Author Topic: Finally court declares list illegal for being too tribal - Macharia the culprit  (Read 2262 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Judiciary can save Kenya from many ills. Tribalism was declared illegal in COk2010 - it just need to be implemented.

This Macharia idiot was violating the should be illegal ab initio to have any two tribesmen in any national board in kenya...a country of 42 tribes. Three is clearly obnoxious.

Justice Nzioki Wa Makau found it was unconstitutional for the government to appoint Mary Waithigieni Chege, Zachariah Karenge Mungai and Ronald Ndirangu Ndegwa as members of the Nairobi Metropolitan Transport Authority (Namata) board.

"The interested parties subject of this suit (Chege, Mungai and Ndegwa) are all from one ethnic community and do not represent the diverse fabric that is the Kenyan nation. Their appointment, therefore, smacks of the evils of old which Kenyans opted to do away with in the Constitution we took on for ourselves in 2010," said the judge.

He directed that the three appointees should cease holding their positions. He found the appointments had disregarded the national values espoused in the Constitution.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Great move! Kudos to Judge Nzioki.

Kikuyus are shameless man.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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COk2010 has dealt with almost 90 percent of all kenya problems . It just need to be enforced and the judiciary is our last bastion.

Once judiciary do this - the next Kalenjin or Luo minister - will not violate.

Soon it become a culture - and we will be ahead of many countries - as we become a developed country

Great move! Kudos to Judge Nzioki.

Kikuyus are shameless man.

Offline GeeMail

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COk2010 has dealt with almost 90 percent of all kenya problems . It just need to be enforced and the judiciary is our last bastion.

Once judiciary do this - the next Kalenjin or Luo minister - will not violate.

Soon it become a culture - and we will be ahead of many countries - as we become a developed country

Great move! Kudos to Judge Nzioki.

Kikuyus are shameless man.

Pundit will you supply us with the Moi University list? Are you willing to take to Justice Nzioki?
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline RV Pundit

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How is Masinde Muliro doing? The law is clear - all national jobs should reflect national tribes - unless there is strong reason why not - like nuclear scientists?
Pundit will you supply us with the Moi University list? Are you willing to take to Justice Nzioki?

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Wait until mwizi becomes president, you idiots will know what tribalism means. You will see goatherders leading sectors they have completely no clue and that's when tribalism becomes very consequential. Keter is a good example, he has completely made a mess of the energy sector.

Offline RV Pundit

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How does a goatherder become a president if he is not smart.
Wait until mwizi becomes president, you idiots will know what tribalism means. You will see goatherders leading sectors they have completely no clue and that's when tribalism becomes very consequential. Keter is a good example, he has completely made a mess of the energy sector.

Offline Kadudu

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Macharia is a pure tribalist. He turned MOH within 4 years to a Mt Kenya affiliate.
Have a look at Ministry of Transport and 90% of the top jobs all in Mt Kenya hands. The party will be over come 2022 no matter who wins the presidency.

Offline RV Pundit

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And very corrupt. That is normally the first sign of a very corrupt individual...put trusted cronies in. And to imagine he came from private sector as CEO of NCB bank. I guess he learnt enough from Ndegwas on how to create money using gov connections.

Next gov should dispose him off the land he bought in Naivasha Dry Port.

Once we finish with systemic tribalism in national gov by enforcing the law against tribalism (one of basic structure of COK2010) - then we will be on the way to slaying corruption and ethnic based politics -- because it will not matter much who become PORK - kalenjin will get their 14 percent - Luo their 11 percent - Kikuyu their 17 percent -Luhyas their 15 percent - and then devolution, CDF, and all such funds - will ensure equitable distribution of the national cake.

What we learned from 2003 NARC revolution - never rely on the goodwill of politician - Kibaki betrayed us immediately he became PORK - and replaced kalenjinization with kikuyinization.

Once that is done - we only remain with corruption to slay. Cok2010 has the answer for that - Independent DPP, Independent Police and Independent Judiciary - with funding and their security of tenure - not as favor - but probably as % of the consolidated fund - will eventually slay corruption.

Macharia is a pure tribalist. He turned MOH within 4 years to a Mt Kenya affiliate.
Have a look at Ministry of Transport and 90% of the top jobs all in Mt Kenya hands. The party will be over come 2022 no matter who wins the presidency.

