Author Topic: This kale industrialist of peptang worth emulating  (Read 6089 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: This kale industrialist of peptang worth emulating
« Reply #60 on: November 27, 2021, 09:25:53 PM »
Njuri - which business are talking about - last I checked Kimutai from Kericho runs Nairobi Matatus - I think he owns most of Westland Matatus :)

Meru tu ni hizo shuttle za kwenda meru and hawking miraa all over kenya :) - and driving miraa pickups

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: This kale industrialist of peptang worth emulating
« Reply #61 on: November 27, 2021, 09:30:36 PM »
Pundit am not Kikuyu to spread propaganda against Kalenjin as nowhere Merus interact or compete with you but am simply stating what majority of Kenyans think and have experienced under Kalenjin. Unfortunately thats the plain truth corruption is everywhere in Kenya but Kalejin corruption is unique as its simply makes the institution redudant. We have seen this from Moi era to today,was it not for kibaki reviving dead institution Kenya would have been more like zambia or Gambia.
Kalenjin have to embrace hard work🤷🏽???

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: This kale industrialist of peptang worth emulating
« Reply #62 on: November 27, 2021, 10:07:52 PM »
Hiyo ni yenu. If you were half as brilliant - Kalenjin a small tribe wont have rule for 25yrs - with what 20yrs as DPORK - and now Ruto has one leg inside statehouse.

Moi did very well compared to contemporaries in Africa. You cannot compare Moi era to Kibaki era. Different eras.

Besides it was opposition led by GEMA who asked the Wazungu to crash the economy to make the insanely popular Moi lose election and he didnt.

My friend deal with Ruto pre-eminence bila makasirikio. I have given you many kalenjin business owned and run by Kalenjin that are doing great. Kalenjin as people themselves are great farmers....employing many of these other kabilas.

How can we not know how to manage when we have thousands of luhya, gusii, luos and turkanas as employees in our villages?

If stuff crashed under Moi - they crashed while being managed by all tribes. There were merus working with Moi crashing the economy. There were Luos doing the same.

Unless you have empirical scientific study showing kalenjin lack managerial skills hiyo tu ni TUMBO JOTO as WSR look all set for PORK

Pundit am not Kikuyu to spread propaganda against Kalenjin as nowhere Merus interact or compete with you but am simply stating what majority of Kenyans think and have experienced under Kalenjin. Unfortunately thats the plain truth corruption is everywhere in Kenya but Kalejin corruption is unique as its simply makes the institution redudant. We have seen this from Moi era to today,was it not for kibaki reviving dead institution Kenya would have been more like zambia or Gambia.
Kalenjin have to embrace hard work🤷🏽???

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: This kale industrialist of peptang worth emulating
« Reply #63 on: November 27, 2021, 10:50:05 PM »
Not everything must be scientific for it to be true, Just observatio,experience and historical data are also parameters for gauging outcomes
This time you won't have handouts when Ruto becomes pork better believe and start hard work.
Pundit kalenjins must learn to be creators of opportunities not consumers abd thats how you have ended up as househelps and watchmen in Nairobi and elsewhere

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: This kale industrialist of peptang worth emulating
« Reply #64 on: November 27, 2021, 11:04:47 PM »

Njuri you have a way of putting it clear. If GEMA were dissapointed with Uhuru Presidency Kalenjin should be 10 times ready to be dissapointed  with Ruto Presidency.
Ruto  did away with Regional governments and Provinces , Specifically the so called Rift Valley Province . That Killed ODM and their so called united front against GEMA. He has been proven right as 2022 elections is no longer about GEMA this or GEMA that. nowonder you see the Omollos and Moist like RV scattering left and right.
Not everything must be scientific for it to be true, Just observatio,experience and historical data are also parameters for gauging outcomes
This time you won't have handouts when Ruto becomes pork better believe and start hard work.
Pundit kalenjins must learn to be creators of opportunities not consumers abd thats how you have ended up as househelps and watchmen in Nairobi and elsewhere

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: This kale industrialist of peptang worth emulating
« Reply #65 on: November 27, 2021, 11:38:46 PM »
Househelp+watchmen is just restricted to small part of kalenjin mostly lower part of Bomet - because they have had serious maize virus since 2010 otherwise Kalenjin are doing well.

Compared to other tribes that dominate slums, street children and bars..

Not everything must be scientific for it to be true, Just observatio,experience and historical data are also parameters for gauging outcomes
This time you won't have handouts when Ruto becomes pork better believe and start hard work.
Pundit kalenjins must learn to be creators of opportunities not consumers abd thats how you have ended up as househelps and watchmen in Nairobi and elsewhere

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: This kale industrialist of peptang worth emulating
« Reply #66 on: November 27, 2021, 11:43:19 PM »
You trying too much to own Ruto :)
Ruto never did a way with regional gov.
There was a problem in mostly in dealing with South Rift - Maasai and Kikuyus - did not want to be dominated by Kipsigis - so the proposed 14 regions had serious problem hapo.
Also Kikuyus were afraid of strong regions or majimbo - as it would make their huge diaspora minorities
So a compromise old district was used...which follows almost to the dot tribal borders.
Regions - or province - were larger tribal grouping of related tribes.

Will Kalenjin be disappointed with Ruto.

HELL NO. Ruto is a performer. Uhuru is a drunkard that cannot find his bottom with two hands.That everyone including Ruto knows. I have heard Ruto verbatim describe Uhuru as Mlevi bure Kabisa...chain smoker who is either drunk or drinking.

We already had Ruto jubilee 1.0 - tell me any kalenjin who was disappointed? How can you be disappointed when Ruto tarmacked so many roads and pulled electricity to many areas???

Shida imetoka when Mlevi in 2017 was incited by Mt kenya losers of 2017 nomination and told he can drive Kenya.

HAWEZI. You can see the mess we are in. A drunkard cannot lead. He tried to outsource to Matiangi but Matiangi has no political skills or lead.


Jubilee is NOW DEAD AS DODO.

Njuri you have a way of putting it clear. If GEMA were dissapointed with Uhuru Presidency Kalenjin should be 10 times ready to be dissapointed  with Ruto Presidency.
Ruto  did away with Regional governments and Provinces , Specifically the so called Rift Valley Province . That Killed ODM and their so called united front against GEMA. He has been proven right as 2022 elections is no longer about GEMA this or GEMA that. nowonder you see the Omollos and Moist like RV scattering left and right.