It going to be interesting - what does Tigray want - and what does Abiy want. Tigray I think want referendum held as per Ethiopia constitution for provinces or nations that want to secede to invoke the secession article. Will Baby Abiy agree? And who will be in charge of referendum - maybe UN mandated referendum for secession. Baby Abiy has not managed to change Meles Zenawi technical he has no argument to stop the Tigray state from insisting on a referendum.
If Tigray vote for it almost forgone...then other regions could follow and ethiopia might split into 8 countries.
Oromos want to take Adis..Amhara feel Adis is theirs...Ogaden want to form their own Somali state.
Baby Abiy may of course say Tigray is illegally in office = having held election earlier - than rest of Ethipia/
Seems baby abiy doesn't want to give tplf more smoke. Ethiopia is a basket case. They have gone back to stone age. This why authotarianism can never bring long lasting economic prosperity. They better embrace