Offline vooke

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No shame whatsoever.

Bure kabisa

2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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I used to go to UNES in Chiromo, then Kibaki took over, within weeks the whole of that complex turned into a Gikuyu den, not a single word of English or Swahili was heard in the offices. I knew then we were fucked up. Kibaki admin was so blatant with their tribalism, surprising, considering the multi ethnic coalition that put it in office.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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He totally disappointed us...who had backed him since 1990s. It was total betrayal considering NARC dream. Uhuru in Jubilee 2.0 has played both Raila and RUto to bring the same kikuyuzination - it almost started becoming normal again to have 3 out 6 appointment - and nearly all critical positions now being held by kikuyus.

It not acceptable that all critical sectors of kenya gov are now held by one tribe.

I used to go to UNES in Chiromo, then Kibaki took over, within weeks the whole of that complex turned into a Gikuyu den, not a single word of English or Swahili was heard in the offices. I knew then we were fucked up. Kibaki admin was so blatant with their tribalism, surprising, considering the multi ethnic coalition that put it in office.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Pundit is there candidate who you have backed and has not not turned into a disaster? We tried to tell you in the early 2000s that kibaki was going to be a disaster for kenya. You would not listen. On tribalism it cannot be stopped unless political goodwill is there. Until kenya confront crony capitalism the problem will still be here no matter who us in power. Do you think sifuna or Murkomen will care about national unity or how to become rich using state resources?

End cronyism then,deal with tribalism.

Offline RV Pundit

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What is cryonism and how do you end it?

Let us be practical.

We can end tribalism - at least on face value - because we know each tribal composition - and the we can insist that no two person should sit on the same board or commission form the same tribe.

It is actionable and enforceable. It easy to go through all gov bodies and check compliance for tribal diversity.

Next we can easily do the gender diversity check.

Once this is done - then we can worry about the quality and output of such a diverse body - I believe diversity will automatically improve quality.

We wont end up with JSC - where a few Mt Kenya members rig CJ appointment for example.

COK2010 is a good constitution.

Pundit is there candidate who you have backed and has not not turned into a disaster? We tried to tell you in the early 2000s that kibaki was going to be a disaster for kenya. You would not listen. On tribalism it cannot be stopped unless political goodwill is there. Until kenya confront crony capitalism the problem will still be here no matter who us in power. Do you think sifuna or Murkomen will care about national unity or how to become rich using state resources?

End cronyism then,deal with tribalism.

Offline KenyanPlato

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What is driving macharia to appoint people that will day yesxto him? You cannot end tribalism without ending cronyism. In private sector controls are but in place that prevent stuff like this happening. Ie if you are banking official you are barred from getting involved in certain business that can lead you to be corrupted. The same thing needs ro happen. We may need a law that prohibits all govt officials from being involved in businesses until when they are out of power. If screwball was prohibited from doing business then we won't have all the mess we have. We should had addressed the reason why kenyatta administration was so corrupt and put in place checks to end that type of corruption. Tribalism is a symptom of bigger problem. Tackle the disease and the symptom will disappear. Your approach is very mechanical.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Enforceable by who. Macharia can just ignore the court order. All orders on gender equality have been ignored with no consequences

Offline RV Pundit

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Agreed. Ndegwa mess of 1970s need to be sorted pronto.
What is driving macharia to appoint people that will day yesxto him? You cannot end tribalism without ending cronyism. In private sector controls are but in place that prevent stuff like this happening. Ie if you are banking official you are barred from getting involved in certain business that can lead you to be corrupted. The same thing needs ro happen. We may need a law that prohibits all govt officials from being involved in businesses until when they are out of power. If screwball was prohibited from doing business then we won't have all the mess we have. We should had addressed the reason why kenyatta administration was so corrupt and put in place checks to end that type of corruption. Tribalism is a symptom of bigger problem. Tackle the disease and the symptom will disappear. Your approach is very mechanical.

Offline RV Pundit

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It's upon judiciary to ensure their orders are not in vain. I believe Maraga recommended parliament to be dissolved. Next is to have sanctions on minister including jailing them Zuma style.

If Macharia can be committed to jail - he cannot run away forever - because one he is fired - jail time will be waiting for him.

Enforceable by who. Macharia can just ignore the court order. All orders on gender equality have been ignored with no consequences