Author Topic: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty  (Read 2047 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« on: November 19, 2021, 10:02:15 PM »
The burden was on prosecutor to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the Kyle didn't not act in self defense. It seems Kyle was able to create this doubt in the minds of the jury and they voted to acquit. Next time you are confronted by someone with a weapon walk away if you can fight if that is the only option. Americans are guns crazy

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2021, 10:34:20 PM »
He did not win. Real Justice lost. White supremacy won. SAD!
« Last Edit: November 19, 2021, 10:56:34 PM by KenyanPlato »

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2021, 10:55:43 PM »

His argument won. The jury agreed. I just watched the explanation on why the jury ruled this way and it makes sense. The law put burden of prove on the prosecutor. It is such a burden but I think,the intention is to protect those that claim self defense.
I actually agree with this law. If I claim self defense it is up to the prosecutor to convince the jury beyond reasonable doubt that I am not entitled to such defense. In legal aspect of it defense was able to make their argument.

This means yes the armed vigilantes can kill and if there is reasonable doubt on the circumstances of the murder they will walk free.

So if you going to confront someone you are better off killing them and claiming self defense because if you get killed it most likely they will be acquitted

In my opinion I would rather have such a law than have it the other way

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2021, 01:24:34 AM »

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2021, 01:33:55 AM »

But you lost me after the fifth line.
He came armed while knowing that protesters were mostly unarmed.

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2021, 01:51:59 AM »
I agree that White supremacy is baked into the system. There is no way to strip that out of the system until Minorities gain overwhelming power to over power White. That will be 200 years out or it may never happen because the next Trump will Load America with Poor Europeans and Middle East whites.

My argument on this is on pure technicality of the law.

As for the American politics we Blacks just vote to make sure that the deplorables in Trump camp never get the levers of power to subject use to more cruelity. However, Biden and Pelosi are White Liberals that are not ready to change the system because it gives them and their tribe a lot of privilege

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2021, 03:01:25 AM »
I agree that White supremacy is baked into the system. There is no way to strip that out of the system until Minorities gain overwhelming power to over power White. That will be 200 years out or it may never happen because the next Trump will Load America with Poor Europeans and Middle East whites.

My argument on this is on pure technicality of the law.

As for the American politics we Blacks just vote to make sure that the deplorables in Trump camp never get the levers of power to subject use to more cruelity. However, Biden and Pelosi are White Liberals that are not ready to change the system because it gives them and their tribe a lot of privilege

MOST blacks in the "neighborhoods" dont even bother to vote, but they can protest. Imagine if they exercised this right!! The only people who actually vote are immigrant blacks and their children because they see the world differently. Immigrant Asians, and Latinos also vote in higher numbers.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2021, 06:03:54 AM »
Black people vote. Without their vote liberals would lose to rethugs. Actually without Black vote Biden would have lost the primaries and democrats would have lost to Teump. Their vote is just a protection vote. They know when it comes to racism white liberals are not willing to do the work

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2021, 08:02:36 AM »
Sad day today in America, but having lived and thrived in this country for two decades, I know better days are always ahead. America tends to reinvent itself from time to time then take giant steps back when republicans are in power. I believe Trump's election set the country back 20-30 years and even many years on race matters. Trump Presidency and republicans had three agendas they were pursuing aggressively. One was making America white through immigration laws. The second was gutting voting rights to weaken minorities, especially black folk, through egregious gerrymandering. Lastly was stacking the courts with white conservative judges. They succeeded by putting more than 300 judges with three in the supreme court. When Kyle Rittenhouse alike sail in courts, you know what kind of judges are on the benches.
The Republican party has no factions; it is a lily-white voter base of about 30-40% of the country, but they show up to vote and go above and beyond to ensure their votes count. Democrats, on the other hand, are factions of immigrants, educated white liberals, blacks, and other minorities. Their goals, objectives, and values are usually not aligned, so the struggle persists. With gerrymandering in most states, republican votes are efficient, meaning 1 republican vote is almost equal to 3 democratic votes because of how congressional districts are drawn. The new congressional maps drawn in some states have significantly weakened the black vote. In some congressional districts, 3-7 black voters have power equivalent to 1 white.  To make it worse, for example, a state like Wyoming, with 578K people, has two senators and equal power with California, a state with over 39 million people and the 5th largest economy in the world. In DC, over 700K people, primarily blacks, have no representation. For a while, I thought having power would change a lot of built-in injustices, but when Obama had 60 senate votes, the house and white house, nothing major happened. If Trump had 60 senate votes and the house, a lot could have changed for the worse; even with a slim majority of 53, you can tell he was consequential in his actions. I follow US politics closely, and the only constant thing in republican politics is not economy, education, rights, but immigration. They are a one-issue party though they don't talk much about it.
Under Trump and Miller immigration plan was to reverse almost 60 year gain by only making mostly middle easterners, White Hispanics, Russians, and other European citizens and diminishing Black or non-white immigrants significantly for 4 years straight. Even in Census reports, they fully authorized Hispanics to be labeled white to make America almost 70% White (I guess symbolically) when it was 59% during Obama.  Every law republicans passed, proposed, tweaked was geared towards completely restricting non-white immigrants and gutting voting rights. Most of the immigration judges trumped installed to have the highest asylum denial rates ( 
Even the three supreme court judges' records were examined on the immigration views, voting rights, and a host of issues that touch minorities. Any judge with the most anti-minority/immigrant views got promotions and was placed in appropriate areas.
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Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2021, 08:46:00 PM »
In a way the verdict was a vindication of what black people have been saying. There are two kinds of justice systems.
Yap things will change for the better, but I hope we get to that day sooner because a twenty year old doesn't have time to wait. I am a frequent visitor to cities where majority are black. Young ones are too busy doing nothing. Trying to be thuggish. So these guys don't even bother voting. If they did Amerika will be America - progressive. What am seeing is dems rising in the South while the North remains stagnant. I see lots of Trump flags in the burbs, that's what gives me jitters.
Yes Obama had a chance to change, but he was too cautious, unlike Trump the destroyer. Maybe he did not want to destroy the status quo. Republicans want to destroy everything that makes sense and bring in 1920s, hopefully they can be stopped. Meanwhile China has surpassed USA.

