How will that help. Once civil war has started - even Garang - a mere conolel took off - few southern sudanese soldiers - and fought Sudan.
My friend - you really got jokes - Kenyatta took Nyandarua from Rift Valley - but if you dare take Nakuru or Laikipia - you will start a big war.
You need to read your history.
Anyway so let again help you. If Kalenjin decides that it's going to war. They will immediately mobilize the warrior class - I mean in matters of hours - warriors will have removed their clothes - wore shuka - got weapons - and will be assembling.
How many warriors are those -- mm - I think 2 million out of 6.5M kalenjin - is possible.
No other tribe in Kenya can do the same - they rest can assemble gangs - and will struggle to even get 10,000. These will be million half-trained warriors. All you need is to give them a few guns - few ex-military -or ex-police - and in 2 days maximum - they will defeat Kenya Police/GSU/APs like happened in 2007.
In fact the police will collapse in day one - because of many IDPS - that will be camping all over. They will collapse without any much fight.
Who will Kalenjin attack - I bet they will go for seccession (when Kibaki attempted to have Moi charged- Kalenjin threaten to secede) or an armed struggle to restor democracy in Nairobi (very likely if Hustler Revolution get national buyin in war)
Now the play go to the army.
How do Uhuru/Raila - let assume respond when police fails?
Obviously they will try to bring in the big guns - and will start maybe with ground troops - beating and looting - and it's at that point that Kalenjin soldiers will munity - grab as many weapons as they can - drive as many tanks as they will - and the war proper will start.
Now telling me how broke Kenya can sustain warfare - with 2 million warriors - few thousands guns - and a few military men providing guidance. Maybe 1m or more refugees if more tribes are involved
KDF will resort to throwing bombs - and doing Ethiopia type genocide or massacres. If they attempt ground troops - they will be massacred at night - for kalenjin are very adept in night battles.
Terrain wise - kalenjin land straddle rift valley - lots of hills, forests and such places - to hide - and snipe.
Meanwhile Western Kenya will be in blockade - only those who can fly - will go to Nairobi (Kenya).
KDF will resort to defending Nairobi
from rebels
- I think Nakuru is too much for them.
Kalenjin warriors will storm Nairobi - and Install Ruto
. Ruto I doubt will stay in Kenya if such war starts - he will go to exile - in friendly Africa country like Uganda - so Ocampo and company can know he has NO PLAY in Kalenjin war machine.
Kalenjin will then rule kenya for the next 100 yrs Human toll in both sides will be millions.
Do you have the tribal break down of Police and Army ?
Nasa tried to incite security forces during 2017 elections only to realise its not easy to drag them into taking political sides.
In 2007 P.E.V. the policemen arrested for extra Judicial killings in Kisumu were from Rift Valley same tribe who supported Raila.
Now about the origin of the provinces .Its well known that its the colonial master who formed them to protect their farms and interests. Rift Valley where they had farms wss made into a big province and where they sensed there was pockets they put them ss small provinces. Martha Karua during 2010 Constituional talks in Naivasha agitated for Provincial Boundaries to be relooked and and have Districts like Nakuru, Laikipia Meru Embu Tharaka Nithi joined together with Former Central province which agreed upon , However the idea was dropped after Uhuru and Ruto won to remove regional Government.
Now we have discussed the consequences of war many times and how it can impact on the Minority. I dont want to go there better brimg up the former threads instead of creating a new violence thread every week.
In 2007 people were evicted in Kalenjin dominated counties ,majority of people lost lives in opposition stronghold from police shootings.