last time in 3 days there were half a million IDPS. This time depending on how war is waged...the western front was could be a million IDPS in 24hours.

You are very hypocritical and predictable, as you prep your fellow Kalenjins for civil war.  :D

All countries are NOT the same. If the ICC is allowed to do its work, it will deter Kenyan politicians intent on causing electoral problems. It will also deter people like Ruto and you from manipulating the election to settle old scores, under the disguise of being "only concerned with promoting clean elections" which you have no history of doing.

By the way, I always chuckle at your fascination with Ethiopia. You were so quick to seize it when the present troubles began there. Do you think the Kalenjins are the Tigrayans of Kenya? Also, you love the example of the former Yugoslavia. Do you see Kenya going the same way as that country?  :D

Offline Gikomba_Hawker

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2021, 07:30:20 PM »
You just love this talk of civil war, don't you?

All countries are different.

What happens if Kalenjins go to war, as you claim, and the outcome fails to follow your beloved Ethiopian or Yugoslavian models? What if it follows the Biafra model?

ICC has no police - cry for US and the likes when civil war starts. ICC is clean up.
As for Ethiopia - we have been on South Sudan before - I predicted Nuer would beat Salva Kir - and Salva Kiir had to plead to Machar to comeback to South Sudan for semblance of peace.'
If it start in Kenya - Ruto will run to exile - and you will bring him back for peace to prevail :)
Yes Kalenjin are Tigrayans of Kenya.
Actually that was in 1992 - when Kalenjin were according to BBC " Kabila ndogo la Moi" and were kicking all tribes.
Now Kalenjin in kenya is 7 million BEHEMOOTH.
Dont joke with 2 million warriors PLEASE I BEG.
When your police and army force is not even 100K.
If you cannot raise 2 million warriors to response to kalenjin wide war - in all it's corners - please do not RIG election.
JUST DO NOT RIG unless you have very solid plan to protect Kenyans.
You are very hypocritical and predictable, as you prep your fellow Kalenjins for civil war.  :D

All countries are NOT the same. If the ICC is allowed to do its work, it will deter Kenyan politicians intent on causing electoral problems. It will also deter people like Ruto and you from manipulating the election to settle old scores, under the disguise of being "only concerned with promoting clean elections" which you have no history of doing.

By the way, I always chuckle at your fascination with Ethiopia. You were so quick to seize it when the present troubles began there. Do you think the Kalenjins are the Tigrayans of Kenya? Also, you love the example of the former Yugoslavia. Do you see Kenya going the same way as that country?  :D
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Offline GeeMail

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2021, 07:32:15 PM »
If Raila goes in - it's going to be long battle -and kenya will go to civil war anyway - so at that point Ruto and RV wont really care - if civil war start now or later :)

I think you're mistaken to think Ruto is a coward. Hapo you score zero. Moi was a coward. Raila is a coward. Ruto has no reverse gear.

If election are rigged - it's very likely all diaspora of all tribes in RV - will get kicked.

The security force and other tribe response will determine if war ends quickly or it's become civil war.

It also depend on RV leaders...if they escalate to guns...kenya is gone. Kalenjin warriors need very few arms because they are very adept in war...especially night time battles.


Kalenjins will fight alone. Kikuyu poor won't be attacking their rich. That won't happen. Those elites that have stolen from the government are very few in Central and none of them actually permanently live in rural central most are longtime nairobi residents. Kikuyus won't fight a class war unless it is about land. The only beef they have over land is with maa and kalenjins.

The way kenyans elections are messy I except 2022 not to be an exception. If this gives warrior an excuse for war that js on them. Otherwise I see a scenario like 1992 and 1997 where kalenjins will be the only one evicting kikuyus in rift Valley. This will mean that in 2027 ruto can forget ever being president..ruto is a coward and an opportunist plus he is not stupid so I except him to do a Bobi wine and accept elections results and move on

There will be no civil war. A few Kalenjin paint face with chalk and throw a few arrows and burn tyres maybe some women and children in church. Thats why its good ones like Kondele Ndindi Nyoro are hasoling. How will chalkface worrier differentiate Nyoro from Gatheca boys? Luo are fearing blood and Bukusu and Bunyore people too busy with other things. Bandia high priest still watching Gicheru and you busy here theorizing about new PEV, bandia priest getting asylum where? Kalenjin not adept in arms otherwise Pokot and Turkana wiped out by now.