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2021, 08:48:46 PM »
Jury system in a racial and class divided society is nonsense on steroid. The blacks in Britain or Europe do not get judicially discriminated as often as US because they dont have stupid jury system.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2021, 02:03:11 AM »
Jury system in a racial and class divided society is nonsense on steroid. The blacks in Britain or Europe do not get judicially discriminated as often as US because they dont have stupid jury system.

The western world was created for Whites. If you are BLACK OR brown and find yourself in court your outcome will be dependent on the mercy of this system. Tell that to  the many Caribbeans immigrants in Britain. Their discrimination is well documented. Remember the system starts from the cop on the beat to the prosecutor the judiciary just executes

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2021, 02:56:27 AM »
Jury system in a racial and class divided society is nonsense on steroid. The blacks in Britain or Europe do not get judicially discriminated as often as US because they dont have stupid jury system.

The western world was created for Whites. If you are BLACK OR brown and find yourself in court your outcome will be dependent on the mercy of this system. Tell that to  the many Caribbeans immigrants in Britain. Their discrimination is well documented. Remember the system starts from the cop on the beat to the prosecutor the judiciary just executes
I agree somewhat. A non-white in the western world needs to be sober, cautious, and crime-free. Discrimination is massive, but it can be avoided by having self-control. In the US, the police and the court system, especially family court and prisons, are used widely to hurt blacks financially, physically, and emotionally. It is sporadic to find a black American person without a misdemeanor, felony, or some kind of a record. Blacks pay billions yearly in court fines, bail bonds, fees, high-interest rates, and free labor to private prisons. Numbers have doubled since 2010, and blacks are almost at 44% compared to the 13% they represent population-wise. With those racist Judges trumped shoved in the white supremacy system, it will only exacerbate the problem. In the west, as a non-white, be the best you can be! Don't speed, don't get close to white folk, especially women, don't have kids all over. Be lawful at all times, and have attorney just incase.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2021, 12:07:57 PM »

Self-defense look like this?
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2021, 12:16:41 AM »
The burden was on prosecutor to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the Kyle didn't not act in self defense. It seems Kyle was able to create this doubt in the minds of the jury and they voted to acquit. Next time you are confronted by someone with a weapon walk away if you can fight if that is the only option. Americans are guns crazy

My understanding may be a bit dated, but this standard seems pretty scary.  It's a standard that seems to favor the last man standing.  Granted, there are elements of provocation that may be considered.  But anybody who has spent a minute in Amerikkka knows a typical white jury almost always errs on the side of granting the surviving white man the benefit of the doubt and denying the same to a similarly placed black man.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUilty
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2021, 03:03:40 AM »
The burden was on prosecutor to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the Kyle didn't not act in self defense. It seems Kyle was able to create this doubt in the minds of the jury and they voted to acquit. Next time you are confronted by someone with a weapon walk away if you can fight if that is the only option. Americans are guns crazy

My understanding may be a bit dated, but this standard seems pretty scary.  It's a standard that seems to favor the last man standing.  Granted, there are elements of provocation that may be considered.  But anybody who has spent a minute in Amerikkka knows a typical white jury almost always errs on the side of granting the surviving white man the benefit of the doubt and denying the same to a similarly placed black man.

Yes, that is why you have to avoid any confrontation with these nuts and if you get into one make sure you come on top be the survivor