I have long grappled with corruption question in Kenya - and came to certain well known conclusion.
1) Kenya corruption is endemic and systemic. It's really very stupid to focus on Ruto while 99 percent of kenya civil service are corrupt. It such double standards and hypocrisy that makes the fight against graft political and dead arrival. Until you admit that Raila and Ruto are equally corrupt - we are not going anywhere - because even at conceptal level you still have a mental contortionsim - which tells you Ruto is corrupt and rest are clean. Hiyo ni siasa.
2) Fighting systemic corruption in poor country is NOT EASY. It's akin to fighting robbery. The risk reward matrix requires country to develop more opportunities to live a dignified life. The justice system meant to deal with graft is corrupt. The prison warden are corrupt. Even if we go for shooting or hanging - someone will buy the hangmen not to kill them.
3) Understanding how difficutlt it is to fight graft, we want to avoid Moi era corruption that stymies economic growth. That is grand looting. We are therefore "fine" if we are somehow able to grow the economy as the civil servants grow fat too. It has been shown that corruption goes on it's own when economy grows...as country become more develop...most people will choose not to engage in many crimes.
4) Most people favour Top-Down corruption approach. I disagree. The top - are very sophsiticated thiefs - you cannot catch Rutos, Railas, Kalonzos and Uhurus...as they are guys who appoint everyone - and have international money laundering network. You can cry
about Ruto until you turn green but you're not going anywhere. He will continue to be more popular and more richer.
Unless you have revolutionary like Miguna Miguna doing a Jerry Rwaling Ghana thing - of killing and jailing almost all top politicians, judges and leaders - Top DOWN approach will never work in Kenya.
5) I favour bottom-up corruption war. I believe it also more insidious. Corruption by traffic police or dispensaries or local land officials. That has serious impact than one guy stealing a billion. If you add up the 100shs police collect - it runs into billions. They are stealing money from poor people. They are allowing criminals to go free including terrorist.
Top leaders I dont mind if they steal like Kagame or Museveni are doing - but they must also ensure NOBODY ELSE STEALS. You cannot democratize stealing.
6) We need to for the money. ARA approach - asset recovery is the best. Criminal conviction will not happen. It easy to summon all corrupt people and ask them to explain the source of their wealth. No need to take them through very corrupt justice systems - with very high standards of proof. With ARA - gov has managed to get lots of money using very little resources and very quickly.
Pundit can you decide on high priest corruption is presidential corruption does not damage country's economy but lawyer corruption judge corruption damage Judiciary?