I think CDF can fix this - school infrastructure - they really have nothing more to do - after it scope was limited by high court. It really should be renamed School Infrastructure Fund.
I am ambivalent about CBC - and I have no experience.
Definitely it similar to my kids cambridge education systems
And I think kenyans just do not like change.
And education system focused on exams need to change
Most importantly we are training kids for labour market of 2040! 20yrs from now; so let not use the back mirror please.
Invest what? The government is broke and is on a mission to extort teachers with licences. What are the university lecturers teaching primary and secondary teachers about educating kids?? About CBC? If there is a sector where we need the bottoms-up approach it is education.
All efforts should be to undo this harmful and ill thought experiment without harming the children further.
Why should we even think of putting together 12 year olds with 18 year olds. Already 15 year olds get traumatized by the bullying.