I ask you why you preach civil war but condition causing them corruption, marginalization, land and others not handled. What does bandia priest manifesto say on peace and corruption? Why bandia mention corruption sheepishly and remain beneficiary of corrupt elections 2013/2017? Be consistent.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline Gikomba_Hawker

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2021, 07:40:46 PM »
All wars are bad. Wars are also unpredictable. What if Kalenjins start a civil war in Kenya, like RV is predicting, and it ends up like the Biafra civil war in Nigeria?

An Honest Explanation of the Nigerian Civil War | The Biafran Story
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2021, 08:00:37 PM »
Then Kenya would have managed to defeat the mighty kalenjin warriors :) Practise with Pokots in Laikipia...before you have 2 million warriors...trained in night battles...that just need small upgrade of arms.
You just love this talk of civil war, don't you?

All countries are different.

What happens if Kalenjins go to war, as you claim, and the outcome fails to follow your beloved Ethiopian or Yugoslavian models? What if it follows the Biafra model?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2021, 08:07:33 PM »
Yes there will be no civil war because Ruto will win. Uhuru and his Mt kenya friends are under no illusion what would happen if they rig Ruto out.
There will be no civil war. A few Kalenjin paint face with chalk and throw a few arrows and burn tyres maybe some women and children in church. Thats why its good ones like Kondele Ndindi Nyoro are hasoling. How will chalkface worrier differentiate Nyoro from Gatheca boys? Luo are fearing blood and Bukusu and Bunyore people too busy with other things. Bandia high priest still watching Gicheru and you busy here theorizing about new PEV, bandia priest getting asylum where? Kalenjin not adept in arms otherwise Pokot and Turkana wiped out by now.

I ask you why you preach civil war but condition causing them corruption, marginalization, land and others not handled. What does bandia priest manifesto say on peace and corruption? Why bandia mention corruption sheepishly and remain beneficiary of corrupt elections 2013/2017? Be consistent.

Offline Gikomba_Hawker

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2021, 08:08:51 PM »
Easy for you to say that because you personally will not pay the price (which is another reason why in actuality you and Ruto hate the ICC and only give it lip service). Is this why you've declared yourself a "retired" Kalenjin warrior?

Ordinary Ibos in Nigeria paid a heavy price in terms of lost lives. But why should this affect you? Your tribal hero will be living in luxury abroad ati in "exile." And you'll be here as "RV Pundit.2" (or whatever new handle you choose).

Then Kenya would have managed to defeat the mighty kalenjin warriors :) Practise with Pokots in Laikipia...before you have 2 million warriors...trained in night battles...that just need small upgrade of arms.
You just love this talk of civil war, don't you?

All countries are different.

What happens if Kalenjins go to war, as you claim, and the outcome fails to follow your beloved Ethiopian or Yugoslavian models? What if it follows the Biafra model?
Don't steal. The Uhuruto Government hates competition.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #28 on: November 28, 2021, 08:10:02 PM »
This Farah Maalim - who doesnt like Ruto.
All wars are bad. Wars are also unpredictable. What if Kalenjins start a civil war in Kenya, like RV is predicting, and it ends up like the Biafra civil war in Nigeria?

An Honest Explanation of the Nigerian Civil War | The Biafran Story

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #29 on: November 28, 2021, 08:10:56 PM »
If you think you can steal a Kalenjin vote - using deep state :) :) - think twice. Listen to Farah Maalim. If you dont like my punditry. Farah Maalim is former deputy speaker of parliament.

Easy for you to say that because you personally will not pay the price (which is another reason why in actuality you and Ruto hate the ICC and only give it lip service). Is this why you've declared yourself a "retired" Kalenjin warrior?

Ordinary Ibos in Nigeria paid a heavy price in terms of lost lives. But why should this affect you? Your tribal hero will be living in luxury abroad ati in "exile." And you'll be here as "RV Pundit.2" (or whatever new handle you choose).

Then Kenya would have managed to defeat the mighty kalenjin warriors :) Practise with Pokots in Laikipia...before you have 2 million warriors...trained in night battles...that just need small upgrade of arms.
You just love this talk of civil war, don't you?

All countries are different.

