Author Topic: Look like Kibaki nephew racing to become Raila DPORK  (Read 605 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Look like Kibaki nephew racing to become Raila DPORK
« on: October 20, 2021, 08:16:37 AM »
PK may have to come to Nairobi to try governor. I think ODM have left it vacant for negotiation.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Look like Kibaki nephew racing to become Raila DPORK
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2021, 10:01:10 AM »
Yes firstly i thought he was just another Iria but guy is damn serious. From stories have heard guy is just like his uncle,stingy,aloof but delivers and very organized.I think kikuyus have smelt that generational change. Nderitu has taken meat from Kiunjuris mouth. Interesting times ahead
Kiraitu should tell us what happened to Muturi whom he endorsed for pork.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Look like Kibaki nephew racing to become Raila DPORK
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2021, 10:07:40 AM »
Mt kenya elites are floating balloons every week - seeing which one will rise. Like Muturi - they rise before poof - they burst. Once Nderitu comes out clearly - he will be attacked and send back to the sender. But I think he is an asset to Raila - he seems a little unhinged like Raila - and because Kibakiconomis is back in the vogue - he can ride the kibaki name.

But compared to PK - Nderitu has lots of charisma - and if I was Raila I would pick him. PK is just a dead wood. I think PK/Kamanda will be given Nairobi by ODM. Look like Raila has reserved it for Maina Kamanda poodle in exchange of the mountain votes. Weta brother has gone back to Westland Mp...I think.

Yes firstly i thought he was just another Iria but guy is damn serious. From stories have heard guy is just like his uncle,stingy,aloof but delivers and very organized.I think kikuyus have smelt that generational change. Nderitu has taken meat from Kiunjuris mouth. Interesting times ahead
Kiraitu should tell us what happened to Muturi whom he endorsed for pork.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Look like Kibaki nephew racing to become Raila DPORK
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2021, 03:29:51 PM »
Mt kenya elites are floating balloons every week - seeing which one will rise. Like Muturi - they rise before poof - they burst. Once Nderitu comes out clearly - he will be attacked and send back to the sender. But I think he is an asset to Raila - he seems a little unhinged like Raila - and because Kibakiconomis is back in the vogue - he can ride the kibaki name.

But compared to PK - Nderitu has lots of charisma - and if I was Raila I would pick him. PK is just a dead wood. I think PK/Kamanda will be given Nairobi by ODM. Look like Raila has reserved it for Maina Kamanda poodle in exchange of the mountain votes. Weta brother has gone back to Westland Mp...I think.

Yes firstly i thought he was just another Iria but guy is damn serious. From stories have heard guy is just like his uncle,stingy,aloof but delivers and very organized.I think kikuyus have smelt that generational change. Nderitu has taken meat from Kiunjuris mouth. Interesting times ahead
Kiraitu should tell us what happened to Muturi whom he endorsed for pork.
Yep remind s me of WW2 when Japan after failing to bomb mainland america choose to float balloons every week armed with bombs sending them to US, blew up in the Pacific ocean without causing an iota of damage to US. :D :D round hii mountain imechanganyikiwa. Which is good and funny at same time.