What happens if Kalenjins go to war, as you claim, and the outcome fails to follow your beloved Ethiopian or Yugoslavian models? What if it follows the Biafra model?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2021, 08:17:19 PM »
Once you hear such war songs - please runs. For once the war is declared kalenjin will commit unspeakable atrocities if they decide to.

Hapa they warriors were just nice to police - didnt bring their poison arrows

Offline Gikomba_Hawker

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #31 on: November 28, 2021, 08:22:12 PM »
Spare me!

Those of us who have always advocated for free and fair elections do not need to be presented with Farah Maalim's warning. We do not need to be advocates of free and fair elections only when our tribal hero is on the ballot. We've advocated for free and fair elections ALL the time (even when Ruto was a Youth for Kanu thug and had absolutely no problems with rigging). Should Kikuyus and Luos then have warned Kalenjins that they would be killed if there was rigging by Moi?

What people like Moi and Biwott were doing did not mean that Kalenjins had to live with the image of Kikuyus descending down on them with pangas.

You my fool some people with your hypocrisy but not everyone.

This Farah Maalim - who doesnt like Ruto.
All wars are bad. Wars are also unpredictable. What if Kalenjins start a civil war in Kenya, like RV is predicting, and it ends up like the Biafra civil war in Nigeria?

An Honest Explanation of the Nigerian Civil War | The Biafran Story
Don't steal. The Uhuruto Government hates competition.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #32 on: November 28, 2021, 08:27:20 PM »
Not all people are the same. There are people who fight injustice. Luos fight injustice with their mouths. They are afraid to die or to kill. They are those who let it slide. There are war like tribes. Kalenjin in kenya have the numbers and wherewhital to dismember kenya. Ruto has managed to unite them behind a cause.

If 40,000 nandi tribe of 1900 gave British 15yrs of war....not even entire Nandi tribe...just imagine what a combined Kalenjin force can do.

Lots of damage. Ruto has managed to unite 99 percent of Kalenjin behind a cause. You do not want to mess with that.

Spare me!

Those of us who have always advocated for free and fair elections do not need to be presented with Farah Maalim's warning. We do not need to be advocates of free and fair elections only when our tribal hero is on the ballot. We've advocated for free and fair elections ALL the time (even when Ruto was a Youth for Kenya thug and had absolutely no problems with rigging). Should Kikuyus and Luos then have warned Kalenjins that they would be killed if there was rigging by Moi?

What people like Moi and Biwott were doing did not mean that Kalenjins had to live with the image of Kikuyus descending down on them with pangas.

You my fool some people with your hypocrisy but not everyone.

This Farah Maalim - who doesnt like Ruto.
All wars are bad. Wars are also unpredictable. What if Kalenjins start a civil war in Kenya, like RV is predicting, and it ends up like the Biafra civil war in Nigeria?

An Honest Explanation of the Nigerian Civil War | The Biafran Story

Offline Gikomba_Hawker

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Re: When I said this ODMorons wanted me banned
« Reply #33 on: November 28, 2021, 08:30:13 PM »
Ok. We shall see how things unfold.

Not all people are the same. There are people who fight injustice. Luos fight injustice with their mouths. They are afraid to die or to kill. They are those who let it slide. There are war like tribes. Kalenjin in kenya have the numbers and wherewhital to dismember kenya. Ruto has managed to unite them behind a cause.

If 40,000 nandi tribe of 1900 gave British 15yrs of war....not even entire Nandi tribe...just imagine what a combined Kalenjin force can do.

Lots of damage.

Spare me!

Those of us who have always advocated for free and fair elections do not need to be presented with Farah Maalim's warning. We do not need to be advocates of free and fair elections only when our tribal hero is on the ballot. We've advocated for free and fair elections ALL the time (even when Ruto was a Youth for Kenya thug and had absolutely no problems with rigging). Should Kikuyus and Luos then have warned Kalenjins that they would be killed if there was rigging by Moi?

What people like Moi and Biwott were doing did not mean that Kalenjins had to live with the image of Kikuyus descending down on them with pangas.

You my fool some people with your hypocrisy but not everyone.

This Farah Maalim - who doesnt like Ruto.
All wars are bad. Wars are also unpredictable. What if Kalenjins start a civil war in Kenya, like RV is predicting, and it ends up like the Biafra civil war in Nigeria?

An Honest Explanation of the Nigerian Civil War | The Biafran Story
Don't steal. The Uhuruto Government hates competition.